Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1931, p. 1

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WATER PARl IS 'UNDEI IEVans ton Commun, Wilmette: on Pl 20-Year Cont Acommunication f Charles H. Bartlett of E reference to a contract ing water to Wilmette b Evanston was-read at th the Village board Ttfes< ýMayor Batlett stateÉ bers of the Evanston are willing to enter int< twenty-year contract on' 40okwing conditions: F The pr'ice of ýwater fi cents per one hundred t present, with a ýproviso end of five years an arbi rnitee composed of one tive from Wilrnette, on, anston, and ont chosen municipalities, will, det price to be paid for thei the balaànce of the termý tract. *2. At the' end of flftee Village of -Wilmette shal ten notice to the City whiat its intentions are aç or cancellajon of the cou expiration. The letter from Mayor written to Village Presi Dubbs, and after being1 Village board meeting T- referred back to- Presid No action was taken on Aninounce Sale, of, t for Higsh School Announcement was -i week by the NewTrier 1 board of education that-b amount of $420,000 on the * Ings being constructed ai school have been sold to WILMETTE, ILLI £EY An Editorial A letter directed to Villag President Dubbs by Mayc >Charles H. arflettof Evansto icates -With, relative to Evanston 's terms an roposed conditions for supplying .waté ract to Winmette under a propose, 0-Yea -cntract,. was rcad 'a rorn. Mayor the Village board -sessi on Tues ývanston with fý or furnish- day of thig week. The letter' wa by the City of referred, b a c k to Presiden he meeting of Dubbs without discussion. day night. AIl o1f wMhhpo tsaqe d' that memi- tion an a s rgge tion. ue City council inadaugsin oa proposed Th2e question: Shall theVi dy- under the lage of Wilmette enter into, s t b seen2Oýyear contract -to receive it! ibic feet, as at water supplbr from Evanstoni that * at the 'or proceed'in' thé- immediate fu- tration com- ture. with the construction of it Srepresenta- own water su pply -plant? e f rom E--P by the two The suggestion: ermine the That the Village board con- waterduring sd of the con- ander ,seriougly the possibility adfeasibility of taking steps to n- years the secure a municipaîly owned wa- .11 give writ-. ter plant for Wilrnette to ensure of' Evanston an adequate water supply with- ,to renewal otivliga-ogtrncn rtract at nt ivlm ln-emcn tract. Bartlett wvas Construction of such a plant, ident C. P* should the project be deemied ,read at tlhe advisable as serving the best 'uesday was Zý lent Dubbs. interests of the village, imight the màtter. weII constitute Wilmette's con- -tribution toward al.leviating the Bondé present, unemp~loyment situa,- Proôjeet tion.. mfade ýthis. Certain1vthe pops 1inis f ig schol orthy of serious considerattion. onds in ,thie _______ new build- Lt the higli Food Handling Places a: Chicago Will Ail Be Licensed unIR'ril- [N )n lu DOLLfAV-AYS NaTWEEK, in dBargains in Great Variet f re uigPubiei d ig Sei-Annu Event August 10 adil t Sponsoredby ChambrofCmmerce Ls Wilmette's semi-annual bargain event-Dollar Days-is with Lus again, schedu.led for Monday and Tuesda y, August. 10 and 11. Onthose two days>,the Wilmette'householders. are to be afforded an opportunity. to talce advantage of, unprecedented val- n es offered by more, than a- score -of the village's leading busns e stablishmnent s. - The variety of :Dollar, Day ofeigthsssobgarcl 'culatio an description. Not in almost a scoe'f years bas"the Spurchasing power of a- dollar- been so great,,yet the merchants are nakig aailale o thir rienids this opportunity to realize even greater savings than are, normxaIiy. possible. Dollar, Days this month are more than ever before genuine thrift days. 1 Dollar Days were inaugurated sev- eral years ago by progressive Wil- will command the interést of those -mette merchants under sponsorship happily possssed of a sweet tot.h. of the Wilmette Chamber of Com-, Hoffmann Brothers, Ridge road at mnerce. Merchants al over, the village Wilmette avenue, offer a wide variety * ae p rtcip ti g a d fferin n n of Dollar Day items only a fraction are art cip a ing an ing an n - of w hich can be listed in th eir adver- nisual selection of values under no cir- tisement. *cumstances obtainable for one dollar Miss McMahon at Worthen's, 1148> *at any other time. Their offerings Wilmette avenue, invites milady to are nlot clearance stocks. The coin- step in and gaze upon ber unprece- modities are fresh and specially pur- dented Dollar Day values in hais. chased for the occasion.,..The mier- Thie Snidèr-Cazel Drug company, Wilmette and Central, avenues, an- chants :extend a coriail invitation te nounces 44It's Dollar Days"-and all villagers to visit their stores and what bargains! shops on Dollar Days-those neigh - Van Deusen's Grocery and Market, borly ,Bargain Days I Central avenue and Tweifth, street, A glance, at the accompanying offer, Dollar Day- values ranging paragraph.smust convince the nîost froni the proverbial ":*soup te niais"I skeptiçal that,.Dollar'Days next Moni- with àa host of items in. between,. al dyadTuesday wM ll aimý the at- essential for the, larder. A chance to ttntion of' every hifty houselholder stock u ta i svngi in Wilmette. Detailed advertisements >The Peacock Ice Cream Shop at of these stores are to be found else- 523 Fourth street-new sîore-Prom- hreini this issue of WiLmETTe Lip. ises a grand opening with Dollar Day Ring-Ting Candy Shops, 1135 Cen- ]specials that commrand your attention. .4eIVV lb Lditoril*-Shore Linos ..30 LEE IS CHÀIRMAN Golfiai News ....~....20-21 At the regular meeting, of the Junior, Life............;.38 éoard of Local Improvements Tues- Music Pag day ýnight Trustee Arthur Lee .was Re~tOl........32, appointed chairman of that body- 34 and Village Collector E. H. Kerr'Wa Soc ypage*..... niade assistant secretary. IUes. Make a list of yorwants and uase this issue as your guide to the best values. .1 'I snarp recluctions on commodities of greater cost; k Iitchen ware and other household' necessities in great variety at a great saving on Dollar Days. Fourth Street Auto. Service, Inc., '516 Fourtb streetî iwhere AI, Rodei- kirk holds -forth. as directing genlus, bave Dollar Day bargains iii car (Continued on Page 3)ý [ANTS INVITE Si il ............ de

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