Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1931, p. 30

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AU communic~ations muet bé accouipaed by the munan aud m ormsf the wrlter. Articles for pub- Uleaton must r.ach the editor by Tues4ay noon to Imure appearaice ln current Issue. Roflutloba eof ondpllc, cardse ofthanks, obitu- arles, notices of entertainments or other affaire where an admittance charge la published, wlll be chargel at regular àfdvertislng rates, Grade Separation Will $&ave Lif e ' Let's Hasten the Day! Famousý conductors? In:'our travels on the orth, Western ýrailroad for the past 20 years we've met many, if flot. ail, of Famousthese famousconductors. Famous'. When we ýsay "condué- tors" we're .flot me aâning tJUU(LUIJ dîrectors of. orchestras, such relatively unimportant individuals'asý Toscanini- and .Stokolski, but men vho »conduct trains-railroad coriductors. Tbere's a very elegant one who neyer fails to greet his passengers Nvith a imost éheerful "Good niorning !" who neyer fails to wear in bis buttonhole a red, carnation. A trip to the city on his>train is something more than a inere necessary Journey. Then there's another who bas the very' pleasant habit of asking about members of one's family. "How's tbe Missus ?" A realfamiiy friend. We know anotber farno us conductor. He's been in the service many years. A littie feI1ôw he is with a shrewd cast of features but in bis veins mucb milk of human kindness. Always ready to bave a. littie chat 'about. proibition-if onîe can really cbat ab out.prhibition-or smoking women. Theni there' s a fourth one,.a jovial fel- low with flond face and rolling gait. Wben' wei'e been on his train a few minutes wve corne to feel that life is after all ot an affair to be worried about. Everytbing became,. ;n,-,t 4re1 *because, ofthtat event., asa4 imgtuL protected at any cost froni the ravages of man and tirne. We read that- tbe oid, raiiroad round- house buit inWinnetka way baek. in the DMlCëties of the . l9tb centtunies is to *le truth that we are makers of our own des- tinies. Every schoolboy will rernember bow Cassius tried Makers of to arouse Brutus in- Our Destinies. tQ a c t i o n against, Caesarby pointing out to bim that their inferior.psito a du e to a 'condition that, miight be cbanged- by. their. own initiative: "The fault, dear Brutus, .is, not-in, our_ stars but. îiii our- selves that we are underlings." Theý poet, Ifenley, emphasized the saine fact in a stirring declaration: ý"I arn the capta.in of, ihy, soul.": if- to any deg ree north shforé suburbs, nay justly be called.model suburbs it is. because. north shore résidents. believe that people can control theirÉ own destinies,, t eiron futures. We venture to assert that if 'north shore towns are tbreatenied by any adverse condition, it is not theirý habit to aillow that condition to grow to- such proportions as to beiçonie unman- ageable. 1Onç evidence.of this disposition, of this habit, is the..crusade conducted'against the mosquito. In some sections of tbis great country of ours the mosquito bas been allo Wed io live bis pestiferous life with littie or no interference from suffering humanity. But on the north sh ore we. have a well-organized *and well-equipped army fighting this aimost invincible foe. Not invincible, bècause man on the nortb. shore is conquering the mosquito. Other enernies can be conquered by the u .se of the sarne foresigbt, determination, and persistence. One of tbe niost: effective healtb-pre-.. serving, perbaps" iife--preserving, devices planned, built and. ipaintained by Public officiais in various parts of A rtifldial our country is the out-door pools swimmring and bathing than toierable for his two sniall boys dur- ing the late torrid speil by providing for tbem a natatoriur n i the forrn of a large circular watering tank. We are pieased to learn that another, and langer outdoor pool' is being now. con-, structed in the Forest Preserve. te LinIys vacation jaunt te ucar uiu. 141ypiu. Our statistical conternporary wishes ail and sun- dry to know that he '"covered 5,000 miles, used 289 gallons of gas, traversed nine states and ad- ded greatly to his powers of appreciation of geography, literature, scenery, and humanity.' ")Regards," seczzee, "to.ail my friends in your im- mediate and less immediate environment." We are of th e conviction,. after. hearing several scores of comments regardiing- heat in various parts, of the country, that the. north 'shore still rates1 riglit up at the top as. an ideal sununer resort-land.. Senator J.. Ham Lewis, states the daïly press, shudders at -the thought of being considered ripe for the. Vice-Presidency, of. these United States if andi when the-Democrats return to national. leadership. And .the obvious comment must be, -\Vh.o wouldri't?" And since politics (national), seems tobe in the air, why not step out and announce your candidacy for Congressman from. the new 13th district. We, are thinking seriously of entering Fil Ossifer in the lists and are even now awaiting breathlessly a- statemnt from Suttons Bay ini- forming us that lie will be otherwise occupied. On,,the warmwave lias corne.the informa tion (via daily press) tliat former President Coolidge's, White Flouse physician, one Col. Coupai, insistst friend Cal's celebrated "I do nlot choose to mun" was misinterpreted by his frliends in the Republiý- can ranks. The doctor is quoted as declaring t hat Mr. Coolidge is "grieved and.,disappointed,'" and "would 'have loved to be the-first third-termi President." It appears that everi Mr. Coolidge's physician lias been peculiarly açldicted to 'the policy of silence in the past few years. There ain't no justice: Harken. if you will, to the tale of tlie man wlio-sold lis wife for a "C" ($100 to.you) "only te be forced to liandover the profits to the ude in thec shape.of a, fine. Friend Doc, Allen who divides his walcing bours between real estate transactions.. and breez9Y- niews bits for Rotarian consumption, is respon- sible for the appended: lst Indian: "Let's go on the. war path." 2nd Ditto-: 'We can't, it's being paved." Robert L. F. Biesvnieier, one of New. Trier's veteran instructors, achieved high score in a golf tournament at Nippersink the other day-lis first encounter with tlie. elusive spheroid. Regrettable as it mnay .be, we are convinced that the eminent gentleman will soci leamn to fail in line with the other, experts at LoIf score calculating.. Our mutual friend, tIe Type-eating'Terrier,, is~ convalescing f rom a sprained riglit fronit ankle.

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