Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1931, p. 34

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The largest entry list ever recorded for the Wilmette .water carnival was reported for the sixth annual affair held by the -Playground and Recrea- tinboard 'in coope ration with the. Beach auiiorities..last TIiursday af-. ternoon. The North Shore championship race, feature event of' the afternoon, attract.ed an entrylist of fifteen, even. though the. water. was judgedrather ,icY for a. haif mile swim,whicb is the distance 'of the race. The two first p laces in this event went- to non- residents of Wilmette al though most of the entrants 'were from' the Vil-, lage. M.ý Vati GuÉten of the Ridgeview, hotel, of Evanston wôn first place,. finishing about a.,yard in front' of Donald Kinibal,who came in second. Larry Bennett, if e guard at the Wil- mnette beach, camne in third place and Jack Hoînies, also of Wilmette, fin- ished fourth. fuI Hoinies, holderof the North, Shore chanionship for the haîf mile for the past three years, did not finishi the race. Vinners of othier rac es o n îhe car- nival prograin were 20-yard swîin'for boys under i years: Mike Crule, first place; Rich- ard Wilson, second place,;, Elnîer Ail-' C britton, third place, and Robert. Pel- ton, fourth place. k 20-yard swin forý girls under Il, years: , Mary- Swirles, first place; -V Nancy Bercaw, second place;' Mary Berteing, third place. F 40-yard swimu for boys il and 12 j. years: Fillip 'Kreissl, first place, Rich- B' ard Kixmiller, second place, Bob Fie- D ber g, thir d place, and 'Eric Samuel- C son, fourth place.. E 40-yard. swim for girls il and 12 R years: Margaret Lively, first place;, Gloria Matthews, second place, Mar- si jore Bertelingý,third place. ýT 40-yard swim for boys '13, .14 and 15 years: BÉob Prosser, first place; R David Cressy, second. place; Tom R Lively, third -place; and Charles- 9. O'Çonnell, faurth placé. 40-yard swim for. girls 13, 14 and 15 years: Joséphine Balhatchet, first MEWIS PL Johnis (14) Prochnow Bleser Cramer Harriman Zibble E. Baker' Baker Carlen Aschbacher, KossoW IR!dgeé Ave. R. Steffens J. Miller C. Clossett D. Miller A. Bauer J. Kraft A., Scinler F. Miller. H. Peters Hawks (4) E., Berol V. Wyle -J. Harrison J.. Lawton, C. Nordberg W. Rogers H-. Kauifman, E. Fogiesonig H'. Neilsoni WV. Hlawkinson IL. Klinge S. Keil, Il. Schleuter T. -Hopkins G. White AI. Senisendorf A,. f-awkinson S. Hawkinson r. Ciechini Village. Cleaners H. Nachels R. Wolff 1Schaefgen B. Thalmann D. i3oyington 7.,,Doetseh R. Bro.wn. E. Herboni R. Nord teiner Plumbers rBrady FRifenburg K. Steffens t. Castle 3.May. LIdiger Sehopen P17ochnow. Phar. (15) UND BALL foes Tigers (12) 1). Lynch F. Patruska M. Kneip R. Miller H. Braun C. Miebaelson, A. Miller F., Baron HL. Miller Junior A. C. (16) C. Wiliam.s R. waters R. Sirmonds R. Kimbal C. Shopen -1. Burhans W. Foslund D., MIntyre Hoffmian Florlst 11 '(5) E. Bleser M.. Guy P. Boh i i n J. .Hoffman H. Johnson J. Hoffman '.Phillipe B. Phillipe J B. Thalmain I Steiner Plumbers (1) T. Bradyý K. Steffens ýL. Steiner -B. May, G. Prochnow il.May S. Lidger, J. Rifenburg P. Schopen R. Huclk E. UdeJI G. Huclc R. Evans P.Schwal W.Iuck. E. Huck E. Miller .Hawks (11) e. Berol V. Wyie; Y. Harrison J. .Jawton C..Nordberg W.Rogers IH. Cole H. Kaufman G. Garretson E. Stone I (4) Hoffman FIc W. 'Phillips H. Johnson R. Phillips Terminials (2) R. Steffens B. Dlgges G.. Ludwig H. Sieren A. Séhinler. B. Mooaey E. Mooney P. Hoffman E. Miller D. Chester Hoffman Florlat E. Bleser V. Deinlein, H. *Johnston P. Bohnen M. Guy - ' P. Bleser B. Thalmann .W.ý Phillips G. Braun, E. 'Phllipsl 'I .(8) Team Standings (Learme 1) Won Hoffinan Plorlst II.' ..10 Hawks ..............1.e Hoffrnan Floriet 1....7 Elites..... .......... 6 Village Cleaflers....4 Steiner Plumbers 31 Terminal A. C...... (League Il). Won St. Johns,.......8 «Ridge Ave, Pharmnacy 7 Juior A.. C.......... 6 Schreiber........2 Joes iger........ 0 Sephornores........ E. Herbai B. Braur G. Melntyre Elites. (9) W. Hawkinson R. Kllnge S.. Kli H.Schleutex T. HoPklna A Hawklnsori X. Sensendori J. Ciechini I. SchaefgeD. S. Hawkinson Terminale (6) B. Mooney B. Digges D. Chester B. Ferreint H. Sieren T. Obermeler P. Ilôffman SJ. Blaha H. Bernardi G. LudwIg Lost 2 3 3 4 7 8 10 Lest 1 2 3 5 8 7 Pet. .833 .750 .700 .2U2 ..000 Pet. w888 .777 M6 .285 .000 .000 Sports Calendar Toinorrow, Friday, August 7 1 P.rn. Central and Village Green play- grounds' beach day. Meet at, play- grounds. 7:15 pm. Playground bal for men. Vil- lage Green. Monday, Augu$at 10 9- a.m. Beginning *ast Wefk of play-, ground season. Centr.1 chool play- ground, Village Green; Vaîttmnan park. 2 ýp.m. Beginnlng svInIMming lessons for çhildren. Wilmette beach. 3 p.m. Advanced lessons for chldren.ý Wilmnette beach., 4p.m. Swimming tests. Wilmette beach. Tuesday, Augut$Il ýI p.m. Beach day for Vattrnan play- ground chlldren.- Wilmette beach. 7:15 p.m. Horseshc;e tournament for men. Singles. Village Green. j Village Event n Vattnian park won its third village wide playground event last Tuesday when its niembers received the most points in the annual sand modeling r contest held at the.Wilmette beach.- iThe winning.park had already an- nexed the playground trac k meet,,and. the poster contest and lied with Central for first place in the horse-, shoe pitching, contest in addition tao jhavipg won the majority of the play- ground bail and kikball ganies. With the sand modeling victory there is no doubt of the parIk's possessing the Iôving cup awarded to the park wîn- ning the mostý points. during the sum- mer.. The .1931 'vitory is the fifth consecutive summer that Vattinan has ended the season ini top place. The sand models were judged by Mrs. Edmond M. Simonds, Mrs. Nor- mani D. Betts,,. and Lowell F. Todd. Winners, in, each. division were:- juniors: Jacqueline Michaelson, Village Green.playgrotind, first place With a, model of ;in Iiidian .head; Bobby Matson, Vattn.ian park, sec- ond placewith a model of a butter- fly;. Junior Nichols,, \"attrnan park, thjrd place, with a inodel of, an Egyp-., tioni lady; P~iura -Pagliar-ulo, Central playgrounid,,fourth, with a,.model of a tulip, and Teresa Peifer, CentrÈal, fifth with -a nodel of a butterfly. Seniors: .Helen fanas, .Village Green, first place, with a model of a life guard; Robert Gustaveson, Cen- tral playground, wîÏh a. model o f rac- ing auto mobile; Ruth King, Village Green, third place with a model of a diver; Fran>ces Schmitz, Village Green, fourth place, with a model of an elephant, and' William Melchoir,. Central playground, fifth,. witb a model of a dirigibl'e. Intermediates: Doris, Jean 'Hargis,. Vattman park, first, place, with a model of ýan'Egyptian lady; Gerald Spinner, Vattman park, second place,. with a model of a first'class Boy Scout pin; Magrian.Pickard , Vattman, park, third, with a model of the gate to Vattrnan park; Henry janas, Vil-, Ben children.1 "x Ç--...R t..Evans The contest is sponsored yearly by E. Bremmer the Playground and Recreationhôoard E. Udel staff under the direction of a staff W. Huck member, Dudley C. Stone. Each con- Hoffman Florist II testant plays every other contestant E(4)e two ffty-poirit gamnes and the total :E.leinr scores at the end of the tournamnent j. Hoffman deterine the winners. . . - ,P. Bohnen, Twnyhorseshoepitchers are reg- B- Thalmnann itea nthey un ün. .Bleser' wterd inthetouraniint.James Hoftman Village Cleanere (2) 1 . H. Nachels J. Schaefgen A. Tharnann W. Schinler R., Nord C. Doetsch attenUance at te thre playgrouncis fluctuating around the 700 mark, av- eraging about one -hundred more than the daily attendance of last year. The, ninth weeç's progeam has been set aslide.as entertýainment--week and instructars at the three grounds are preparing for ptays, exhibits, special Saiu pai u at wiiiciitc paý ai. eis are vgiveu to thethtree highest point winners for bath boys and girls in each age division which in- clude junior group, children under ten years of age, Intermediate graup, children ten ta, thirteen yea4rs of age, and. children from thi rteen ta fifteen years of: ag e Who are grouped as Seniors. Trhe mùedals will be awarded by eâch, pIaygraund instructor at the fna~l exhîbit day.

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