Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1931, p. 36

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ber of years. Un Thursclay atter- * noons during the opera season one fnds prominent- society mitrons wearing the purple badge that de- notes tbeir membership in, the Rav- imia. Opera club, and whicb gives them the rigbt to act as gentie police- men to the hundreds of children *bo, storm the. opera bouse. These woinen realize.tbat the great social need of today is. to give Young people wbolesome entertainment. Tbe aim of 'the Tbursday ýafternoons for cildren is botb to educate tbem mus- ically, and té, give tbem pleasure;. to qive them happy entertainiment wbîch they Will like, and to give it: in the best possible' manner and tbrougb the best.means obtainiable.- Under the direction of EicDe- Lamarter, the Cicago Sympbony orchestra gives a forty-five minute programn of classical and modern miusic. Two weeks ago tbe orchestra began playieg the Beethoven "Pas- toral" symphony. and one movenient is played eacb week. Notes on tbe Ms on arto fWl back of the program tell tbe story of MisDnaGreouofW- cach mnovemnent in words that are mette ivill becotne the bride of Ed- r eadily understood by the cbildren. uard W. Poinier, Jr. of Oak Park Every vear some of tbe numbers are ne-rt Tuesday evening, Aûgust 11, * repeated, so that tbey will be impreg- at the Pirtt Methodist psco pal nated into the musical minds of the church, E van ston. A reception at rbildftn and become part of the back- Shawnee Country club Z£411 follow ground they must have in order to the uredding cereinony. mnake tbem intelligent patrons of * *ymphony orchestras in the future.1 Philip M. Broton to Since Louis Eckstein mnade the rul-P iuig that children under five years of Marty Eastern Girl, gemust sit outside of the opera. blouse, it has been possible for the Jugofe av rs .,i.hadn iith older cbildren, to coinceftrate bett er H-the f eavengr, a., anofune on tbe music, for they are not now dauaprocng iriae fter swredb teunavoidable distrac.-dubtr Eleanor Taylor, to Philip * tions made by the younger children Moroe Brown, son of Mr.- and Mrs. vho cannot yet understand symnphonic James Brown of Beaver, Penna., niuslc.formerly of Greenleaf avepnue, Wil- Tbe officers of the Ravinia Opera mte club are' Mrs. Ralpbý H. Poole, of Tbe ceremofly will take place Tues- Lake Forest, president. Mrs. William day evening, August 15,' at the First, Subelri oGlencoe, first vice Metbodist Episcopal cburch in Surldet Ms.Aof u Bvfield. of Beaver. Wells Simmons, son of Mr. Highland Park, Mrs. John W. Gary and Mrs. F. M. Simmons of Kenil- of Glencoe. Mrs. Donald F. McPber- wortb, and Albert Kramier of Wil-. ori f Winnetka, Mrs. George A. mette will be ushers. joseph Moody son --AIf2 1 _ J. 11V aidage oI4 mis i onn~L~.l4a '.JI- retson, daughter of Mr., and Mrs. G. R. Garretson, 509 Linden' avenue, and Edward W. Poinier, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Poinier of Oak Park, will take place next Tuesday cvening, August 11, at 8 o'clock at the first Methodist Episcoppal.church, Evanston,ý witb the Rey. M. N. Eng- - lish performing the ceremony. There wilI be a reception immediately fol- Iowing the service at Shawnee Coun-, Miss Garretson wiIl have as bher attendants Miss Marcella» Latchaw of. Evanston, naid-of-honor, and as bridesmaids, MNiss'.Eléýanor Wade of~ Peoôria., Miss Martha Ann Mc- Gee of Memphis,, Tenn., Miss Mtarion Condy, of Wilmette, and Miss Catb- erine Stoelting of Chicago. Arthur- Poinier will serve. bis brother as best man, and tbe ushers will be Robert and Kendall Garret- son, brothiers of the bride, and Gordon Kraft and Lewis Hanson, both of * ~' Oak Park. The engagement of Miss Helen Sisterhood Prepares Muriel Barrett ' daughter of M7. and foi Bridge Aug. i 1. and Mrs. Harold G. Barrett, 822 TeMriebtligadPrk Linden avenue, ta Ralph .Ellerry ile tesnothanu u- Blanchard, son of Dro. and Mrs. wl eteseeo h nuls Ellery P. Blanchard of Portland, nmer card party to be given' by the Sis- Maine, was announced at an eve- terhood of the .North Shore. Congre- ning >arty July 30 by- Miss Bar- gation, Israèl next Tuesday afternoon, rett' parnts.August 11. Among those wbô are ae- rett' parnis.tive in preparations for tbe affair are NortwesernMrs. L. Suekoif, chairman, and Mrs, Miss Bàrrett attended Nfhetr Sylvan Hirschbbèrg, co-chairman; Mrs. university and is a* member of Delta L. Berlin, Mrs. N. Bederman, Mrs. Gamma sorority. Mr. Blancd-as Harry Canmann, Mrs. William Cowan, graduated ffom Bowdoin coflege, Mrs. S. Goodmian, Mrs. R. Morrison, Maine, in the clas f 1924, and4 is a Mrs. A, K. Levy, Mrs. Felix Lou'ry, member of Theta Delta Chi f raternity. Mrs. J. Michaels, Mrs. Millin Simon, The wedding will take place in Sep-. Mrs. Paul Sirnon, Mr$. -Charles Sin- tember., cere, and Mrs. Warren Shuster., The pro:ceeds- of >the party will go the philanthropfic. and educational .Delphinium, Phiox'tof nof h raiain fu, o h ognfain B.e L>Dl8cussed »y LUD On Fridayr afterno on, August 7 the \Vilmnette Garden club vl meet at the home of Mrs. C. N. Hurîbut, 715 Greenleaf avenue. The assistant hostesses will be Mrs. John Clark Wedding.DaVý Announced, .Miss Anna Louise, Hughes, daugh- ter of Bisbop and Mrs. Edwin Hoit Hughes of Wilmette, bas announced thiat Saturçlay afternoon, September 12 will be the date of bier marriage to Mý,ayo Hamilton Soley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter HT. Soley of Malden. Mass. The ceremony will be per-. formed at 4:30 o'clock at the WTViI mette Parisb Methodist church. Gamma Phi 'Be:t sorority at lunch- and vegetables for distribution to the Tens ace on and bridge. poor and the sick. Jars of jelly, Tenns M tchs *tomato_.juice and fruit juice are also The women's tennis team of Hostesa at Dinn2et 4esired by the guild. Shawnee -Country club will. play the Mrs. Walter Knoop, 221 Warwick1 The Flower guild is trying to in- womn' teni o Knlloo Conty oad, Kenilworth, entertained a group terest people in each community 'Who club next ..Tuesday aftergoon at of friends at difnner at Club Visadl aegadn-ntoly garden clu Knoliwobd at 2:30 Èc!ock. Lago last Saturday, August L.. ebr-to cnrbuet h*gid At Westmoreland Westmnoreland Country club will bold an informal dinner dance Saturday, August e. Dinner will be served at 7:30 o'clock and dancing will1 be f rom 9 until 12 o'cloc..

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