I Monday-Tuesday, August 10-11 %Yolu r'[Dolar buysmoetoday ha ifFs for ma ny yearsand at ýWorthen's i >buysno ,tsifa1as iam or ta n isf share of value. Peppereli Bed Sheets, 72X99-8x9 Choiîce of sizes, ea li..............$e...... 1Oa Pepeei llw Cases, 42x36-45x3ý6, hieo szs o........... .$1O Bd ilosfildwihgood. qualiy feathrs, siz e l19x27-good caver, each..... $1.001 Mangle >Clotli 45 in. wide with ýa special finish,-5 yds ........................ $1.O Unbleached Muslin, 36 in.-15cvalue-l22-yds ... ........................ $1.0O SStev ei'.A!H tinen Crash Toweling, fancy borders,'25c value 6 yds.. ...$0 ýBed Spreads, $1.50 value, ail colors, size 87x105, each.-_ ....... .......>...$1.0 Bed Blankets, 70x80, part wooi in beautiful plaids, comforà style,..a.h.. ...$1,OO Bath Towels. Cannon make. Size 20x4O. Suit Ca-ses, regular $ 1'50 case,. Fancy borders. 4 for ..... each . . . . . . . . . . . . Summer Wash Fabrics. Ail of oiur u Womnen's Combinatior, suit,. chiffonette fabric I Summer goods. Values to 50c yd., 3 yds. S brassiere, top. Sizes 34 to 40, each .... Uinei, Luncheon Ctoths. Imported from$ Womnen's G'owns of rayon falbric, contrait trim, d t Iail sizos, efich ... . . . . . .. .1. . . . Belgiun. Sizes 54x70 or 54x54. Choice .F. Wom.en's, Panties, non-run rayon, yoke f ront, tI Rugs. Chenille fabric in colors. dbIeIastic bock, band knee, 2 for .... Sizes 24x34. Each................ is Pajamas of. rayon, one or two-piece t DRUE SUNDRIESstyle, beautiful -colorse. I Lisierine Tôooth Paste 25 rp eCieSe-1ns, Crep de Chine Teddies i Colgate's Tooth Paoste..........5 each .... Kolynos Tooth Paste .25c U Cotton Wash Dresses consisting of Piques, Prints Iodent Tooth Paste' .....25c, R. in manv sthIe. vailue t2-!;fl .%r ~olgte'sToot Bruhe ~Hoover Style' Dresses, ail sizes, . Mennen's Talcum Powder ...... . 25C C Mo vis Talcum ?owder .... 25c H whie'only, each .............. . Bue Rose Tlu rnPowdr ... ......... .~ k o., ail p0re se., ail sizes, Spic Deodorizing Powder ....2 et colQtt, 2 pair $1... .... Johnson BabyPowder........ ...25c C CrepeSlps, oiciop, made of rayon crepe~ Pond's COU Crei, u6s 5ç6whitor fIehail :, . h. Ponid's Vanisbing ream, tubes ... 25c diikfre Dresses, many .styles, in, ptiints ad l* exFa*e P4pe...........ý2c umr arcs ah ___ ___ ___ ___ _for__ _$_ _1-25c___ __kg. of lI#nex for We reserve the right toNopnerds an limi qunhiiesfor Dollar Day Mer-ý 1 148 Wilmette Avenue. Phones Wil. .588-589 i