Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1931, p. 38

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Vattman Park's Poster Entries Please, Judg6es We were very glad, when Miss Skid-. more came with -the returns of the. p oster contests .and- our posters.- The winners are as follows:. Junior division: first place, Bud Pifer, Vattman park; second, Martha Leach,_ also from Vattman; third, BobIby Burlingame, Central Play- ground; fourth, Mary- Lou Geisse, Vattmnan; flfth, Billy Fanckboner, * Vattmani. Intermediate division: ,first Place, Donald Hoffman,, Vattmân park; sec- ond, -Emùily KohlI, Vattman;. third, * Hildegarde _ Voeller, Vattman; foôurth, Geraldine Peifer, Ceintral; fifth,. Shir- ley Garniss, Vattman. * Senior division: first place, J'ose- phine- Baîhatchet, Central; . second, EenrRicks, Vattinan;, third, Lucille Hoffman, Vattman; fourth, Jean Fin- layson, Central; fifth, Katherine Brandt, Vattman. Vattmian park won ail of theflaces e xcept- four which Cen tral received.- limogene Kaufman, Central plàyground. Sand Takes Neat Shape During Modeling Contest The aninual village-wide sand model- ing contest was héld on Tuesday, july 28 at 1:30 p. m. ai the Wilmette beaçh. Each playground was allowed nine e i- tries, three Juniors, three Seniors, and three Intenri'ediates. The sancl was sprinkled,, leveled and roped off into sections, 'each contestant having one section to work in., Competitors started modeling at 1 :30 and. were given tllij 2 o'clock, to finish their models. The contest proved to be a success and many nice models wremaebth childËien.-Manie Pei'fer, Central play- gnound.- *Beasts to Be on View for'Wilmette Children Gatkercoal Leads Cyclists on 'Hike On Thursday a, group of boys under the leadership of Hap Gathencoal will stant f romn Vattman park on an ,ail- day bike hike. We did. the ,same thing last1 yea r and we thought it was a good thing to do again this year. Last timpe it rained most of the, way. homie but. we had4 our 'f un befone it raïned 'so it didn't matte r uch. We hope the weather will be cool and no nain. We plan to. start at 8:30 in the m)orn- ing and get back before 7 in the eve- ning. in case. you don't think it much f un j ust. ask. the boys. who went along last yean and they wili teli you that we ail ha d fun. We bave only. six vinmes- on the list et the timne of this writineg and we wan t more bcys to sign up.-Frederick Aschbacher, Vatt- man Park, Horseshoe Tournament Won by Central Team The Wilmette Playground Horse- shoe tournament was held recently. Central Playground first beat Villag* Green two :games decisively. Central then beat Vattman Park two out of three games, the scores being 21-20; 20-21 ; 21-18. By beating Vattman, Central becayne village champs. Vatt- man then beat Village Green two games to win second place.-Lqu . i Meichoir, 'Central. piayground. Players Break Training by Eating Green Apples Wednesday, july 22, the Vattman Park Senior Basebaîl team was, al groomed to go up and keep their win,' ning streak intact by beating Village Green for the third game this summen. When, tltey got up there they f ound that the Village Green team: had. been disbandedas a bad project. The Vatt- Man teamn was disappointed but still it was easier to sit anound and talk and eat the green apples out of a tree izp there than to play a basebaîl game.- Mark Simonds, Vattman park. Wilmette Playgrounds > Represented at Meet The sixth annual Wilmette water carnival took place Thursday, *Iuly 30,' at the Wilmette beach Many> partI'ci- pants were f rom the plýaygrounds. Cen- tral won sevenaLl plces, one of which was a first won by jo Balhatchet. There were many.outsiders and many negular Shawnee, members, so those Who won. medals were, doing. some swift t nacing. Our instructor, Miss Riggle, acted as one of the, officials and awarded the niedals.L-Marjorie Weiller, Ce:ntral playground. Playground Has Member Contest Stanting Monday the boy and, girl of the Village, Green pflaygroun d who brings'thie.,most new members will,,be awarded a prize. The contest will come .to a close Saturday. The rules of the contest are: 1. You must bring -the member up to the Village Green in person. .2. To be eligible for the contest you must be at the playgnound at least four days of the week of the contest with your new members.-1Ed Stanco, Village Green. Beach Day Is Enjoyed by Central Playground Oiq the afternoon of July 31, it was beach day for Central playground. The water was cool and there was quite an undertow. Thé temperature of the water wvas 68, degrees. We had a lot of f un playing keep-away. There was not mucli swinixing because the waves were high. The chilren were flot al- lowed to go beyond the first if e line. We started home at 3 :30, after a lot of fn.-Geradin PeierCentral playground. Vattmùan Park Defeats, Central Kiekball Team Six Places Won by Village -Green in Modeling Test Tuesday, July 28, the sand, modeling contest was held. Ninecidrnf rom ea ch :playground took part in -it. ýAt 1 :30, o'clock in the afternoon they took their 'places in tbe sand down at the beach. Each child was given a haîf hour to finish his or her model. Fivé min- utes, before the end of the given time, Mr.. Davis told us the time was nearly up. This mnade the childireà Who were flot yet finished go a littie f aseriln.- order to be finished when the titne was up. Finally :ie tane was called and the chiidren: had tw Stop working on the models and go f arther up on the beach. Shortly after that the winners weré announced and given their prizes. The first,,second, and third prizes were rib- bons, and the fourth and.,fifth %vert boxesý of candy. The Villagre Green had six winners, Vattman had five,,and Central had four. The winners of the Village Green were: Juiniors-first. place, Jacqueline Michaeison; Intermediates - fourth prize, Alice Wagner; fifth prize, Henry janas; Seniors-first prize, Helenl janas; third prize, uth . King, and f ourth ýprize, Frances Schrnitz. We asohp to be first next year.-Fran- ces Schmitz, Village Green. -Village Green'Subdues- Vattman Park, 22 ýto.19.. On Friday, july 24, the Village Green defeated Vattman Park, 22 to 19. The hall- naine was vlayed in. the The final date for registration is Monday, August 10, at 12 o'clock and positively no entries will be accepted after that time. Registrationma' b .made with Mn. 'Stone or at the ner- reation office, 914, Central avenue. There are no:eitry fees. have accepted the invitation, the 0 - nuniber will probably be increased. Mn. and Mns. R. D. Schultz, 804.ý before the group leaves. Greenwood avenue, retre last Canoeing,-swimmning', borseback id- week fron M elrose, Minn., wherc. ing and ail othen camp facilities wiIl they were fishing on Little Birch lake. be available for the boys andi a regu--0- Jan camp prognam outlined by the . Mrs. Joseph White of 159 Sheridan Playground and lRecreation board road, ýKenilworth, ententained , att stïff will be followed. Attendânce at Iuncheon yesierdayç to be 1at Miss Rosalie Budingen, 614 Maple avenue, has returned4 fromn Green Lake, Wis., aften a 'week's visit at the summen home. of Ms. J. J. Schaack. s J -91

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