Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1931, p. 47

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lis ;ust been Jaunicled by the Chi- cago> and North Weternî railway ut, der the direction of G B. Vilas.-geni- eral manager of the road. -This new drivé followsý a prog9rain of safety,,educatioi,n alnog oir env- plysextending, over a perioit' 'of vears that %vas soi effective as to en- able us to wini the 19)30 Safety awaîl-. ini Class A of the Steani Railroads Accident Jrevention .contest for Iow rat.e.of casualties (kilIed and injured), amuong our emTployes, and to imiprove that record more than 00 percent (luring the' first six iuonths o f t h s >,ëàr. This work wvill go on with t le saine intensity. but ini additioný tlic effori lias' been extended .to..cut -a& cideiits* at crossings and to trel.- 1passers, by a serial of forceful al)- pëals fo)r public coop)erationi," Mr. Vilas declared. Use "'Saan Brown" Beits 'Placing, of red .and white *Sani P3rowni'- beits' on watchmenl is ilewI.% We are trying it at crossin gs on thie Wisônsrx division between Chiicago( and Milwaukee whiere traffic is Ii tense. The brighit colors against th.ie watchinan's clothes warnis approach- ing motorists some distanice away. The general' use of thesi'p beits will be extended as fàsi as. possib)le tn) othier points wlere heavy' crossiMg traffic warrants it. "Another step- in ouir canipaign for. public. cooperationi is'.the posting ini stations and proininent points on the fne the National Safety council's niew and effective card, 'Dangerous- *Walk Nôt on Railroad Track,' which) brings lhomie 'in a graphie *way the danger .of children. playing on rail- road riglht-of-ways. The 'North ,-Western' plans to drive home tlm, thouglit thiat 'whiere there's a track there may be'a train , continually to the publicein. such a mnanner tha t people will constantly exercise that extra precauition that preve -so inany deaths and injuries. "eScare Copy" Remindt "'Ne feel that people must be re-, inided by 'scare copy' of the' dange-r of walking along railroad tracks ad W HENyou set out to buy tires, Wdon't y.ou really want the most miles and the utmnost in safety at the lowest -possible price. That being, your objective which tire shoulId you iùy - If the experie nce: of 20,000,000-o- twrists means anythinyusol certainly buy Goodycears. But if you try to puzzle through the This fact expres'sed year after year by Goodyear'îs great leadership isuico: cretely told' agaiin h the findings of au impartial investigation made by a unbiased .dependable institution that' asked 205,00ca wners thlis simple question: QUESTION: feRegardless of iice., convenience., etc.., what make of rire do you considertbe BEST tire made; we4tr f statistics on thick- along the -tracks." Dr. J. F. Waugh and daughter, Miss Betty Waugh, 812 Ashland avenue, drove recently to Tarkio, Mo., where Miss Waugh wiIl remtain for a visit. Dr. Waugh and his brother, Dr. C. M Waugh of .Tarkio went0on t'O spend aI week in Estes park, ,Colo. 740 Twelfth Street 1 MO E PE PLERýD[ON OO[-"YEýR MES1HAWONlme Tte 69N[19 j- Wilmette 691-.6* 96,

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