Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1931, p. 48

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PACKARD has, rapidly at. tained its position of promin- ence tbroughout Chicago and the I)orth, shore because it bas« enriched the used-car. market with outstanding' examples > of- distinctive, motor cars. Hère are somne of, the. unusual values that' w*ll, attract this :week's buyers: Packard's Used Ca rs Priced In, Keepfing, With the Times- $201 Down, ý$30 Monthly Buys Packard 426, 6-cyl. 5-Pases. Sedan. Extra good. $354 Down, $49 Monthly gùuys Packard, 526, 6-cyl. 5-Pass*.. Sedan. Rbiî $409 Down,* $58 Buys Packard 526, 6-cyl. 5-Pase. equipment. Buys Monthly Sedan. Spedial .1931 $354 Down, $49 Monthly Packard,526, 6-cyl.. Pbaeton, 5-Pass. A classy sport car. $513'Down, $72 Monthly B u Ys Packard. Std. 8, 633, Club Sedan, 5-Pass. purchase. $513 Down., $72 Buy s Packard Std. 8, 633, Sedan, choice .Monthly,". 7-Pas s..Low, miileage. $683 Down., $94 Monthly., Buysi Packard 726, 5-Pass. Sedan, Std. 8. New-Çar *guarantee. $136,Down, $22 MonthlY Buys Packard Customn 8, 243,,7-Pass. Touring. A real buy. ities anid sanitary districts copies. of a resoltition bie had successfully initro-. duceil at a recent board meeting.., Whiie the resolution deait with pollution cau:.:.,d by conditions -in T harn. creek in the southern section of the >couiity, and. was, directed ta SIelilinois S tate. Sanitary. Water- board, the,«city oi Chîicago Heights, thé village ofSouth Chicago Heiglîts anid the Bloom Township Sanitary iistrict, and ta *'suçh other municipal mnd. private corporations as are coil- tributing ta this pollutioni," it was indicative ai -a mavemnent spreading throughout the counity, and aiready itarted ini the Des Plaines river ini tîhe north sfýtion. *Speaking aif the canipaign ta check pollution oai- hie-Forest Preserve . treaMS, President Whealaîi said: "The Forest Preserve district is w~hat nmiigbt- generally be ternied ini a broader sense ai the rneaning. a river, lanlscal)e praject.,'It lias- about 75 iniîles ai streanîs and fully '73 miles of those water arteries are poliuted. -It is onlly. by scientific treatmiext that the water at about a (lozeni points bas been niade sanitary for bathing aîd, the genéral pollution is anie oi the reasons why tlîe.district is galing iiiA or such typesi swinî- iinig ceniters as Cermak 1p0o1 at Lyons, whiere the water tests even l)etter than sanie dinking water. "The streamis af the Forest Pre- serve inclu(ie about thirty miles of the Des Plaines river, niuchi of the norili branch of the Chicago river,. Skokie, Sait creek, Thorai creek, Uttie Calumet and santie atiier smiall streanis." H HONÔRS BRIDE-TO-BE Mrs. joseph Joyce enitertainied a large .graup ai friends on, Sa't.urday, August 1, at hier homne, 531 Essex road, Keniiworth., The, party 1wâs a hosiery shower in honor ai hier iliece Mise, Helen Ayres oi 5420 .Sheridan road, Clîicago,' whose marniage. to George Fric Drake of New Rochelle', N. Y., 'vill take place August 29. Wiilard H. Thayer, 121 *Robsart which gels underway August 3 for a two weeks' period. TIhe enroliment was expected to exceed 300 by the 01pening day. 1 Bol) ZuppIe ofI lilinois w4jl join with Coach Dick. Haiey of Northi- western in .putting*oni the football work. T he latter,. ill give the 'War- ner systen i ffootball, while, ZupPke will teach the systein which lielias a)Uilt up at Illinois. I'alkswill also be gi 'ven i)y a iîum- er of other pronîilent 'coaches anid ýx-coachcs, inc1uding Judge. Wal1 ter Steffen af Carnegie Tech, Arnold Horweent, fornîerly' ao Harvard, ai, Jesse Hawley, formerly oi Dartmouthî. Duke 1 )unne, former line cahat Northwestern and Hlarvard, wdll give a lecture on. une play. Arthur "Dutch" 1,onborg, ha sket- bail coacli at Nortliw.'ester!i %il! aller. a course>iii l)asketlxll. Otlher sports inciuding track, sw iîming and ad- minlistration will he. giNen bhy Frank Hili, Tom- Robinson. and K. L. Wil- sont,, respectivély, ail memibers of. the .\Torthesterti athietic staff. The schiool whicli iast year at- tracted 28.5 coaches lias growli t'O lie largest twc veeks' coaching -schooi iin thq country. It starte(l five yvears ago with g~n enrolîmeât ai sevelty-five coaches .aùd lihas,:steadily increased cach year.' GOING TO WISCONSIN RAPIDS 1\r. and Mrs. Martin Kalines, 602 Ridge avenue, and thecir daugliter, Elizabeth, are leaving ncxt wek 1w miotor for Wisconsin Rapids ta visit Mrs. Kalimes' piece, Mrs. Fred Siegel. Mrs'. Joseffh. Steiner, 1451 Wilinette avenue. and lier dlaugliter. Miss Lor- etta Steiner, are also rojng -with the, Kainieses. Mr."ani dMrs. Dougla.s S. -Crooks, 609 Cunmnar road, Keniilwortliî, re- weeks' niotor and l>oat trip .tiîrouglî Michigan, stop)pingý, at Sauit St.,Marie and resorts. in northern 'Wvisconsili. 'Dr. Georgýe Safford of Wilmlette, Wlho is spending the sunirner af , is sunimer home at Little point Sable,, Mii. was, the guest ofMn and MUrs. A. J. Elliott, 824 Ashiand avenue, Iast week-end. 925 Linden Avenue Hubbard -Woods THE NOISELLCS IL DUINmI V. A SMITII--Distri butor 1620 Sherman Ave. 9)00 Linden Ave. Lvanston 'Hubbard Woods G,.reen.leaf 0700 Winn.-650.

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