Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1931, p. 50

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MATINEES SATURDAY, SUNDAY and HOLIDAYS Dor Open 1 :30 Show Scarts at 2 P. .. ContinUOUs Evrninga During Week Doocs Open 6 :3o--Sbotv Steis. 7 P. m. TONIGHTS FEATURES MéLAGLEN -LOWE -BRENDEL, "WOMEN 0F ALL N4AT OS" Starts 7:20. 10:20 DOROTHYMACKAILL &.PARTY HUSDAND" FRIDAY and SATURDAY, AU GUSt' 7-8-TWI-N FEATURES CHARLES ROGERS- CLIVE BROOK ""LA W,&rR'S SECRET" -Startq Sot. 8:10.- b:40; 8.10; 10:50 DlEEP SEA F1514 NG EPIC "1.MONSTERS OF TUE DEEP" Starls Fr1. 7:10; 9-:40 Starts-sa.t., 2:00; 4.30; #:00; 9:30 Comedy . .. Crarto.Nty . .i.'News Set. 39latinée Prcs to 6:00 P.M. Aduits 3e-Children 10eë, S UN DAY. ànd . MON DAY, AUGUST 9-10 WINNIE LIGHTNER "l'GOL» DUST GERTIE"9 'Starts Sun. 2:00; 4:10;. 0:20, 8:30; 10:40 starts mon. si0n; 10 05 ADVENTURES IN AFRICA '"INTO TUfE UNKNOWN" 'Comedy . . . Cartoon. . . News TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11I-12-TWIN FEATURES BARBARA STAN WYCK "LADIES OF LEISURE"ý. starts 4:00; 10:25 GARY COOPER "THE 'VICE SQUAJJ".. Paul Lukas Kay Francis4 Auff. 20-21-22 "YOUNKG DONOVAN'S KID" . . . Iakle (SklPPY) Cooper kRlhard DIs "1THE LION HITNT"P .............. .....-.-... Adventures lu Afleac "SMART MONEY" .... Edward G. Robinson & James Cagney "WHITE SIIOULIJERS"y.................. Jack Hot & Mary Astor "THE NIGJ11T ANGEL"......... .... Nancy Carrol & Frederte Marçi "THÉ BLACK CAMEL" ..........WanrOiad &Bels Lugotil "WOMEN LOVE ONCE" ..... ..... PaulLukas Eleanor Boardnhan, "TH GRLHAIT.. ......................... Chirdes, Buggies Janet Gaynor's jleasiig .voice and good looks lend --est to hcr de- lightful characterization of t/he little orphant girl in the roinantic draina, "Daddy Long Legs," also starring l'Varnier Ba.tcr at the 7'eatro del Lago 'Thursday, Eriday and Satur- dav, .'ugust 13; 14 and 15. Critîcs dec/are that t/he play reaches un-. -2usual hieiglits of drinauz ad hum.or. Robert Perry Is Getting- Used to Being "Siain" Figuring ail 'takes". and "ýretakes," Robert Perry, motion picture actor, believes.,he ha$' undergone thýeexper- ience of being murdered :more than 1,000 times -during the- paS4t tlirteen year.s. Perrv, who recently added ta his expérience ini "murderedl" roles 'for "Thle *Lawv.ýers Secret," feature dra.. ai l k-4JIfluni1y ru6e The Cominunity House Motion Picture departuient 'announces that pictures wiIl be discontinued during the remnainder of August. The regular program Will commnence. September 1 4, with the films sched- uled for the -August run. of People, Places People and places will figure brilli- antly in this week's program at the XV7ihïfette theater. *Among. the, people who wiIl at-ý tract are joanCrawford, -Harry Ca- rey, Marion Davies, Richard Barthel- mess, John "Barrymore "and Marian Marsh. Places that allure wiIl be- the South seas, locale of "Tabu," picture of Pô- lynesian: love, filmned. in the Society archipelago. MI A person not.. easily forgot- ten. will be Svengalj of the . eyes, as por-~ trayed by John Barrymore in- the film, Se gali," a t th e WVilm ette..the- atre on Thurs day a n dFri- day, August 13 and 14. BarrN-,Jh ar'nr more lives the role. of the character of: the master hyp'notigt ýwho won sucli fame on -the stage a generation. Model la Be-witched It depicts with grim power. the evil controlý of: Svengali over Trilb-v, the pretty artists' model oî ite Latin quarter in, Paris.. Joan -Marsli, great filmn discovery of the year, wvas choseji by Barrymore ta plav the part of Trilby. Others in the cast are Brava- well Fletcher, Donald Crisp, Lumis- den Hare, Carmel Myers, Luis AI- berni,_ Ferike Boros and 'Paul Porcasi. On Wednesday, Au gust 12,, Rich-ý lard Barthelmiess will be a neivspaper. reporter in the mfighty draina, 'The Finger',Poiints," with a,decided.Jake, Lingle.tang. Fay Wray and Regis Toomey are co-starred with.Barthel- mess, while Clark:Gable is fine in a gangster part. Based on a notorious crime case- that recently startléd 'ýthe 'country, "The Finger Points" is-the resuit of collaboration by John Monk Saun-" ders and W. R. Burtiett, authors of "The Dawn Patrol" and "Little Cae- sar." Thetechnical staff for the pic- ture included some of the most pro- minent newspapérmen of the West "Tle Vafishing Legion," with Harry Carey and Edwina Booth, stars of "'Trader Horn." There'll also be Rex,, king of wild horses. Tonight and tomorrow (Thursday, and Friday, August -6 and 7) the, Wil-* ,Mette, presents Joan Crawford, Neil Hamnilton and Clark Gable in "«Laugh-, ing Sinniers," the story of a.gil' battle to forsake ber past. -- *-- ~ "r '~~t~y y'C~ ratptr,~. M

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