Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1931, p. 51

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of Movie Thrills The sea and the jungle, as well as the most radiant personalities of ilmdom, wilI, provide the entertain- inént at the luxurjous Teatro del1 La- go this weèlFE ."Monsters of the Déep" will be the deep sea, fishing epic at the Tea- tro del Lago on Friday and. Saturdav, August, 7 and 8. The sea will yield, up some of its rnoïst foymidable den- iiens and will, furnish some of its, ýmightigst thrills in, this pficture. *Then the jungle will fascinate on Sunday and, Monday, August 9 and 10, when "Into, theUnnne of, a series of aciventures-in-Africa *pictures wIll be shown. Another film of1 this series-"The African Borna" -_Will allure and instruct on Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday, August 3,14. and 15. Here's Winnie Lightner One of fllid.omn's radiiant personali- te.for whomý the audiences 'will simile, laughi-vea, even roar-is Win- n i e Liglitner w-ho wilI ap- pear iM "Gold D u s t Gertie" as the goldget- tingest g i r Iie going , at the Teatro cdel La- go on Sunda% a-n d. Monda, 'August'9 and 10. Hard-hii t 1ilng.Winie siic ce eds in eX- tra.cting gold- Winnie Ligitne r (1 U s t, or its çquLivalent fromn evervbodl- in sight. and is either. married or. lias beenl miarried tio evervone of "masculine persuasion in d'e picture. f rom- the two n'wlvWeds, -played wtith their. iisual slapstick insanity by Olsen and johnson-to thel aged andl erstwhile painfully modest maker of bat hing suits. The ýother attraction for the pro- gram Sunday and Mondavý, August 9 and 10, will be "Iiito the Unknown." African, adventure pieture. As the initial number in the two-reeler ser- Patr-ons of the Wihnetle thea fer icil iearn. whv Richard. Benitiet looks so sternizn this seccne wzIthý farion Davies iei the. 'draina,"Fv and Te»i," w/zeniiý t is sh ozc'. i i.7the - lihtte on Sindav, IMoptdai.' and Tiiesdav., Augn(st 9, .10 and 1L. miss Davies gives a pozcrfu(! charact('ri- z(7ion f'intis story. Mrs. Fred Gillespie andi lier Infant son who have been vîsiting Mr. ând Mrs. W. H. Hutson, 1112 Elirnwood avenue, have retturned to their borne ini Détroit, Mich. nor andi Warnier Baxter co-starred. There will. be an opportunity to see this at the Teatro del L.ago.on Th'urs- day. Fridav and Sa turday, Augusi. 13, ý14: nd" 15. "The African Borna,"' a chapter, of the advecntuires-ini-Afri- ca series will also be shown. The double feultre - program to-i niglit (Thursdlay, August 6) will in- ID M -v.ro ran, Day by Day Thuraday, August 6 'Wonien of Al Nations" ......... Teatro del Lago "Parfy .Husband" . . Teatro del Lago "Laughing-,Sinners"......Wilmette Frîday, -Auguat l "The Lawyer's Secret". .-... .... Teatro del Lago "Monsters of the Deep".. Teatro diel Lago "'Lauglinlg Sinners" .... Wilmette Saturday, August 8 "The Lawyer's Secret"'........e..Teatro del Lago "Monsters of the Deèrp".....Teatro del Lago "Tabu" ....... . ..Wilmette Sunday, Auguet 9 "Gold Dust Gertie" Teatro'del Lago, "Into > te Unknown" Teatro del Lago "Five and Ten.". ...WMinmette Monday, August 10 "Gcold ODust Gertie'..Teatro del Lago *"Into th~e Unkiiown" .Teatrocdel Lago "Five and Ten" ... iimette -Tuenday, August Il "Ladies of Leisure" ..Teatro, del, Lago "I1 Take This Womnan" ... Teatro del Lago "Five and Ten". Wiimette Wedmesday, August 12 "Laàdies of Leisuire". Teatro del Lago "I Take This Wonian".... . ... Teatro del Lago Thursday, August 13 "The Finger Points" . .., Wilmette "Daddy Long Legs" Teatro del Lago "The African Bina" Teatr'o del Lago iiSvengali"............ Wilmette One.Name, Actress Is Sta ofFamous Movie' An* actress Who has'no last namne is a star, per former iin ,a. famous movie.: She is Reri, the beautiful heroine of "Tabu" the F. W. M Nurnau picture: of life and love in the Southi Sea islands, whichi cones to the Xilmette theater on Saturday, August 8. Murnau chose her for the part after A oidgat, And' aio Chtàiey Chase Coîedy- Saturday, Aug. 8 "TAD.U" limiso ew serlai Bt uiitinee HARRY CARET. (.Star ot "6Trader Hon)> la "THrae.VANISHINO- LEGION"II Sun. ta Tue., Aug. 9 to il i')> z nurs. & ri. Aur. 1-1 able, easy-going Westerner, and a wealthy girl, beautiful, spoiled, im PetUous, caught up in a sudden whirl- wind of love, who marry, struggle to make a go of it, repent, separate and find they can't stay apart. A real cinematic gemn is "'.Dadd.V Long Legs," romnani1ce based 'on the Jean Webster play wihJaret- Gay- SATURI 2:30 P. M.-4L00 ADDED NIGHT (No Dani4ng Sundays) .NCIE on *FQJ-WÂLK oiee from a Speclal Tes Menu EVERY -TUESDAY NIGH4T EIDGEWATER BEACH HROTEL -5300 Bloék Sheridan Road-Telephone L0Ngbeach 6000 'i IL / "ýDAàfDXLONG

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