Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1931, p. 52

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General Notice__ementewlllbe charged only Glencpe Inclusive whose naines appear ln the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMIETTU LIFE, WINNETKÂ TALK or GIJINCOE NEWS. Rates-"nts: a Uln ione pajier. 25 cent a Uneln àny two papers. IJOLLAL Average of five wordi to the. Une. No black face type used. 10% iiscount en al ash wlth order advertliements whez brouht téeour oelli t 18 Central Ave., Wllnette, or 641 Llîncoln Ave., Wlminetka.; Deadline for Insertions-Selssiledadvertisem:nts wIll be . the WILMETTE LIFE or al .three papers; Wodnosday B o'cloek for the WINNETKÂ TALK and Thura'day à o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS.. Teleohones: Wllmotto 4300, Winnetka 2000, Greenleaf .4300 or Shoidrakoe 5y687. SLOST AND POUND 41. SITUATION wANTE«D-FENtALE POUND - BROWN MALE IRISE terrier. 1930 Chicago license 6376. Caîl KenilWorth Police Dept. FOUND-BOYs' BICYCLE.-MAY BE had by, idontifying anid paying for ad. Ph. Wilmette 4517. 2LTN14-ltc C*RL BENOST0?< CARPENTBR AND BUILI)ER REMODELING ANIREPAIRING PHONE WINNETKA 2480 8LTN44-ýtfc B U$INE"s ERViCE Ail Kindset Carpentor Work Doue JOHIN BOESCH Ph. Wilmette 2165 9LTN36-tfc AUTOMOBILES WASHED riglit at your home. 75e per car. Just eall Wlnnetka 3689.. 9L,14-1tp 1 1 . ORESSMAKINO EXPERIENCED »RESSMAKER wants aIl kinds ot sewing, aiso alter- *ations and remodellpg. Ph. Wilmette 1509. 11L14-ltp 14 GANtDCNING WANTED-THE UPKEEP OF' LAWNS and gardons lu exehange for living. quarters, by experloncod American Gardener, married, middle. age, no flIdren. Write B-94, Box 40,.- Wil- mette. iltT1 i .tf» UECORATIIN - WC)RI E EXPERI1ENCIED HELP A better.emplôymient servic.e* for the North hore:homes. Refereneapersonaliy .Investigatçd. No CHARGE g TO EXPLOYERS Telephones ,Winn. 2662, Davis 7777, HIghld Pk. 2520 PAULINE'S EMP.1 AGENCIES, 748 Elmn St. 634 Davis:St. 8 North lst 'Winnetka Evanston Hig4iId Pk.- ,41LTN9-tfe HOUSEKEEPER, COMPETÉNT, UN- encumbered, excellent references, de- sires position. Prefer full charge in widower's homewiwth grown up chiil- dren. Write B-136, Box 40, WiI- mette, 111. 41LrNl4-lnc SITUATION WANTED' Wornan refined, mniddle aged, as coni- pan ion or housekeeper, capable to take full charge, will travel. A-1 references, Wilmette 4391. 41LTN14-Ite CALL PAULINE'S FOR EF!FICIENT domestie holp, references personlly' investigated, over 5,000 homes secure help frorn our 4 North Shore Offices. No charge to employer. 41LTNi4-lte GERMAN GIRL, 30 YRS. OLD WANTS'ý nurse or governess position. Speaka correct German and French. Excel- lent ref. Wages $?,0-$25 wk. Paullne's, Winnetkça 266'2. 41LTN14-lte COMPrn'ENT WOMAN: WISRES' TO to, take care of children day or nig ht 35 cents per hour, aIso have. college daughter that can do saine. Ph. Wil- mnette -4203. 41LT.N14-inc A RELI- would1 afternoo E COLORED W4)MAI half ds.vs. inCrninirs oi MAID, COL.,. PART OR ALLh DAY. Plain cooklng, Likes cilidren. Write Natalie Willlamn, 515 Sheridan Rd., Winnetlca. e-o garage. 4îITIN14-ltp EXPERIENCED VH I T EWOMANI Trhursdays. Call-WllmeBtte 4288 after S :30 . ni.41LTN14-lno EXPERIENCED Y ýO U N G WOMAN wants general housework, preferâbly. ln small- famlily. Write B-432, Boôx 0,wilmette, Iii1. . 41LT14-Ine BOREMIAN GIRL 23 YRS. OLD wants genéral, 2 yrs. local reference. Pauline's, Wnnetka. 2862. 41LTN1 4-Itt COLLEGE GIRL WOULD LIKE TO take care of chlldren day or evenlng. Ph. Wllmette 4934. 41LTN14-lnc' TAKe' WASHING HOME. W IL L cali .forand deliver. Also dry wash- ing. Ph. Winnetka -3,611. 41LT1414-ltc EXPERIENCED COL. WOMAN, DAY work,- laundry or cleanlng. Refer- ences. Wentworth 4545. 41 LTN14-ltp EXPElRIIiNCE~D COOK OR 6ENERAL housework. North shore references. Winnetka 33M. 41L14-ltp HIGI- SCHO OL GIRL WILL CARE' foi cbldren evenings, 25 cts. per hr. Ph. Kenilworth 3683. 41L14-lnc 42 SITUATION WANYED-MALE JAPANESE MAN WANTS GENERAL housework position, good cook, reli- ableand willing worker, 8 yrs. last place. Write H. H., 5733 Kenniore Ave., Chicago. 42LTN14-2tp WANTED - POSITION ON PRIVATE ostate, as gardoner, by middle aged American; fully capable to take ful charge, nsarrled, no children. Write. B-95, Box 40, Wlmnitte. 42LTN11-tfd YOUNG G E R M A N - H-UNGARIAN wishes position as houseman or 'gar- dener. Can drive car. Ph. Wilmette 2567. 42LTN14-lnc EXP. MAN WANTS PAINTING, CAL- cirnining, housework, gardenlig. Any. kind of work. References. Oison., Ph. Davlis, 2153. 42tiTN1l4-ltp JACK'S EXPRESS r URNITURE moving, aud hauling, also freight. and baggage. Prompt service. Ph. Wil- mette 5069. 42LTN14-lne EXPERIENCED. MAN, WASH WIN'. 4 Cou] North Shore ho Pau 748ý Elm St. 3WANTED Wages $125-to $150 Agencçy Winnetka 2662 4S FOR SALE-;AUTOS FOR SALEI-CHEVROLET COUPE IN. good conâtloni-very.good buyr, $25. 925 Gréenleaf Ave., Wilmeitte. É8LTN4-Itp, FOR SALE ý- NASE. CONVERTIBLE coupe 1929 Special si*, excellent con- dition, 90od tires. Cal. after 7 P. K Glenîcoe 29i3. 48LTN14-ltp FOR SALE- 1930 MODEL A FORD, like new. Winnetka 2748, 48LTË14-ltp SI FOR RENT-ROONS [g VERY PLEASANT CONNECTED roomns single If desired. E1ast side loca- tion,, kitchenette and garage optIonal,, Reas. Ph. Wilmette 965-R or Konil- Worth 86. 51LT114-Itp LARGE LIGHT ROOM, PRIVATE bath and shower. Excel. board. Very homeélike. Also smaller room. Garage.. 545 Provident, Wlnnetka. 5 1LTN14-1ite VERY REASOXABLE RMS., COM- fortable, elean and homelllke. Con- venlent to bath. Caîl Saturday, Sun- day, or evenings. Ph. Wlnnetka 2844. 51L14-ltp FOR RENT - FURNISEED PLEAS- ant room In private home, abundance of hot water. $5. Ph. Wilmette 729. -5 1LTNI4-Ite VERY REASONABLE ROOMS, COM-- fortable,. clean and homeliIçe. Conveni- nt tô bath. Call Sat., Sun., or eveniýngs. Winnetka 2844. 51LTN14-ltc- LO.CLEAN ROOMS AT. REAS. price.. Running wate!t in ail rmns. Cen- tral Motel, 629 Main St. Ph. Wilmet*,é 1080. 51LTIN13-tfc FOR RENT-LARGE CORNER FRONT rmn. with private family, near al transportation.. Ph. Wilimette 2133.' 51LTN14-Ite ' OR 2 ROOMS FIURNISHED FOR Iight house keeping. Near transporta- tion. Ph. Wilmette 1913. 51LTN14-1tp ul-uv j3t.txrtt:lll&Ll Duu 'pOai.a iree roLUa e.Lw Aours work ini Prîvate outrance porch, -yar& ,.ýAIIe ,38L1<3-tf PAT ;TIME M OR NI NG WRIC your own home telephIoning customi- attractive separate rooni. Near trans. ~DT@ Ar~~uAmwantéd. North shore refer. Ph. Wl)- ors. See. Mr. Hemeon,, 830 Davis St., References. PoeWlet 0. 41 AINWNR-iaAU mette 911-J. 41LTN14-lnc Mvanston. 44LTN14-ltc hu imto24 56L14-ltp - XPIRIENCM- WOMAN: WISHES GERMAN GIRL,.23 YRS. OLD WANTS WOMAN WITH àOCIAL CONTACTS 4] ROOX KImmmjq1.j1APT.- Eux- * aablug, iroping, cleanlng., by the genoral, 5 yrs. Glencoe rot. Pauline'. or club connections, living on N. S. phrey Building.CalWuoa 8r 4a". P. WfilMotteý 480. 41LTrN14-Inc> WlUuetka Z662. 41L1"N14-ltc Ph. Wllmlette.650. 44L14-lte $3828. r*etkazç4st r . 1 .

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