Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1931, p. 55

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By Rutheda L. Pretzel "Peter lbbetson," whicli received ýts Ravinia premiere last Mondav eve- ning, undoubtedly is the sensation of theseason. Tt will, be repeated Sat- urday, niglit of this week, and Fridav ç evening,ýAugust-14. Deemns TIaylor, composer of the opera,, was present last Mondav and spoke a few words to the:audience. He must have been completelv satis- fied with the enormous crowd, which French folk, songs heard off-stage in dream 'scelles, presenit the onlv rnelo- (lies that can lie iifted out. Th-e dance micii is charming but neces.sarily an- tifue, while the -aria is not o-pérat*rc, although it is verv lovelv and appeal-. inLyto the ýear as weil as, the lieart Alfredo Gandolfi siniys it w%*ith a fine tone and «'lstrainit. His character71i- tion of, Colonel, Ibhetson is wvell tliouzlht out and adequate. thoughb nerhans .léss temlpestuotis than thýÉit of Tibbett, who' createdt the role. Urç eti. 1ccuit b, ii, lnie per, Sung hi Engliah and Frenc h forma.nce. wbicli ;as ýas perfect a;, any could lie. The opera is suiii n ýnrlistIl ànc' A srio s ideration of the opera nFe chi. Ail of the principals .1a,! impresses one witli: its dramtia msered' the lanpuage. and send i& estrength and- musical weakness.- The 'lit witb reasonable clearness. Mr. drama is the tbing in "Peter Ibb.et- Tohî'0son's E ý,ncyiish %vas, I)v right. q' son," and Edward Johinson the figure lits (anadian hirth. alwavs clear'and* upon whoni ail attention is' rivetet4. alwvavs tunderstoôid. Ti, pite of a trace 'He is an actor o.f astonishing genis, of. accent. 'Miss flori's Englishi was suprby apaleofir~erreing the ewai clear, anid. the accent onlv role of Peter. Ilis portrayal is strong a(ded. charm. Strangel, 'thotizh. if from a pantomimic angle as,*wiel. xas easier to understand aIl the, from the vocal side. Given 'the role fé. Frencli spoken. English opera is stfl!j the legitimate stage lie wotfld inakie- so new that the ear nnskîl history. As Peter Ibbetson, lie reaclies, strains, to get everv word, so thit the hieiglits of biis careér, having often the general tlhought is lost. found a character, worthy of is grea The stagilng is a miarvel of iinLer- talenlt. uity on the part of theRvnasf. Bon Ilàs Sprb The dream scenes are unohtrusivelv Lucre:ia Borils Ducbess of Towers; andý artisticallv nevealed: Ail of thte 'is al that it shouid be, lieautifti1, scenerv. is artistie and modern, Verv >iciamiig nd itha hntof atlosap)propriate to the gorgýeous gowNns of bençathli er gaiety. Wlienever she aD-t-i rit.Tedemseiswr ,Nichisiio otenenoigi, neparticularly effective fromi the pic-, is arrested liv lier exquisite fragilitvtra andot.9 lien cool elegance. As Mimisv shelie The opera wli be iminenselý popu- elusive and wistful, while - as tle !ar this season. Whether the drama Duchss lie onvys n imresionis strong enougli to carry thie muts:c .of fear beneatli ler liglt-hea'rtedliess.. for several seasons renains to be I She wears stunning gowns, whicli sl:e seen.a must bave*to change with lightin.ý- r like napidity, and she sings divinely. ON WYOMING RANCH a All other roles ]ose stature beside . George W..Springer, 724 Forest ave-V ,those.of Miss Boni and. Mr. jolinson, nue, and bis daugliters, Miss Winlogened Whie one is submerged in the tense and Jane, are spending the month ofh atmnospbere. tbey,ý create, one ofteýi August at the 1X14 ranciDatn c feels a wave of rage becausé thé mu- Wyo. Miss Martlia Spiinger'is a coun- sic fails to neacli the higli level of cilor at -the Rocky Mountain camp f'or tbeir art. Every little w'hile there iqs Girls, Estes Park, Colo., and when the the hope. -of' fortbcoming mnelody, buit camp closes August 14 will take the if is puslied aside by vague and pati- 'trip througb Yellowstone and Glacier l.ess harmonies. The one unifyin- parks befone returning home. theme used is an. adaptation of thiree New Term Begins Tuesday, Sept. 1 Evanston Business College W. H. ýCALLoW, .Principalj StudioBuiýi,g 171 8 Sherman Ave., I -À-- ne riings istuUpe oi stars to com- pete in a series of matches on the Northwestern university courts. Fn- day and Saturday, August 14 and 15. Tilden will be accompanied by Karel Kozeluh, noted C zecho - Siovakian star, 'who, on several ccasjonsr*e- cently lias been able to take the mea-. sure of bis Arnerican opponent. Others in the party include Emmett Pare of Chicago, former national, day courts champion, Albert Burke of 'France and Robert Sellers of. California. Tilden 'and Kozeluh ivili -resume their rivalry in ýa singles match and. will also clashi in a doubles match, the makeup .of which wilI be decided later. Stands capable of holding -ai crowd of 3,000:persons are to -be erected for the matches., Nekt week's public guide-lecture tours at Field Museum o-f Natural, His- tory will. begin Mfonday, August 10, with "Skeletons, Past and Present" at Il a. nm. and "Lif e otf the Ancient Egyptians» at 3 p. m. On Wednesday at the samne bours subjects will be "Wonkers in Metals" and "Honses," and on Fniday "Amenican Arachae- ology" and. "Bunial Customis." On Tuesday and Tliursday there wili be general tours of anthropologicalî, botanical, geological and zoological ex- hibits. These tours, conducted by staff lecturers, are open to al museuni visi- tons. Parties assemble inside the nortb- enitrance. AT POWERS LAKE, WIS. Mrs. Dudley- Taylor and ber son, [4andon, 244 Cunnr road, Kenilwoth ' are spending the summer at their sùm- mer home at Powers lake, XVis. They ire at home in Wilmette this week buit %ill return soon. - Mrs. Tayior's. daugliter, formerly Betty Taylor, and her busband, Mr. and Mrs. Kenk, Dyke of New York, City, will 3lpend- two iveks at Powers lake durning August. MOTHER DIES Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Waugb, 651 Ilino;is noad, ireturned last week frn Winnipeg, Mati.,ý Canada wbere theyv The Bible. and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and Ailother authorized Christian Science Literature mày be read, borrowed or purchased at the Reading R.oom. a '4 - a .s r** * u a , mia nUig I1L up - per at Ramo's. Mrs. Davis Jordon was the former Miss Ida. Trembly of Lake Shore drive befone ber mar- niage on Saturday, July 25. BACK FROM AUTO TOUR Mr..,and Mrs, John R Willott, 1300. Ashland avenue, and their son, Harold, and daugliter, Gertrude,. have. returned to their Home f rom a -two weeks' miotor trip through noriberti Wisconsin, Michigan, 'and Minnesota, driving as far as Pot Arthur., Canada. VISITING IN CALIFORNIlA The Misses Harniet and Rita, St. Clair,'daü.ghters, of Mn. and Mrs. Wil- liam M. St. Clair, 935 O0akwood ave- nue, are, spending five. weeks with their aunt and uncle in San Frncisco, Cal.. They will also visit a ranch at Wil- BAKFROM WISCONSIN Miss Mary Ella Waidner, daugliter of, Mr. and, Mrs. William N. Waidneri 1046 Greenwood avenue, neturned Thursday f nom Delevan lake, Wis., where she lias for ten days been the guest of Dr. and Mns. R. T. Huif of Wilmette at their ,summer home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Pavlicek, 1609 Highland avenue, Wilmette, haé as their bouse guests last week, rela- tives, Mr. and Mrs. H-. S. Depper- nxann of Harrington Park, New Jer- sey. Tliey have. toured the Southi and Middle WVest, returning east through James Richards of the Wilmette W'ater department lias retunned f nom a vacation spent in northenn Wisconsin.ý He is suffering witli ivy poison con- tracted while lie was ini the nonth woods., Miss Relda Murray, clerk, at the Kenilworth postoffice, ýis, spending, thig week with friends at Blooming- ton, Ill. Sle is taking the week off as part of lier aniual vacation. --o- Miss Ellen Johinson of Chicago was jiýE PUBLIC IS CORDALLY, INVITEDTO ATEND THEn CHURCH SERVICES. AND VISIT TUE READING IWOM = = = E = i Open Sunday 1 il0 'ns P. M. to .6 P. M.

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