Wihnette will join with other' north shore villages in their efforts to ob- tain grade separation, as a resuit cf action taken by the Village board Tuesday niglit. Tbhe board voted to retaini Wey- mouth Kirklànd4 of the firm, of Kirk- land,, Fleming, Green and Martin,,33 N. LaSalle street, Chicago, as special counsel to represent thîs Village in aIl negotiations withi reference to the separation of grades oîf the two ýrail- road's, the Chicago and4 North- West - ern and the Chicago,, North Shore, and Milwaukee in Wilmette. Village Attorney Willis D. NabZncre advised that some action of' this :na- ture be taken, inasmucli as the Ilii- nois Commerce commission,, which will. rule wheher Wilm'ette- shahl or shall not have grade 'separation,. Fas served, notice that unless -active in- terest is shown, bv this Village, 'it wil'l be. dropped f ro m the grade sep- aration plans.ý September, 28 lias been 'Set as the date of the next "hearing before ihe commission, and at tiat time WIl- mette »will lie expected to prestnt facts and figures showing that ele.- vation of the railroad tracks here is needed. .The attornev who'hlas been retained ta represent Wilmette in thé grade separation negotiations will be, paie. at the rate of $125 'a day. His assis- tants wiII, receive $100 a day. English Lutheran Minister Resigns The council of the Wilmette Eng- lish Lutheran church, 'Seventh street and Greenleaf avenue, Tuesday nig il, of this week received the resignation of the Rev. Carl I. Empson, pastor *of',thepri. The.resignation will be vdted Ipon at a congregational meeting of the churcli Sunday morning, August 16, it w'as stated. M.Empson announced to the church council, Tuesday that he ha d received a cal ta the pastorate of the First Lutheran ýchurch of Decatur. E~l. The pastor 'leaves Saturdav of th-, colored, empioyea at l710 Central avenue, Capt. Borre and Officer Voesl arrested them. The- robbery o c- curred at Seventh street and Central avenue. When the, robbery was reportedl the two officers.immediately began a search of. the* neighborhood and picked Up the -y out hs- at Sheridan roaci and Linclen avenue. They. at first denied -snatching Miss Bo one's, purse, but later.confessed. The purse contained about $25 in cash, two dia- mond.irings valued.at $500, a wrist watch, aý fountain pen, and other ar- ticles of lesser value. The youths ýwere broughit before, justice. ofý the Peace J. J. Peters Monday,. nmorning. Inasmùch, as neither of: them had previaus police records, they were placed qn parole. To Restrict Parking Near Rathing Beach Parking along, t h e residential streets near the WVilmette bathing beach will be restricted ta ninety minutes for the, remainder of, the bathing season as the resuit of aC- tiQn taken liy thé- Village board Tues- day niglit on recommendation of the streets and alleys comrnittee. Trustee Arthur Lee, chairman of this committee, reported that the. parking problern in the vicinity of the 'beach lias become a serious mat- ter, and that the beach is used sa extensively b1'ynon-residents -of'the village that Wilmette property own- ers in that vicinity have been greatly inconvenienced by outsiders Who camne. early ta ,Use the beach and stav late. The new regulations regarding parking at the.beach apply only ta the streets eéast of Sheridan road. The village has provided free park- ing space in Washington, park for beach patrons, and at least 350 cars' cati be accommodated there at one turne, Trustee Lee reports. thie raîuroaci tracics Kenilworth avenue. ,es att ,n .staticl on bot] iage. board I tbe 'board Recent action of the Village board in the pro- in establishing the office of Village' lie Chicago engineer was rescinded at the regu- )n wst f lar meeting of the board Tuesday th 'b' 1 J Members of the board explained that. at the time a hearing was held on the West Railroad avenule imnprovement the need for' p arking spaces was discussed by citizens in attendance, and the board promised.ta instail such'parking spaces. in view of this f act, and because the' .board stili f eels that. additional space is needed for parking in the vicinity of the North Western station,. it. was decided ta award the contract for the %work, but ta odoify the plans somewhat in'order ta iniprove the appearance of the ýproject by landscaping. The con- tract was awarded ta the Highways Constructi.on company. of Highland Park, whose bid for' the job was $2,625.25. The board'also decided ta 'invite the Kenilworth Garden club ta* offer sug- gestions in regard to landscapihig thât' artion of the space between the railroad tracks and 'Green Bay road' at Ken.il- warth avenue not needed for parking purposes. Central Rezoning ýQuestion Revived Dr. L. W. Jones, 1020 Central' ave- nue, in a communication read at the Village board meeting Tuesday niglit, asked the board ta give con- sideration ta the matter of' rezoning the block on Central avenue froni Tenith street ta Eleventh 'street from residential ta commercial classifica- tion.' Dr. Jones stated that a petition Was sùbmitted ta the Village administfra- tion which precede'd the present one asking that. sucli rezoning be, made. The. aid Village board lie said, did noôt act, favorably on the matter, however. The question.of rezoning property in the block in which Dr. Jones lives lihas b1een referred ta the new Zoning commission,- of which Myles J., Phil- J14 vlvqg;DL uà 1 andi fhat will potUnitY ta mnSPect inana ta watcn the variaus activities carried' on there. SCHULTZ IN WISCONSIN, Supt. of Public Works C. C. Schultz As in Wisconsin on. his annual vacatiom. He and bhis family are spending setreral" days in Ladysniith, Wis, and vicioity. and racks for sale at. very 10w prices, Corne and see for yourself'1 Mrs. Henry Cutler, chairman. Editor'mo Note - Econom y S hop Io maintained by the:phïlanthropy de- partmnent oW the Womani's ýclub of Wilmette. Proceeda are dlrected to liai kly and at a savng,. Cmi Wl.1. e4300 AUTHORZE U'G DAY Granting of a permit te the Chii- cago Children's Benefit league ta hold its anrnual tag day in Kenil- worth October 5 was authorized by the Kenilworrth Vilage board at. is regular monthly -meeting Monday'Q» night, niglit.: Wilmnette's. new Village engineer, Boyne H. Platt, will not be witbôut a job, however. or Village, President C. P. Dubbs bas appointed hini aà building commissioner. The appoint- ment was made Tuesday nfiglt witb the approval of -members of the Vil- lage b.oard., The ordinance cre ating, the office of. Village engineer was repealed. This was donie',because of. the faiçt that a state, law provides that in ,municipatiles where,.there is a presi- dent, a commnissioner of public works and a village or city enigineer. tfbese three muen shal serve. as the, board, of local improvements. in Minmette members of the regu-- lar board of trustees, who are elected officers, have been serving also a$ the board of local improliements. Such an arrangement would net be lawful if Wilmette had a Village en- gineer, it was pojnted out. Village President Du'bbs expressed the opinion at the ,meeting of tihe Vil- lage board Tuesday that the board of 'local improveffents, should be con-' posed of members elected by the ci- tizens. If the president, the superin- tendent of publie works and the -en- gineer comnprised the improvement body, only one member, the president, would be truly representative of the voters, since the other two members would h.old appaintive 'offices, Mr. DubJs explained. 'Mr. Platt, in additiÏon to his duties as building commissioner, will serve as assistant village manager. He is an engineer of wide expérience in municipal improvëment work.' Sinct- 1924he has been connected with Con- soer, Older and Quinian, consultinig engineers,' Chicago. Members. af the board of trustees will' continue ta, serve as, members of the 'board of local improvemenits,ý as in the past. Start Proceedi*nges