Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1931, p. 20

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The nine-%Neek sunîniier playg-routid prograni-wl coic to ail end at il o'clock Saturday miorti.ig, Daniel M. Davi s, director of recreationl, an- nounces. Ail tbree of the playgrotinds rire planning, special progratis. parties, and picniies aç a finiale to the, stimniier play ,eason ami parents of the iay- groulid children are t-o he) guests 01 - onor at eachi of the porns wbich tbe public is invited. The Village Green playgrouuid wil be the first to stage. its bigy prograîr the -climax of which will take place tbis afternioon beginning *at1:3C o'clock. Tbe childIreni met at 1tîat playground - at ,10:30 o'cloc1- tlii- morning and the iest ivîties l<pro'e be- gan at 1l o'clocek wlhen an exhîibi- tion kickball gamne vas played he- tween the Village- Green girls, 'ihC are, Village, kicb.411 champions, an', tbe Ntattîýpan park girls, wbo werc runners-up iin thle kickball leagnie. Thius noon the Village Green cliildren, their parents and frieîîds, enjoyeda weenie and nîarshinallow roast under the trees on the playgrouîîd and after that the, atlîletic, prograni w-as, to bc coinducted.consistinig o! races for mer, women, and cbildren. Afterý the race, Carl C. Renneckar,onte of tîe -play- ground patrons, will. award mnedals to the niembers of -tle playground wvhi have earne d tbem iin conîp)etition :%vit'ý the cbildren in other playgrounds.,, Exibits of bandicraf t projects are to be displayed a-Il day today at tlié Village Green and Central and atl dav Friday at Central and Vattmian p)-irký 1very çhild on ecdi jlavgrouind Nvl1îr lias finisbied a.project during tlie sum- nimer Nvill biave it on displa-y. Soap) carv- ing mQdiels, baskets,,W.vvcn during: th< sumnier, dr.esses. filrnitpre, dolîs, and posters are someof tîe Iprojects ijiai -will be exlîibitcd. -Village :Green.i articles are to. bc takenf froni the exhibit tonîorrow noon sinice the playground will attend thec Va,'ttnîian çlosing progra i in tthe after- A performance Iby a p1rofess-ionail mnagician will be tlie cliief fe.iture of *VattniLn park's 'c1o),,siig prograni. TIhc performance wil start at 1 :4.3 o'cocli- tomorrow aftérnoon after a picnkc -luncbeon for inothers and -playgrourid children in the par- at .îoon.- Since August 13 9 a. mi.-AII-day exbibits of bianli- craft. Central an.d Village :Greeii playgrounds. Il a. m.-Exbibition kiekball ganie. Village Green 12-Weeniie and marsbmallow roas. V\illage Green playground 1 :30 p. mn.-.Fiinal - prograni. Atlîletic mneet ,and., awarding of prizes. Vyil- lage Green playground 7p., îi.-Tenn is tournatiient tiatc'îe. Singles. Village Green 7:1.51p. n.MnsHorseshloe itcling to.urninent.ý Sinigles. Village Greè'î Tomorrow, August 14 9 a. n.-AII-day cxhibits of, lard- craft projects. Cenitral and \'att- mnan park plaNlgrounds 12Pcî,luncheon. Va'ttmiain Parkc - playground. 1 145 p. mn. - agiciain's, performiance and. awàr(ling of 1priz'es., Vattmn. ~' 2 p. m.i- Play and presentation of c. playgrouind awards.. Central p!aý - , ground, tni a7 p. ni. Semi-finals iii tii tournla- rnment. Village Green r7:15 .p. m. -Final )laygrotlnd:Ia.l gaines. Hoffmiian 'Fiorist 1. vs. Hof- man Florist IL. Village Green p, 71p. m . - Final Pla ygrouind bt Sgamnes. Elites vs. HaNw1s. \Village 0 Green 7:15- p. ni.- Final playgrouind bal7 ganies. Steiner Phinîbers vs. V1l1a,ýe e -Cleaners. Village ,Greni e Saturday, August 15 lia. m.-Official closing of three suin- m ner plavgroutids. Cenitral scboo', - \attînaii Park Village Green 2p. n.-Fîa.ls iMitennis tournameiit. V'illage Green. IPlayground Bal1 St. Johins (10) Ridge A. Cramer if. Prochnow Fi', Asclibacher A. Zibble., Il. J.Baker R. aker B. (nrlun 1'. Ko.ssowv Ave. Pharmac.ty -(17) il. Peters A.Seiniler- 1). Miller C. Closstt J. Kraft P. Miller playgrounds will leave next Mon day morning for Lake Villa, Ill.. for a week's sojourn at Camp Hastings. The boys will spend one week emi- ployed ini regular camp* activiies in- clddcanoein g, sim ing, hikirîg, horseback, riding, as w ell as the well! known ".stttints" everv camping group enjoys. Altbough: the quota for, attendinc the cam pbas been attained, 'a feiv extra boys can bie accommodated anid additional invitations mwere issiled to playground boys wvbo lhave proved their proficiency, during -tlie sui ier. Tlhe boys, wilIreturnto Wilmiette Mondax-. Augùst 24. 11. Schleuter G. Williams Terminal A. C'. (6Y V B. Mooney G. Ludwig D. Chester j-I. Sieren. 14. Digges C. WiIlllans P. Wenzel FfI. 'Miller Village Cleaners() R1. Woltff .1. Schaefgen R. Nordl B. Thalm-ann. W. schinfler G. McIntyre E . Ffetrboni Vý. Wyle %. Roere c'. s.atoiî lltf -a lorist > V. 1inhuin . i May 3.ý Johnson1 'ilg4(leaners (13) il . Nachel 1). Boyingtofl .1. Schiaefgen A. Thalm'arn G.Deutsch * G. \clnityre R. Nord E. Bleser B. Braun P. Wagnipr Elites (C2) W. Hawkinson * H. Scbleuter ,S. Keil M%. Sensendorf R. KlInge A. Hawkiisojn T.li{opkins J. Cic-ffhi.ii H. Schlaelfgon * Eiites () S. Keil7 .- M. Seinseiîdrf R. Kliiîge G., wilite T. Ilopkine; S. Hawkinson J. Cicchini 1-. Schaefgen IL off mani Florist I * (2) 1 l'o.fiIutk I. for playground proficiency were an- nounced from Director of Recreatioîî Daniel M. Davis' office today. Tbe awards are gold, silver, aw! bironize medals presetîted to boys and girls of the three age groups wbo have won the higbest number of points in pla.yground activities, sportsmanàshîp, and general efficiency, on, tbe play- ground. The medals are bonors 'coveted bv eacb playground, child. andI ini as much as ail playgrounds ere ini- cluded in the competition, winning, one of the tbree leacling places in bis age group is a notewortby achievement for aniy .playgrouni--c-hild..,. Dorotby Davis of, Vattman park is tlîe bigbest point win.ner ýof. aIl classes, iii ail playgrounds, baving. attained a total of 66Ôpoints tlîrougbout the sea- son. She .is of. the intermiediate class and ivill be awarded a gold. medai for being tbe girl to win. tbe most points iii ber class during the season. Hilde- garde Voeîler, also of Vattman park, is secondbighest gi in.that class, anîd will receive a silver medal. Tîe, third highest girl in-the intermediate class was Blanche Kreusch of the Village Green playg-round, Wlbo wiil receive a, bronze miedal. Tbe tot.al. points for- the respective second and third place winer were- 47 aiid 40. Tlîe highi point, wiîîner- of the, boys. Of the intermnediate age, which ranges frorn 10 year-s to 13 years, was Bobh DeVinney ofthe Village Grèen play- ground, who, aggrega 1ted 46 points, duriîig tlîe suinîrner.. Eric Samuelson of Vattnîan park receives the silver medal withi 42 po'ints. to bis. credit anid Cliarles Milihauser of Central playgrotind rèceives the bronze medal vitlî 35 points. l'le junior a-e included ail cbii- dren under 10 vçars of. age and the Ihigh point girl, Vrirginia Todd of Vatt- pian park," réeived more points tban an-v otlier clîild of lier group. Martha Leàclf, an eight-year-old youngs.te, place'd second, amontg>thei junior girls, and Luçifl Heerens placed third. AM thrce gir-ls are froin Vat t manpark and their respective points, were 51), 42, and X6 Vattnîan park also had the thre inedal winhers amonig the junior boyýs as 1't did amoiig the girls. Donald Garniss of that park was first wjth 4 points, Biliy Fançkbonier second with 38 points, and Bud Fifer, tlîird with 35 points. The t«'o latter boys are un- ,d& 8 vears of 'aie. stationed at the folloWing -play'- grounds: Vattinan Park, Mrs. Ger- -rueFanckbonier, Miss Lola Kurz, and Glen W. GatIiercoal, Village Green, Miss Bessie Carol Bierer an.] Dudle*y C..Stone; Central, Miss Dee Riggle, Termintal -A. C. 1), Chester B. Ferrarini H.siele G. Ludwig B3 *Digges E. lMooney G. Mclntyre (0) Steilier Plumb ers (12) T. Brady .S. Lidger K. Steffens L. Steiner - B.*May G. Thochnow H. Prochnow Pý.l*%Sehopen i - Team Standings (League 1) W. Hloffma.n Florist I ...il Hawks .. ....9 Hoffman Plorist I....... 9 alites ,......... 0..........8 V'illage -Cleaners .......... 5 Steiner Plumbers....4 Pet.' 846 692 666 384 spe7 Terminal A C............. 0 - - (-League 11) W. St. Johns .:,....... 8 Ridge Ave. P-harmacy .'.t. 8 Junior A. C_ ........7 Sehrelber's Shoe Stolre. .2 Joe Tigers ........ SoPhomores.-.....O 12 L. 2 2 3 G 8 8 000 Pet. 800i 806 700

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