Ail communications muet be accompanled by the nmre and addresà of the wrlter. Articles for pub- lication muet reach tihe editor by Tuesday noon to laure appearance Iln current iasue. 1Reoutons of condolence, carde of thanks, obitu- &ries, not1cea of eutertainmenta or other affaire where an admittance charge la pubIllhed, will be charged at regular advertialng rate«. ~G~deSe parution WilI . Save Life I Let'a, Hatten the DagIt IF happiness and growth 'are the two Lsupreme -aims of human beings theri tbe necessary means of'achieving happi- ness. and, health. must be secured- and niaintained. One of ý the Drai tMe in o st ne cessary .means, Skoke!p probably the .most neces- sary, the, mostfundamen- tai, is, perf ect saniitary conditions. And j ust so0 long as sewers vomit their filthy con- tents inito ,basements during and after heavy rain falis, human health and hap- piness -are sç.riously endan'gered. It is generally.agreed that this backing9 ap of sewers in storm times is, due to sev- eral factors: Ditching to, the north of the Cook county une; effluent Of sewage plants ini the northivesterly, Part of the drainage area,; seepage Ieaks' and the like. Ail of thèese causes of overllow can be re- duced to one cQIilprehellsive cauise, naine- Iy, inadequacy of the present svstein to take care of stormn waters. Manv 1robleis of mnany kinds face north shore icotiiiiitunities, b;ut the para- *mount probl.eni is- this. one, of (riae involving as -it so, plaiîîly dloes the hiealthi of northl shore peoiple.' W TIIEN the paving. of C enter street in T.Winnetka is coiupleted_ and read y for use it certainly vi1l be a ne\v Center street. Old Center street lias beeri for years . 1 -a useful. if îîot a A New Center Street us, if niot a wonderful one. ltys not won- derful to us because we do not regard it with anything approaching wonder. We, regard it witb alarm, a kind of discomfort such as we feit once when we had thrust upon us the opportunity to seli some tic- kets. We hýad always hated to sell tickets, s0 thé opportunity was. not welcomed, not even with wonder. Sooner or, later we'Il have, to learn to. fly. Progress in the* field of aviation is being made with sucb Ieaps' and bounds that the oppportunity will be f orced upon us. We don't want, to fly, 'but we just know that we'll have to learn,- just as we had to learn to drive a ýcar. Maybe it won't be so disagreeable as we think.* Sometimes we've feit when ive were' skimfming, along the -concrete high- way at 50. miles per as *if we. were. flying. Perhaps if wings .wére attached 'to the, sidesof the -car, we .might leave the I ma- terial earth, take a short' and, excit ingz flight, and aliglit softly on the highiway'. There's a possibility-very slight to be sure-that we'll take up flying. So doing we mighit realize one of our childhood dreams of soafing like a bird over such obstacles as walls, trees, and even inoun- tainis. M ANY smmrsehl(Os offer courses that riîn for six or eighit eeks. Con- ,sequently their ternis end about the iriiddle of Au'gust. To miany whrlo. do flot attend the sclhool this Surnmer Term, term may seemn too Ends short to be of any noticeable good. But even 30 or -10' hours of class-room work lui a language, science, or physical culture, nimay. be of *miuch iiore than super ficial benefit. Amlong other itemsii"i HgiSho News, we learn' that the past session h-as beeîi the "hottest sumniiier sehool session ever .experieniced." The reporter adds t hat "faculty and students alike looked for- liortunatey caigrdUiL up >wiI LIIII iU oicr.VIiCierin the day, so there was nothing to do but give the performance a bit ini advance of schedule. Our hair-trigger f riends were, bowever, consid- erate enough to stage their little prank witbin a block of the Wilmette police station, so that the demonstration can be tabulated . in, gangland history as at least approximating success. Wilmette, it is suggested, may. retain some of Cicero's constabulary, the better t9 idéntify, the lads who invade the north shore for their littie parties. We Iearn, also, ,that 'London is about. to obtain the services ot a veteran Chicago gunan for hero stuif- in British'films. Not a bad idea, especially if such popularity would only entice more of his ilk to forsake Chicagoland for duty abroad. Bachelors, a Des Moines reporter lias discovered, are more polite telephone users than their married, bret hren and the women.- Des Moines operators are authority for the contention,. this iieWs-gatherer., declares. Quoting the. ..voicel ithi a smile": <ý ."Married nmen are impatient and demand more. in' the* way of: service, whi le wvomen are iîot as con- siderate and get e>oited more easidy. *Men in busi'- ness seem best to understand telephione usage, and single nmen are the best telephone uscrs, since they are mnuch more polite.'" In the instance. of. the marriedl meii, ino doubt, the telephone affôrds about the onlly safe means of getting the proverbial Word iii. edgewi se ithout. f ear of dire consequences; MWUSINGS 0F OUR NIGHT EDITOR Erwin E. Barder, Chicago clarinetist-guiltless, we hope, of mte saxoploie-has donated some of his recent, compositions tu the Wilniette Public library. -Alusic f rom the Lost Planet" is the naine of one of these niev selections. Perhaps that one should have gone to the Adler plailctarium. ProperF names miay als9 be, fittiig,ý as ini the case of Don Marsh, who was ini charge of a Glencoe R4otary club programi with North'.Shore \!osqùito abatenient',as the theme. 'Mr. Marsli, should be familiar with the subject matter on.;such a progranii. "Inidian, 103,.on Honeymoon with Fourth, Bride. 52ý ;-Brave 'relis Few of His Many 1xeine. Thus .readëthi a headline f romi the Daily Tinmes. Verily, that word "Brave" was well chosen. Mrs. W. W.. Tarr, 1604 Central avenue, Wil- and wîil be no interruption. One of our expectations, slowly beiiig fuIfilled,' is the final conipletion and use of this higliway al the wav froni the termninus of MeýICorm'iick. road to GrFeen Bay road at the nortiieri i nits of Glen- coe, If you would like to know more about Cape Cod than you now do, we take pleas-, tire in reconimending for your perusual *.Thoreau',s. book abowthtat, remnarkable cape, -Most of WVinniýtka's business mien, quite exhausted f romn their activities on Winnetka 'Day last Thurs- day, were too weary to return to thei r accustomed duties on Friday. A number were observed en- joying the rest cure on neighborhood golf courses. 'At this ivriting, not a -single complaint wàs re- ceived conceri ing the foretaite of autuumi enj oyed early this week. :-MIQUE.