Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1931, p. 1

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DUBBS FAVORS WATER PLANT President Pre fers "Municipal Plant to Long-Termn Evans- ton Contract Wilmette shouid 'immediately. take stýeps ta secure a municipaily owned water, plant to' ensure .an adequate water, supply, without involving a long-term: contract with the city -of 4 Evanston.ý That ,was the sum -and 1substance of ýa talk given*by Village President CP.Dubbs at an informai meeting of. the Village board Monday night. * The meeting had been calied, as a special meeting of the board, but be- cause of the. lack of a quorum no Q fficiai 'action could be taken. President Dubbs traced the pro- gress of the negotiations with Ev- anston. These negotiations have *extended over a long period of time and have led up ta a virtuai ultima-, tum from the Evan-ston City council that if Evanston is to furnish water ta, Wilmette this Village will have to agree ta a twenty-year contract, the price of Water ta be seven cents per one hundred. cubic feet, as at pre- sent, for the next five years, and the price for the rexnaining fifteen years of the contract to be determined at the end of five years by an arbitra- tincomnfittee. * Unf*vorab1. to Comtract President Dubbs stated that the negôtiations between Wilmette and Evansten with reference- ta water supply were started with the idea in, mind that one water plant couid be operated more economicaily for, tomunicipalitiles than cou'Id- twa plants. Evanston's proposition for furnishing water ta Wilmette for thb. *next twenty years would not work out that wayat ail, he said, and Ev- . I anston alone' wouid 'benefit from such a contract. The oniy alternative for the Vil- lage of Wilmetbe,- if it does nôt ws 16 to Compete for Wilmette's Tenni*s Honore Sixteen contestants started thi first bracket'in the Playground anc Recreation, board's 1931 tennis toure nament Tuesday of, this week, 'Dud. ley C. Stone, recreation staff assistani in charge of. the tournament an. nounces. The tournament, play was to have reacbed the third bracket in the eli- min ation schedule today and the semi-finai.s are set. for 7 o'clock to- morwevening, at the' Village' Green courts. The two contestants .iasting to the finals will battie for the vil- lage championsbip at 2 ,'clock Sat- urday afternoon on ths same court's. Pairings. for the' first day's play were. Iver Burhans vs. George The- ian, Harold Schaefgen vs. Cliff Dar- ling, Frank Koenan vs. D. Zeck. Contestants who drew. a bye for thes first bracket were: A. Reicbman, P. Husting, Jack Mee, A. Rohi, Jerome Cicchini .Five other contestants were ta draw for pairings late Tues- day eveni ng. Legionnaires to Hold- Golf Tourney August 19 The Seventh district, American Le- gion, Department of Illinois, Dr. W. W. Hawkins of Wilmette, Conmmand- er, and composed of fourteen Legion posts aiong the north shore fromn Montrose avenue to Glencoe, is holi- ng it$ annuai golf tournanient at Sportsmnan's club, Iocated on Dundee road, west of Sky Harbor Wednes- Iay, August 19. Legionnaires will en- oy a day of outing, followed by a banquet and district meeting in the évening, at which, time nûmerous prizes for, the events during the day vili be awaàrded the winners; aIl le- gionnaires are invited ta. attend the tournamient., lu charge of arra:nge-, rients a re Dwigbt J. Anderson, Wil- iam Mý. Conway, Bob Kaen, Arnold 1Lindemnann, George T. O'Sbea and Iarry A. Sewell, chairman. President Dubbs Acte to Help Unemployed 'the Village of Wilmette is talc- ie ing definite steps t'O help, persons d living here *ho are unemiployed. Iand Village President C. P. Dubbs bas asked that any resident who Itdoes, not, have a job register at the, *Villag hall an .rd, efforts 'will be made to help bhim find work. In this- way President Dubbs hopes to relieve theé unemployment sit- uation in the Village to1 some ex- *tent. Persons desiring w'ork, are asked to 1111 out. blank, forms at *the Village -hall, ndcting inRwha kindof or they are skilled, wbether theyý are1 married or single, the length ýof time they, have Ii ved in Wilmette and other nece-,sary information. Realtors Meet in Glenview A ugust 17 The regular monthly meeting of the North Shore keal, Estate board. will be héld atý the "ýHappiness Hut," Waukegan road and Grove Street, iGlenview, Monday evening, August 17, at 6:30 o'clock. The realtors are making plans to *insure a large attendance at the an- nual state convention scheduled to be held October 14, 15 and 16 at Aurora, A sales conference sponsored by the board is to take place September 2, it is annoutnced. Guy Ellis, sales counselor, wiil be the principal speaker. COÏNTAàGION LIGHTI Onie case of mfumfps was the Sily new, contagion. reported in. Wilmette by the Wilinette Health: department for the week ending Tuesday, August. IL. There are, however, two old cases of whooping cougb still active in the Village. GUNMEN KILL WILMETTE MAN Adolphe J. DuùMonit Fatally Wounded When ÀAttacked Here Tuesday Morning AdolpheJ. Du Mont, 2»0 Central avenue, -Wilmette, who was sbot in the left anm at about, 1:10, o'clock Tuesday morning at Main street and Wilniette avenue by three armed men who forced bis car to the curb there, died in tbe Evanstôn hospital at about 4 o'clock Tuesday, afternoon. S DuMont, whose relatives decl are le Was lnuItbe real estate . businiess ini-,. sisteëd he had, no enemies and said the men had made no efforts to rob him According te police reports he, had connections with a roadbouse i1h Mor- ton à rove. Hie was taken to the Evan- ston hôspital. I*altdon Ridge Road According to DuMont's story the three men first accosted him on Ridge road at Memonial Park cern- tery. ý They blocked the road witb their car, he said, but be drove a round them, by going mbt the ditich. When he reached the Wilmette ave- nuýe-Ridge road intersection DuMànt said he decided it wouid be better te go east on Wilmette avenue than wvest te bis home, whi.ch is in. adi'm ]ly lighted section west of Ridge road. As he fled. in bis car several shots were fired at bum, be said, and oe of the bjjllets pierced the rear of the car on the left side. At Wilmette avenue and Main street bis car was forced te the curtb. According to wittiesses, bis pursuers called te DuMont to came into their car,, but. instead he started running. Heý was collared by two of the three nmen chasing him and shotnlUnte leit armà. T>he gunmen's car- then sped across the North Western tracks, south on East Raiiroad ave- nue to Linden avenue, back across the tracks on Linden and on west. --r-- , , ç tvu&P ' bPOU 1 1-.7e .........m tion of thieproposed niunicipal water Churçh« ......... ..... le works for Wîlmette.11 I»fe A& .....0- Both of these contract and~ agree- CauidA....414 ment forms were read by 'Village Edito*IaL"hors Lin« .... .24. ClerkLea J. Orr and copies are be- Golfing News ........ 18t 27 ing prepared for ail members of the Junior IMp .........32 board of trustees. It is expected Mugie Page ........... 26 that, the board will take somne action ün the question'of Wilmnette's future Recraios.......4 water supply at its neXt meeting, Society Pagges......... 3-31 Tuesday, August M8 *tion to the adveriise- *ment-s in t-bis issue. J" ~ on, sumiinr Vacation in WVisconsin. WILL TOUR EAST Miss Viola Reid, of the water de- partment office in thé> Village hall, wil leave on bier annual vacation Saturday.' Sbeý plans a tour of the East wvibh ber parents,:f ormer 'residents of Wilmette, who no'w live in Gary, Imd.

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