Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1931, p. 32

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Vattman to Stage,' Pienic, Program and Style. Show We are going'to have a big day Fi-. day,-Augqs*, i4, at. Vattmnan park, Al the children are goinig ,to bring' their lunches. Théli mothers are invited to the picnfic. We1 are goilig to have an exhibit r iglht'at the park. The girls who have made (rcssesý and aprons are goinýg to have a style showv. Thé other play- grounds -are invited. In the aiternoon at 1 :30 a niagician is going, to corne to the pàrk and per- form before the imothers. A large at- ten1danceý is desired, and ev ervune is uirge(l to be present.-Hilde Vocler, VàttmIan park. Those Playground Days._ WiII Soon Be Memois Here we are on the last \%eekà Central and so far ve havet ound anvone wlio is gladto see thie play- gro--uiic days close. Many hiappy days have been spent un Centrai plavgrotind. We couid always go thecre -and findý something going on andI nowv that it's almost over we'ne sure we're g oing to miss Miss Riggle. and the good times back at Central playground. We areý ail looking forward already to see Miss Riggle next surmer.-June Pleterhans, Central playgrounid. i . Visitors Long to Spend Another Hour at Park Thursday, August 6, more than twenty niembers of the Village Green pisygrou.nd went together to Lincoln, park. We enjoyed ourseives immenselv. We met at the Wilmette station at 9:15 o'clock and arrived at our desti- nation anound Il o'clock. We, saw the birds, fish, lions, bears, tîgers andI other animaIs, and some of us had rides on the horses. When the time came to go, we ail wished we had' another hour to look around -Marion Schnei- der, Village Green. Village Green Wins Girls-' Kickball Tatle Mlonday, August. 3, Village Green had, a kickbali gamte, against, Central. ve both had a fuli team. W\e played five innings. At the end of the fifth iniiiiig, we added up the, sco're.. The% score was-:45 to 5 in Vilage Green's f avor. That was Our, last garne.. We won the -championship this year. Vil- lage Green won everY gamet except those won by Vattmnan park. The Vill age Greens players are as f ollows: Vivian Miller, catcher; Fran- ces Schmitz, pitcher;.Blanche Kreuschl,, irst base, Bessie Costo, second bas e; Ruth Nliddendorf,. third base;, Mar- garet Backstrôm. shortstop; Mtarian J Schneider, riglit field; Josephine Costo, ceuter field. and H-elen janas, left t'ieldI.-Ilessie Costo, :Village Green. JoseJFbine Baîhatchet STakes Swim Con test lhlurs(lay, jtiiy 30, 'at 2 ;30 p. ni., the, sixti.. annual ater carnival ivas held at the Xiimette beach. Miss Riggie, the Centrai piayground instructor took some ofi the Central enithuisiastic swimmers dowNn to the beach in lier car. josephine Baihatchet of the Central l)laygýround wvon first place in the 40- Y.ard swim for girls 13, 14, and 15 .years out age. She certainly proved hier skil whiie Miss Riggie and many onlookers were hoping she would win. ý-Betty Peterhans, Centrai piayground. Children Go Exploring Through Famous Zoo Thursday, August 6, 'the Village Green çhi dren, vent to view the Lin-' coln park zoo andI had a most enjoy- able time., ,The children were to mneet at the Wilmette station between 9 and 9:30, andI were to go on ýthe Nortit Shore 1 'ne at 9:30.. Miss Bierer and Mr. Stone took care of the children: When they arrived at Lincoln park, I Want A Traveling's Fine, ~ctOfl But There Is No LOST JMIOU A whole. lot of flues during hot days., Tuesday, juIy. 21, just thin k, 1had There- are flot half as, many' as there to leave \rattmaii plagrndado used o be.on a motor-tnip through four states. Abjunch of swvirming lessons at 0, ell, I.wsgigt aeago beach day. It has beeni too rough. time-at least I hoped So. FOUND We went as far.as Rice ýlake,, is., A f ew girls workiùg oni the play.- 435 mile's f romi Wiimette. That's a .A big pile of crimped paper for the long way to travel in one. day. Then on handicraft e.>ýhibit booth.. to Duluth, Minn., nestled in the, iiills Everybody sorry tu leave the play- on the'shores of the lretfrs ae ground. lake in the wvorld, Lake Superior. While F'OR SALE OR RE NT ni Duluth, we sawv the iargest lifting Ail the tough ,bovs at iCentrai. Price- bridge of -its kind. It is 385 feet in the low. air. Then to the Minnesota iron range, WANTED ivé went. Here we sawv both the deepest Cooler days. and iargest iron mines in the world. CaIni water *for beachi day. From, there we journeyed southward. Miss Riggie l)ack next. yearl. to\Mintieapoli.s. rsigadrcosn -Maxine Schneider. Central play- -The Father of Waters," the 'Mississip- ground. pi, and stopping to sec Linidbergh'.S birthpiace, .ittle Falls, Minn. At last, Lincln P rk ýAttrcts Minneapolis, the city of flour milîIs, Lincin ark ttrcts came into view. We ýwent to sec the Guests From Vattman M innesota. state capitol in St. Paul, Vattman park children .had a wonder- twIn Sister, to1 Minneapolis. fui tn 1p to Lincoln park recently. We 1X'Je crossed f romf Minneapolis, Mý\inn., :ook the North Shore train -to Fuller- to fronwood, Mich.,, by way of. the. on avenue and the children under six Northwvestern part of Wisconsin. We years of age took a cab. There were also visited Marquette, ýMich.,. whére two cabs.and a chaperon with each cab. we again saw Lake Superior. Wre saw Someone wrote an article about it iast the deer running wiid in the.woods, at week but as it wasntù printed I tliought Presque isle. Then to Munising. Mich., E would tell about it again. There wheré «we viewed tnany naturai beau- overe fifty people who made the trip. tics such as "pictured rocks," and. fails WVe divided into four groups, each running over the rockv hls. Near Iroup wifh a different colored ribbon .Munising, Nokornis' wigwyam stood. nd a different chaperoni. We enjoyed Then we returned, and, oh., how nice ;eeing the animais, especially thehbears it ivas to be back to dear home sweet tnd monkeys.-Edith Winning, Vatt- home and Vattnian park again.-' rian rark., Priscilla. Polloclc,. Vattman Park. t N s il Health ('enter', News-I President Hoover says, "The idealf to wh Ich we should strive is that therem shail be no child ini Americ a that ever n Wilmette Reco.vering;1 to Battile on Sunday The Wilmrette basebaîl team ivas f ortunate Sut-day when they were saved' f rom playing a gambe because of the wet ground at Nules Center. The Wii- mÉtte ranks were severely crippled as seà ut hen e sw th cue Cap Hckor Hil. iài-yjzenroliment probably will be et ut benwe awthecut Cap ickry ili :Mrs. Ruthlea Weber, librarian at about 1,650. Work is being rushed on handbags, pot holders, and Tbe only bad news,- it is my dis- the Laurel branch library in tle the new classroom addition at the Mtine pietures for the. smaller Pleasure to report, is that Frankie Laurel school, is taiing the remain- Howard school, but it- is doubtful if >we feit better. Now we are Swirles bas been confined to bed be- ing two weeks of her nionth's vaca- the addition will be completed in time doing'embroidery. It-is a lot cause of illness. However, we ail feel tion now. Mrs. Weber had taken two for the opening of schooi. Temporary and the resultsar lways asstired that Franicie will be back with weeks off early in the. spring. She 13j arrangements wh emd o os -Iniogene Kaufman, Central us soon.-Kather 'ine McDaniel, Central. speniding her present vacation. at ber ing theoverflow enrolîment expected* d.Playground. home at Bannockburn, III. at Howard. [i 0

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