Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1931, p. 36

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* Q.~;-, p Vi'rret naines well kniowtN roiughouit the autoiotive iIî(Iiutry ptit the staiînp of approvalF on every new -model Packad car. 'I'Ie\- are shownin l the picture, stol) watclies inlu llan(, .tiinig one of the new ackards on tie tivo and one-haif mîie cou[Icrete seda at the Packard proving grouudýIs. At thie left is Col. J. G. V'inceit,. vice-president In ccharge o)f engineering,, % vho desigus the Packard-tcaer:E. F. Roberts, vice-pre-sident in charge, of tbaiufactturiig, who bildsthe car, is Jiu the c"et, and at lhe r ight is Alvait'N acatuleN,, president, mlîo keeps an cyc ôon the whl)e> job froi the tne the Nvork is started iiii a iiew niode1 iitlthe fiuislied car begins to riïl1 olnt. Ilis job doesn it stop tilerehec, for lie is conistanitly 'workiigto miake Packard service better. Packard's Used Cars Priced I Keeping With the Times $49Down, $58. Mo nthly, Éuvs Packard 526, 6-cyl., 5-P«a1ss. Sedan. Special1 193 1 Ruys1 Buiys Pac 62 equipment. $354 Down, $49 Monthly Packard 526, 6-cyl. Phaeton, 5-Pass. A classy sport car. A choice purchase. worth of work. iThe projects incru sections for which contraicts have been delayed in order to comply with the iiewv prevailing wage law, which be- camne effective july 1. .This work , unless delayed by, con- troiversies regarding wage scales, will get under way wuitiin "the, next few weeéks, in. 40 Illinois courities.. Ob- jections to the wvage scales, as found to be the prevailing rates* of pay in thé, 'cotîtie s, >will subject. the vork to delav, while the controversies avait settleinent, bv an arbitration conimiittee. thcni if no agreement is reaclied, throughl the. civil courts. Higî~ayofficials are anxîousý to place the contracts i tune to get the work-, uiuer Wa<', l)eforc had wcathcr ends the construiction. Delavs will eu- danger, postpoueîncnt of this* work until spring. The projects liste(l for the-twvo Atiglst Ihid-op)ctiings. inclitde 194A9 mlsof ,paving, 82.90 miles of grad-. nîg alnd 42 bridge sctions. arnmouig thieiin: many big. grad(e-separatî1o1 structure-s. A uto Racers ýPre pare. for Big. Meet, at Roby Thé seonbig league auto race of the season)j schediuledý for StundaY. Aui- gilst JO, at the Roby-(lucag4)Speed-, Nwav is attractîng the niation iis greatest spee(l stars; lli 100 u11jle A. Aý. A. race i s to be opert to hoth one fland ton cars which viIl prove tlie stuperioritv' of thecse two tvpecs. The event being -opeli assures an extra large field of entrants accerding to \Vard Beam \who *Maniages the speerl oval. Already XiId Bill Cuînmýliug,&9in*z ner of fifth place iii theýý 500 mile Ilndianapol ,is race of 1930 and leader of, the classic Iast mniorial day. and Wilbur Shaw'v who placed f ourth ,ini the famous hoosier classic in 1928 anid wbo, only recentiy won. the sprint, events over the Roby Speedway -both entered last wveek,. Now cornes another favorite Of the Chicago district,, the one driver Nvhbo everyone in the 'race' gaine lias expected to better PACKARr> MOTOR CAR COMPANY OFCHICAGO 925 LINDEN AVENUE, HURBARD WOODS Winnetka .3070, Greenleaf.6030 Bob 'n' Mac Main St. at Linden Ave. Phone Wilmette 3334 . mooGy t4 LU AcLind [is instruc- tions. CHEAPEST GAS IN U. S. A world survey reveals that gaso- line is< cheapest in the United States, and nlost expensive in la Paz, Bohivîa,. where the price per gallon is approxi- Imately fifty-ýseven cents. I 2X~ m astiro a ra r . -a You pick the hili. We'I (o tho réat- in a Chevrolet !

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