Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1931, p. 41

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BOY TO TAKE CARE OF LAWN. $3 per week. 988 Lake St. near Scott Ave. Ph. Winnetka 2837. 45L15-ltp 46 HELP WJT.-M#ALE AND FEMALE COUPLES WANTED faiy.WHITE. 4 n, aily Mr. do serving-driving; wife must be good cook. Wages $175j Mo0. 2 ln famlly. 'Butler and. cook work only.,Best of ref. req. Wages $175. 4 adulte. Driving-serving and some yard. Wife cook, genéral.* Wages $150.* PAULINE'S AGENCY 748 Ei St. Winnetka 2662 4ÇLTN15-ltc MEN AND WOMEN WITH CARS. Wonderful opportunity for the right party. Good. future. Experience, un- necessary. Cali daily 4-6 P.M., George Steffens. 1527 Wilnette Ave.. Wilmette. 46LTN15-ltp 40 FOR SALE-AUTOS BUY Where you have the largest selection. 1929 Nash. 2 door Sedan ..... $395 1929 Chevrolet Sedan Deluxe 29à 1928 Hudson Broughami, New Tires. 285 1929 Ford Coupe, Rumble !ýeat ... 225 1928 Buick Sedan, like new . --.395 Pierce Arrow sport roadster ....195 Marmon Sedan................. .. 175 Many more to choose froni. E4VANSTON INASH1 CO.ý * Used Car. Dept., 1033 Davis St., cor Oak 48LTN15-ltc * AUBURN SEDAN. $150 CASH. GOOD codiio, afr be seen at 1236 Cen- tral Ave., Wiimette, after 5 P.M. or cail Mr. Carl, Wiimette 4300 after 5 P. M. 48LTN15-ltp HUPMOBIIaE EIGHT SEDAN 1929, splendid condition, very reasonable. Winnetika -2748. . 4S1454tp 51 FOR RENT-NOONS .RMS. APARTMENT FU1INISIIED, front..entrance. Working couple pre- t-ferred, -1332,Forest Ave., Wilmette. 51LTN15-lta NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, ONE l.lf block fromn Eun St. station, suit- able for 1 or 21 589 Lincoln Ave. 51LTN15-ltc WELL FURNISHEP ROOM FOR ret, also garage available. Ph,. Win- petka- 589. 5iLTN1541tc price. tralJ 1080. 1 OR 2 LIGHT A IRY ROOMS IN PlU.. vate bomne, good transp. Gar. spaceý Tel. Wilmette 1253, S1LTN15-ltc ROOMS, FOR LIGUT HOUSEKEEP- ing,.rent reasonab1e. Near traflsp. Ph. Wilniette 1913. S1LTN15-ltp FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATUC farnily. Phone Wlnnetka 1686. B1LTN14-tfe NICE COMFORTABLE ROOM FPOR rent, near transpor. Phone Winnetka 478. S1LTN15-ltec FURNISHFED PLEASANT 1LtOOM IN piriva te home, abundance bot w.ater $5. Ph. Wlmnette 729. *5ILTN1l5-ltp LARGE NICELY FURNISHED FRONT bedrýooni. 1507 Washingtoin Ave. :Ph.. .Wilmette 4254. 51LTNý15-ltp ROOM FOR 1 OR 2. NEAR ELM ST.' station, Winýnetka. 554 ArborVitae rd., WLinnetka. S1LTN15-ltp Sà ANTED TO RCHT-ROO u *ROOM WANTED IN REPINED FAMI- Iy by business wonian. Near tran8p. State price. Write Wilniette L.ife, B-146. S2LT-15-ltp 54 WANTED-BOAND AND SOON YOUNG GENTLEMAN, 26, DESIRES. room and board in reflned home. Glar- age necessary. References exchanged. Write B-141. Box 40, Wilniette, 111. 54LTN15-tp USFOR RRNT-APARTrM«iNTS SEPT. 1. ý4 RM. EFPICIENCY. LARGE bedroom. Refrigeration. Modern lhrouglout Aug, 15. 3 rn. effIciency apta., furn. ûr flot furn. Deçorated throughout. Mod- er-n. Office, 819i~eqtnuxt et Sctiell bldg. Winnetka 1592., -56LT*TI5-ltp FOR RENT- NEW HOUSE, FRENCH furniture, best neighborhood, 2 or 3 months, 3 baths, 2 car garage. $225> per month. Phone Winnetka 929. 56LTN15-ltc FURNISHED A ND. UNFURNISHED apartnients, .1, 2 and 4 roonis. Cen- trally located. Ph. Wilmette 2399. 3,AND 4>ROOM APTS.- IN HUBEARD Woods, $45 to $55. Ph. .Winnctka 1300. i roonis rinnetka 6 ROOM APART~MENT OVERLOOKING PARK AN1),NEAR NewTrier High Sehool. Electrie re- frigeration. Modern building. *90.00. FRED'K B.THOMAS & CO. 7*3 Eu St. WInnetlla 2850 LARGE 4 'ROOM APTS. $60 TO $80. Cross .Ventilation, rl-awybedtz, Frigidaire. Ini res.. section of Park Ridge. Notbingr lil<e It for comfort and quiet. Caîl Winnetka 2178. S6LTNI5-ltc A ROOM KITCHENETTE APT. Hum- phrey.Building. Cali Wlnnetka 98 or 3328. 56LTlN46-tfe v oRt iuiNT-FU;oNIsHzo ArTS. 999 LAKE SHORE ýDRIVE Reasonable te desirable tenant. 6 roozns, 3 baths. Long or short« lease. Superior 7480. 57LTN15ltp 2 ROOM FURÎNISHED KITCHENETTE apartment. Hot watéýr heat.-CalWIl- mette 30812. 57LTN15-lte 60 FOR RENI-HOUSES 6 rnis. H. W. 1-. 2 c. g. Wilniette .... $85 6 rnis. H. A. H. 1 c. g. Wilniette .... $$5 7 rms. H. W. H. 1 c. g. Wilmette ... $go) 7rnis. brk., 2 b. s. o. ht. 2 c. g. Wil..$125ý 5 rnis. H. A. H. 2 c. g. Northfleld .... $96 5 rrns. lst fi. du., h'td. 1 e. g. Winn.. .$60 6 rnis. sun pl'r. H. A. H. 2 c. g. Winn. .$85 7 rnis. 2 b. s. oil ht. 2 c. g. Winn. ...$3115 6 rnis. H. W. H. 2 b. s. 2 c. g. Winn. $125 8 rms. HWHO0. 3 b. 2e. g. Winn...$150 10 rms. H W H O 3 b._2 c. g. Winn. $225 Furnished and unfurflished bouses and apartments. B. H. B-ARNEIT Room 4 526 Center St. Phonre Winnetka 965 6OLTN15-ltc -2--WELL~ LOCA4TED HOMES FUR- nlshed or unfirisled. -South Rat_ Winnetka home 5 bedfrnis., 2 battis, and sunrooni. Central Winnetka homie 6 bcdrnis.,,8 battis and sunrooni. Both bouses are exceptionally well furnished and ha've beautiful large and weil l adscape& grounds. The rentais are very rea- sonable. Caîl Winnetka 1800. 6OLTN15-ltr 101fR CLARI 98< ATTRACTIVE BRICK BUNGALOW, 5 rnis. and sun 'pir. oil bt. 2 car gar. Good locationt. Writo Wilniette Lite B-147.6OLTN15-ltp on modern ls, 2 baths' xxe .. .. $1361 119nt0d iWith big oay; 4 nearins.e battis on Ind floor, mnadds rm. and bath on let. Here la %value . ...... .. $150 Skintled brick, inodern, beautifully kept;- 3 bednms. beated àlp. por. 2 tjied battis. Open deek poeti overlooklng well ahrubbed, lain. Hotwater ohci heat, 5ttcb. garage,... ........... 817 Cape Cod-wblte cla badatatively arranged,; 3 bermas. 2 battis.$1 Colonial - white brick-large fenceci yard. 4 bedkimà. 2 battis, Vapor aili heat. 2-car attacbed garage. Avdl- able. now ......... .-.. $1lie Close mn-for nebhool and-transportatoza, modern brick, 4 bedmuis. 2 bathu. LH.W oli beat;. attractive yard.....$2001 HIGHLAND PARKC No otbek' location can citer sueh a view. regardiess ef cost of bouse. New Whitte brick Colonial, 3 bedrms; salp. por. 2 tle: battis; 2-car attacti. garage... $150 The Lake-with aill its hanging mood0&, and, colora - eau be seen from tht. bouse every dayof the year-mendem brick, 4 bedreoma, 2 battis on 2mi: 2L bedroonis, 1 bath on Snd. Hotwater-oil heat .......................... $20 Complete list of unfuirnlstied bouses, aise a few deairable .furnished bouses avallable f« Wlnter or one year, ait' rental, of $150 to $300 per inontb.. Q UINLAN,& TYSON, Inc. 714 Elm St.,Wineka Wlnnetka 2198 6OLTN15-tc- HUBBARD WOODS ON LARGE~ woeded grounds near depot- and sc>uool, 6 bedrnu, 3 battis, llbrary and large poreti. $175. Aloo brick Colonial 3 bed- rnis, 2 tii. battis, $125. FRANK A. REID 94Linden Ave. Wiinnetka, .1300 IHubb5.rd Woods 6OLTN154Ite COMFORTABLE 9 RM. HOME, 011, tit., 2 car gar. . E. Wlhnetka. $176 Mo. MANY ATTRACIVE- RENT.ALS PROM $80 te $800. Mrs. Lang, V4lnnetka 1194. 7 RM. HOUSE, $90, H. W. HT.. OïL garage, iiear sebool 'and transp. See Agent 877 Elm St, Tel. Winn. 1699. 6OLTN15-ltp - - p p w IL. I 1 m.

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