Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1931, p. 42

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Beautiful moderni 8 rm. brick on Chest- but Ave.. 3 bath%, cil beat, 2 car ga- rAgej Owner leavlng offers unugual chance to secure a. fine horne at rea- sonablo rental. R.: M. JOHNSTON & CO. Opposte -L Terminal Wil. 68 and 444 60LIS-te INDIAN HILL BarlY American clapboard bouse, .7 rnis., 3 batbs large screen porch, 9 car ga- rage'. cli heat exquisite garde» over- looking the golf.grounds. To -rent fur- nished or unfurfilibed. Many charm- int, Winnetka and other North Shore bouses -for rentt. MRS FULLER-HOMES 1618, Chicago Ave. Greenleaf 7,220 Evanston OOL15-îtc A R]aAL BARGAIN 7 RLMB.. 2 BATIIS, FINE LARGE wooded lot,, nr. lake and trans., Wap 1*5,000;,reducëed to $17500; your owif ternis, or wiil rent. 720 Linden Ave. Uni. 8383 'or Wil. 5172. 60L6-te FOR.. XENT SEPTIgMBER 1,EITHER turnlahed or unfurnished, ý cozy at- tractive 6 rôoon bungalow near schônl and transportation, sun parlor, livirng roofti witl firepace, acreened 'back porch, and large back yard. Call Win- netta 504. 6OLTN5-îte SEPT. 1I-L 7 ROOM HOUSE, EAST aide Winnetka. Close to trans. 4 bed- rooma. 1 bath,,extra lav. Nice sleep- ing porch, screened front porch. AIllin. good condition. 1 car ga'age. Cail Winnetka. 3690. 6OLTN15-tp 7 R00MB (3 BEDRMS. AND S. PORCH) furnace heat, bath with sbower abundant closet space, 2-car gar. 3 blocks to achoôls and trains ln Win- »Éptira. Appointanent,. tel. Wlnnetka 1592. 6OLTN5-lî MODE~RN 8 ROO)M RES. 4 BEDROOMS. 2 bathe..2 locks te trains, school, and lake. Beittal $225. Phone Winnètka 1978. . 60LT1415-ltc ai pomuERIN"-URNISNED HOUSES SEPT. 15-JUNE 15. N. E. SECTION 'Wlmette. Furnished 8 Yooms1 2 bathF, ecaeen porches, gas heat, garage. Very reasonable to careful tenant. Ph. Wil-, mette 3669., - 61LTN15ltp flWANTED TO MENT-HOUBffl THERE DÉMTvANfl t'W nome on Uit LJ XN*O.... st homes at eorrespondingly 's REAL>PY, Imc. ,nd Ave., Wilmette 2792 lan Greenleàf 3144 7SLTNIS-ltc 2703J 1649 ý 7 ROOM 2 STORY HOME" On the nortb shore? In such a superlor location among expenslive. Winnetkt' homes? Haàrdly to b. expected that this property, may be purcbased at such m ,oderate prie. 60 ft. well land- secaped. Colonial .7 rôoms, fireplace, breakfast. room, sleeping porcb. extraý first floor lavatory, vaporý heat, watçr softener, laundry, room, 2 car garage.. A reafly3 fine central location, 2 blockqi f romn stations and a splendid buy. Cal owner, pUniverity 691&. 7LNI-t Seven Room Italian YOU WILL BE FAVORABLY IM- pressed witb this charrning Italian home. 7 rnis. .and sun parlor; 4 bedrms., cross Ventilation ln al:; 10 closets;, 2 batha; iguest lavatory; 2 car attached gar. Brick witb tule roof. Corner site, 43x140. Price $19,750. Liberal ternis. MR. TERNS. BAIRD & WARNER. 1071 ýBKOKIE RIDIGE DR. BRIARGATE 1855. GLENCOE 1554. 72L15-tp Ideal for Children 7 RU., STEEL FRAME STUCCO home; sleeping pc.; breakfast nm.; large front pcb. Lot 54xO22. wooded. Near Wilmette 'V' and schools. Priced low _ little cash for quick sale. CALL MISS CRONIC. 528 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON, HOL- LYCT. 1855, GREENLEAF 1855. Baird & Warner 72Ll5-ltî, 6 BOOM BRICK $15,00 3 bedroonis, sun parle 1r, breakfast nook, extra t, and 1., 2 tile baths, 2 car gar. Wooded, landscaped lot; sinall'd~owli payment, balance lilçe rent. B. H. BAIRNETT Room 4 526 Center St. Phone Winnetka 965. 72LTN15-1 'c A Real Bargain 7 RMS 2 BATHS, FINE LARGE wooded lot, nr, laite and trans., wns $25.000; reduced to $17,500; your own terms, or will rent. 720 Linden Ave Uni. 8383 or Wil. 5172. 72L15-ltc Bsonds, etc., on fiatn gune 30, 1931i........................*.... Trotal . ..........................................................$ 816.99 DISTRIBUTIVE FUND fleceipts Balance on band July 1, 1930 ý.................. 1...................8 13739 Income of Townsbip Wund.................. ......... ............. 25.17 County Stiperintendent. of Schools ......................0,602.35 Total...... .................... .............. ........$0649 Disbursements IncidenitaI expensés of Trustees.......... ............. .......$ 1,127.81 Phid publisbing Annual Report ............... 1............... ........ 40.00, Distribution'of Trustees 1928 Levy .... ..................3,301.19 Distribution of Trustees 1929 Levy. ...... d -..............27,537.02 Balanicé Compensation of. Treasurer to April 30, 1930 ..4............ 1500.00 Compensation of 7Treasurer to April 30, 1931............................21,200.00 Balance,...... .......... ..........................51058.86 Total .......... ........ ....... .................... ...... $ ý60,764.91 DISTRICT FUND Receip ts Balance July 1, 1930 .......... ............. ...................$ 305,324.10 Distribution of Trustees ....... « ............................. 50,8a8à21 District Taxation............ .................. ........ ......... 1,753,600.18 Tuition Fees paid by pupils ......................... ............... 21,776.68 Sale or rent of School Property ............. ..............8540 Sale of Sehool.Bonds... ........ 1,....... ...... ........ ......... 80,350.00 Donations............................. 3#750.00- Interest, Insurance Adjustments, etc.................18,135.18 Reimbursements ............. ..................... 11,797.50 Tax Anticipation Warns.................................12,250 Total .................................... ....................... $3 593,260.94 »isbursemen ts Sehool Boards and Business Offices- ..... ....... 1988 Salaries of Supeintendents .............. ................40,159.97 Salaries of Teachers ........... ........ ............. .......... 800,794.11 Teachers Pension Fund................ ............ .............. 1867 00 Textbooks, stationery, . etc.,. -*....... ....... ................... 81,733:93 lnterest of Anticipation Warrants............................ 91:286.33 .anitors, Engineers, etc .,............... .................. 101,261.3& Fuel, Water, Light and Supplies .....................70,506.74 Repairs, replacemnents, insurance ................... ......... ..... 58,614.75 Librarles .... ....................... ý».......... 16,357.89 Promiotion of H-ealtb ............................................. 11,553.05 Tax Anticipation Warrants . .................... ............ 1,388,100.00 Grounds, buildings and alterations....................... ........ 242,345.55 New Equipment................ ....... .................. ..... ... 28,386.28 District Bonds........... ..................... ................... 117,000.00 B3ond Interest ....... ... ... .... ......................... 105,930.02 Tuitton on ti'ansferred pupils .... ...........:........... 150.00 Balance on hafld Juni- 30, 1931........... ....................... 365,259.05 Total ........................ ................................... $3,583,20.94 FRANKA.,,ANDREW, Township, School Treasurer. NLT31-ltc -4FOR SALmE-VACANT BUY THIIS -ANDM.A 50x125 feet north of Ridge road, Wilmette. ness. Value $7,500 to for $4,000. Phone Winn, PLENTY. Wil1 sel 1493. 8.0 FORSA,-iC LA OU NEARLY NE ENOR BANJO AN2ID-- case, was ý$85, wil seil for $40. Dnl blue stroller'like new, $10. Violet'ray arc- lamp, $20. Alahogany end table, 1.50. 4 small wicker breakfast chairs, 3; Wicker fernery, $2. Gor don motor crib, .$;-. Mahogany floor latnp, $2 Winne.tka 2091. S..eTN15-1.tc, J. Winscott. jRoom 4- WJ.uta15 CWO. . ôruMf l u-0lie AINS IN VACANT TWO MlON BEDS, COMPLETE. 0. N. U.~ Highland Park $65 a ft. Cheap. Tel. Wlhinetka 1642. D, Nortbfield..........$125 a ft. 86L5ltp ,Northfield.......... $25 a ft. H. BARNETT 113FOR OL-u6 526 Center St. FOR SALE BABY CA.RRIAGE, GOOD .p#one Winnetka 9465condition. hep I Wilmeti Monay .veninig, 1 diamond and' platimum bracelet on Grewood Ave., between 12th St. and the. lake. Re- ward. CàU .Wiluntte 33. .*uo. Bt. vU~

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