Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1931, p. 3

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Though the world in general nMay seem topsy-tuÉrvy, disheveled, and some-: what out of breath, there is at least one place where if e runs smoothly and: sanely, and where happiness and peace,: if not quietness, reign. This is Camp, Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan,, summer home .of the! North' Short Area'cunil of the. Boyý * Scouts of America. Spending'a week or two in'this lovely spot. is like reach-' igan oasis after traveling a cross burning desert sands. Ievery winter finds the Scouts of the, north :shore living over in meroye joys of ýthe previous vacation and dreaming of the one to corne; every spring finds the urge of the, great out- doors. growing stronger each day; every summer finds Camp 14a-Ka-ia-Wan. more beautiful,, more alluring, and bet- ter prepared to take care of the hosts; of- boys who go there. Improvements are maide right along. New buildings * and ecquiprnent are added as the de- mand increases. -Prograrnsintended to. make each new season better than -the last are worked out. View Lake Country This year a change was. made in the time of departure of the various groups ' of 'Scouts. Instead of leaving High- Iand Park in the evening, as forrnerly, to spend what was, because of ahl the * excitemnent, practically a sleepless *night on the train, the jour 'ney was started early ini the rnorning, thns giv- ing the boys the benefit of a daylight ride and opportunity to enjoy the scenery of the land of akes through' which the North Western railroad carried them. The ride by rail was also- shortened an lotir. by maling Antigo the point of departure by autof for the camp. Picture the exhilarating spectacle of a numnber of huge trucks fitted *with pyramided seats and each holding sev- eral dozen laughing, shouting, singing boys starting .on a. great.,aclventurel T1~ride is 25 miles or Wo over well- kept gravel roads that wind between fields of waving grain and wildflowers,> past picturesque farm bhuses, through1 setches of dark f orest in. which are occasional. glirnpses of little hidden LA.l.c10 LUUiJ £ w eveniig atthe vl- Jage Green and the horseshoe sin- gles tournament which las occnpied the followers' of that sport since the close of the regular scledule sonue weeks ago, wihi finish up thiâ evening. The tennis. tournament alone re- m1ains but that will corne to a close Saturday; the finals having' been qnno unced for. 2 o'clock at the Vil- tàge G."ire'en' court s., ,Athloihh the final reports have not been received at the Recreation office, indicationis aethat, the .1931 È .eason of adult jactivities set 'a new attendance rec-, ord for ýtheBoard. Final garnes in the. playàionâ'l bal league,àndin the horseshoe and ten- nstunaments are free' to the pub- lic. Many A p1y for Jobs 'as Vinage, Manager C. M, Osborn e~e- ported thëï, week that'there aie! i large nMeiber of aPplicants fr'i.r de three ajpoifitrnents as special p1iiýe- nien-authorized by the Village boàrd last w.eek. TIe applicants wifl,iýeé!, a t the Village hall Thursday 'ht, Auguet 20, at 7:30 o'clock to take.4n exarnination given by Village Mah,- ager Osborri. When - sehool- bpeps next mopth the three special po lie- iéa will be,.assigned to sireet inter- séctions near'ihé shool '6ildiii-s Th,'Village ýoaid's purprose in autpx- orizing the aplointment of the speclal policemen is to 'allow the regul ar menibers of thé ~po1ip ce fùl te for their usual dites. i1 Village. E ,l eýHurt Wle'n Strutk by, Auto ýJoseph Bayîiss, who is employed by tIc Village stîrcet ¶epartm!enf, suiferéd a deep gash ovék lhis Iefi eye last Thursday afternoon at about î o'clock whx ,4 the bicycle le was iding eat on Lake aveftue *as struck by a'car driv- en by- Mrs. M'orËig *'Sinitho 16025 N. Paulina street, Chicago, at ti ak avenue intersection.' Out n 1"MeWâ aty a -the laùfe tinie -h,êh some one -eise.. Rugs and carpets eôuld be used to good advantage also. Mrs. Hlenryr Cutier, chairman. editor's Note: Beonny :shop. les conducted 1by; thée Philanthropy' >de- Partment Of- the Womnan's club of Wilmnette.'Ail proceeds go to charity. Visiting Minister at Presbyterian. Services The Rev. Joh n A. McAfee, pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian church -. at, Topeka, Kansas,' will preach at the' First Presbyterian .church .-Of Wilmnette Isunday morn- ing, August. 16, 'at the Il O'clock services. The church services are. held: in'theé Wombn's club building at Tentli street.anid Greenleaf ;avenue. 1- The gevé, Jeromne . Webber, pas-, tor of, the First Pehtra church at Jamestown, N. D., will occupy tht pulpit here, Sunday, August 23. ùhuch to Act, Ùpon Pastor's Resignation The congregation of .the Wilmette English Lutheran, church will meet Sunday morning, August 16,, after the -noirning services, toact upon the resignation of the Rev. Carl 1. Emjpson, pastor, who tendered his resignation '1uesday, August 4. Mr. Emnpso6i haî received a call to the First Lutherani church of Decatur, Ill. .jtis rçsignatjpn was received by the ciuarch çouncIl and referred to the opngregational ,session scheduled for next Sunday. SPEND VACATION IN CANADA Mr, and Mrs. William Saunders, ý1058 Linden 'avenue, .have -ret ur ned f rom their vàcait.in..theWest. They. vis- ited .Mr. Saunders' -brother, .James Saun4egrs, end ,f&mily on ýtheir, rantch near tonrad' Mont., went to the coast and, as- f ar'- north as L.ake Louise and Ba iff, Canada. 'The Masked J3à11" wilI have its first Performance of the sessoni at Ravinia next week, on Wednesday night, Au- gust 19, and the rest of the week wili bring repeat performances of other operas. This week closes wih~.~p per- formanice Thur sday night' of ".La juive,"p by IElisabeth Rethberg, Giovanni* Martinelli, Leon Rothier, Florence Macbeth, ýGeorge Cehanoývsky, Giuseppe Cavadore, and Paolo Ananan. Ruth Page will dance, and Louis Hassel- mans, will: conduct. Ibbetson Ope Frndar "Peter Ibbetson"Y is- to be heard for the third tirne Friday nigWt, August 14,ý witb the saine stellar cast as We f ore. *"Il Trovatore"y cornes into its second hearing on Saturday night, August 15, with Madame Rethberg, Mr. Martinelli, Julia Claussen, Mario Basiola, Louis D'Angelo,' Phlm'e Falco and Léodovico Oliviero. CGenaroPapi:coniducts. Thé, Polish concert by the Chicago Syrnphony orchestra on Sundaiy sfter- noon, August 16, will be led by Erie DeLarnarter, and -the soloists will be Ina Bourskaya, Marek Windhefim, Mary Broniarczyk, Wanda Paul, ýand Michel 'Wilkomirski. Faature Chaud.., "La Traviata'e will bc sung by Queena Mario, Mario Chamlee, Marjo Basiola, Plumie Falco, Mr.. Windheim, Mr. D'Angelô, Mr. Ananian, and Mr. Cehanovsky on Sund.ay night, August 16. Ruth Page will dance and Mr. Papi will .conduct. "La Ronýdine," a melodious Puccini opera, wifl be heard f or the third tilue on Monday -night, August 17, witl, Lucrezia Bori, Edward Johnson, Flor- ence Macbeth, Mr. Windheimt, Mar- gery Maxwell, Ada Paggi, Miss Pale., Mr. Cehanovsky, Mr. D'Angelo, Mr. Oliviero and Mr. Ananian. Miss Page will dan-e and' Mr. Papi will conduet. "rFaust" is dàe or a second repeti- tion on. Tuesday night; August. 18, with Yvonne Gaîl and Freêderick Jagel in' Ieading roles. The rest of- the cast is- composed of Mr. Rothier, tDesire Def rere, Miss Paggi, Miss Falco, and Mr. Ananianý. Louis liasselmar will cond1(uct: and inspiring association, with plen who VISrr FORMER RESIDENT have been trained to uuderstand boys. Mr and7,MA~. J. P. Schaefgen, 91k Fathers and Inothers, as well às the Twentk-first street, acconjpanied l Scouts themselves, are learnlng tis',sveafrnd,-nordtoPoi for the fame of the camp has spiéWà1 -on Ffiday of hast week and spe~ and now everybody. seems anxious -to thé da y with. Mrq . Oliver Powl1 -. Coninued on, page. 44).- nepTO purcnose De' ics art the riaptist ciinrcn Sun4ay morning, August 23. He will be fe) lowed on Aigust 30) by the Rev. Wil- liam -E. McCorrnack of the New Etit- lanid Congregational church in Aurpý- ra. The union services will1 close ùoSeptemnber,6: witî Prof. M. McKib- be fNorthwestern nniVeisity cou- çjut.ig te mrning worship,

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