MILD AND MELL W 3LBS.C ih AFuII-BodIed :Be" E' Ueg LB. 27e, Equitt Armia and FIavwr GitANVDMOIfRE' Dlaek ea Orange %-ILb. Gween e e Tin Friday and SaiLrday Specials! ALL . Ks 0 Jeli-O FLAVORS .* 3PG. EdueIweIs Brew 512eoT: 25e <PLUS BOTTIE DEPOSIT> FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES VALENCIA ORANGES, Sze 200-216.. Dozen-29c SEEDLESS GRAPES. ........ . . 3., 19c BARTLETT PEARS .. ..........3 Lbs. 23c IDAHO POTATOES .71/2 Lbs. (1/2 Peck) 19c BANANAS. .. .......... Lb.5cý Quality' MEATS- You'il find the right meat to serve, hot or cold, for sumnmer mien us a t A &P Marketsat pleasinglyIo pics Beof'Rib Roust LB. 25c îp ThomaàsI. Lynch of Winnetka, Promiment: in north shor4 bwïinesç csrcles .for maniy years, this week announced -hi;s candidacy for con- gressman.frorn the new.l3th dis- tri ct .comprisinp this region. M r. Lynch'is a candidate on t/w Demto- cratic ticket. Evanston Lawyei Buys> Keni1ýyorth Residence John E. Darley, patent attorney of Evanston, bas purchased frorn Augustus E. Dickinson, president of. the Indiana Liméstone corporation, the attractive ,seven-room, EFnglish brick home at 516 Briar street, Ken- ilworth. Lewis T. D)odds oif the Win- netka office of Quinlan and Tyson, Icwas the broker. Mr Lynch is well lcnown through- out this district in both business and political circles. He serveti as com- mander of Winnetka Post No. 10, American Legion, during the years 1924-25. -andi as presirlent of the Win- néika Chamfber of.Commerce during. the 'vear-1926. *One of the first to enter the serv- ire at the outbreak of the World war. Mr.. Lynch served . twenty-seven rnonths with the 123rd Field, Artillery of the 33rd division and 'was, twice cited,, for gallantry in> action tinter fi re.. "My campaign is heing handled en- tirelv bv my friends and, I arnnot the candidate oif anv political fac- tion." Mr. Lynch states. "If nomin-, ated and elected I honestlv helieve I arn cavable of representing this*dis- tricj of which I have been a resident- for:the past sixteen years. "T arn opnoseti to prohibition be- cause*,I helieye it breets disrespect for ail laws. andti I shall continue to fhtfor its repeal.". . Mrs.. Frank Woodruff andi ber- father,. Oluf> Lund of Ornaha. Neb.;. are spending txio weekË with Mr. andi Mrs. Elmier, L. Young, 218 Dupee place. Mrs*. John Segsworth, 1006 Forest aveinue, bas returnet f rom S haron, Mass., where she bas been since the first of June with ber daughter, Mrs. W. J. Kitchen. LOWEST SUMMER ICES ON GENUINE PEJLMANENT :WAVES, Luxurious, silken waves that are sure,you of a lovely coiffure al the. tlme.. IFrederic 1Vita Eugene, LeMur, or Tonicl Gabrieléen' 7 ,, 1109 CENTIIAL AVEN4UE, WIL.MET:1W I