The bride'. attended Northwestern university and was graduated from the University of Nebrasa with the class of 1924 She is a member. of, Pi. Beta Phi sorority and Phi Beta KCappa. She studiedt voice in' Italy, and is especially ierested in music. of the American Incisu. For the past few years. she bas --been a member of, the faculty. of Xew Trier, High school as an instrutor in art appre-, ciation. The groom 'is a graduate of Macalester college of St. Paul, and received a. master of arts degîce at Northwestern university in 1926. He is a member of Acaicia fraterniz'y. Mr. Case was formerly on tbe staff of the Paris.edition of tbe New York. Herald-Tribune and was an assistant professor. at the Medill school of journalism of Nortbwestern univer- sity. at present assistant editer of the Rotarian Magazine, published in Chicago., SON BORN Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nelsc.n of Evansto . a nnounce the birtb of *a son, Harold David, Jr., on Saturday, Autgust 1 at th e vanston bospital. Mrs.. Nelson, the former Virginia Heitman, is the daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Heitman, 212 Greenleaf avenue, Wilmette. Mr. Nelson is the son of Mr. and Mis. David Nelson,, 821 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette. in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit" (Galatians 5:25). Amiong the citations which comn- prised the lesson-sermon was the fol- lowing froni the Bible: "But as it is Lwritten , à hath not seen, nor ,çar heard, ieifflér bave entered: into the heart- of màn, the things whidh God b ath prepared for themn that love him. ,But God bath revealed .tbem. unto us iby his Spirit" (i Cor. 2 :C, 10). The lesson-sermon also included the f ollowing passages from the Christian Science text-book, "Science ý andi Health ýwithi Key to the Scriptures,"? by Mary Baker Eddy.* "Wben we. wait pgtientIly on God and seek Truth righteously, Hie directs our pat.Y" (p. 254). TO RESIDE IN KENItLWORTH- Mr. and Mrs.' George T. Dyer,, Jr. of Zvanston bave purcbased the,,R. Philips' home at 344 Woodstock-ave- nue, Kenilwortb. Tbey are movii.g in this week. Mrs, Dyer (Miriam Jobn- son) was a former resident of RIeni- worth, and is tbe sister of Mrs Ce- dric Smith of Kenilworth. .CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES- "Soul" will be tbe subject at t1ée services in the First Cburch of Christ, Scientist, in Wilmette Sunday morning, August 16, at il o'clock. Sunday scbool convenes at 9:45 O d'eock. PEARSON'S MARKETf Ridgo Aveuýueq Wlmbft. Ai A ise Caris dig Pfs.nnacy, 636 Chu rcA St.,, Emmio, Gre. 3316 UMM SeholDays. Ahead Buy Now ata Marked Savig Boys' AIl-Wool Knickers Sizes 6to15 et $1.O -$1.95 - $225 ( Blouses of Fast Color Large assortmnent at 2 for $1.00 Socks in fancy stripes and plaids. 3 pair $1.00 AiluWool Sweaters 1w sold coiers Sizes 24 t 30 at $1.00 Large sizes at $1.95 and $2.95 SHOESTFOR KIDDIES: 3Peoint.Sujtqbt A young dd' rest on 3-pint1 Hoffmuann Brothers Ridge and WiImefl. Avenues Phone Wihmef. 4271 A-umnes -vWuxuette fow-&BUa-Ib Buy it here for less BUTTER, 'brick or iroli, EGGS, strictly fresb, 30 RIB ROAST 0F BEEF, lb . . ... . . . . .... » . . 5 e LEGS OF SPRING LAMB, lb . .............. 1@ e ' W be it coe from s Peàrsons" it'. the. bet We Ddlier t., KemilWorth, Hubbard W.ds, Gimwce à 1 ' >