ot Namrurai riistory. iUnvvecinesuay vania and New Y orkc wun rirs. ietsnSda Agt1. at the saie bours subjects wiIl be Foresman's brother and bis wife, Mr.Siuit. Sudy 6 uPolynesia and' Micronesia" and and Mrs. Fred Patterson of Chicago. The golden text was, *Truly myv "Birds at H-o,îe"; and ;_u Friday, -0 soul waiteth upon God: froîp hum "Masks and Their Uses" and "South Mrs. Frank Barrett of 235 Warwick cometh my. salvation" (Psalmis 62:1). American Mamniiials." On Tuesd 'av road, Kenilworth, eutertained, her Among the citations which com- .nd Thursday there *will be general 'bridge club of tbree tables at lunch-. prised the lesson-sermon was.the fol- tours of autbropologica'li botanical, con at the Deerfield Tea, room, Au- lowing fr-teBible: "The Lord jgeological. and zoological exhibits. gust 14. ta My shepherd; I shah flot want. He maketh me to lie down in green pas- turcs: he leadeth me beside the still waters., He restoretb iiiv soul: lie leadeth me in thepatbs of ýrighteous- L WestFood Pness for bhis name's sake. Surcly goodniess and mercy shall follow me in a!Centur'.a* a, al tbe days of my life: and I will 1' dwell in the bouse of the Lord for- Foo Prceshav mt ben o Iw ver" (Psalms 23: 1-3, ý6). du* erandather wam a boyl Notice The lesson-sermon also 'included the.it below- they are a, I.w of the following. passages f rom the ove 700 temmôn whith pnces ave Christian Science textbook. "Siec beeti lowered inc e Jnauy Ist la and. Healtb with Key to hie Scrpi- Ou Food *ore$. tures," by. Mary Baker Eddy: "Life 'HAZ EL i the law of Saul. even the law of without its representative. Mans ini- dividual being cati no more die nor F lo u rdisappear iu unconsciousniess than ALL -PURPOSE _A____0 Milied and bended from theco.,.. Mrs.AbE. Riddle of 127 Beil- *Y a s en" wheét, always unsfouu. ling lane, Winnetka, entertaiued ber and depencable. Guaranteed bk bridge club Friday, August 14. 1ca UU aui .p je - wrlval;uv&. ,july, 1930 and Jine, 1931 according to the survey covering 33 towns, made by S. W. Straus and company. The value of the building permits issued for July, 1931 was $3,535j983 as against $2,404,785 for July, 1930 and $2,636,- 800 for june, 1931. Of the tbirty-three towne, repre- sented f ourteen, showed gains in the Juycomparison, Berwyn and Cicero were the leaders with gains of 505 per- cent, Evanston was uext with a gain of ' 31l5 percent, f ollowed by Glen Ellyn with 126 percent.. Other com- munities sbowing gains were Liberty- ville,' 'Hanond, Winnetka, Villa Park, Wilmette,- Mount Prospect, Niles Cen- ter, Hinsdale, Elmwood Park and Aurora. 'Inu tbe comparison between July, 1931 and June, 1931, sixteen commun- itdes showed gains, Mount Prospect be- ing tbe leader with 2,518 percent f ol- lowed by Berwyn with 2M20 percent, Cicero 1,122 percent and Hammond with 684 percent. Other towns show- iug gains were Aurora, Des Plaines, Dolton, Evanston, Geneva, fHighland Park,- Hinsdale, Hammoud, Liberty- ville, Oak Park, Wilmette and East Chicago. Air'y Fa'y Flour Calumet Nowder ~ National Eictracts oer.wt Tests prove t equal to o-y pkg. 1-oz. bottie li7c 14e Amecmn Home-Pure Fruits Home. Made OuéIityI Pueseives 1éz. j 7e Ce'lwn1 F d I e M I M, L beu v ma~.Aecl Cr SCoFor "uld.1l-lb.21C0 COOKI ES Cii o cooiîngin~m Cocoamut - Le... . 1 1 Fui -Suer 1 Grove's Laxative2c Broino Quinine .. .... Hillis Cascara25 Quinine .. Listerine,83 . ..... .....e.... Liste rine, ...47c . 50e size.... Listérine, 25C 30e aize .. Listerine Tooth23 Paste ..... .. .23 Lavoris,95 *$1.00 aime Giliette Blades, c $1.00 ime . . . ... . . Giliette Blades,45 Bromo Seitzer,25 30ç aize ..... 60c sime .......... $1.20saime . ..... $1.00 Mennen'a Shaving Cream, 45c 50e sime .... >.»......... Palm Olivè Shaving Cream,33 35e sige .... 1............3c 419 MAI SREET A110&-07 CENTL A VENAY1~UE 1189-91 WILMETTE AVENUE National EA Food Stores TUE~~~~~~ilp QULI ammS0 TEMSiEWsouc SINC99S Serving North Shère Residents fer more- tAaU 26 Ygars, Wilmette sandCentral Aves. Poo:Wl 0-0 10 M14 Polm Mea - F"y 4" Sa"l 1 Amotw 21 Md 1 Pliones: Wil. 400-401