Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Aug 1931, p. 10

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The fragrance of Shari Perfume achievred by a wonderful mingling of Roue, Hyacinth, Jasmine and Lily with rareý aund. costly oriexdta1 flâwers is the essence ôf daintineis. Tihe silk côvering of the container as. well as, the container - itseif -isbest descrihed -au dainty. ý' By inquiring among your Iriends, you .wlill find. that thedanes women you know- value Shari Per- fume highly. Why don't you test this famous. pe rfumne yourself now? Perfume $1.50 Two Dram .Sim. S:old - ouly at Reull Drug Stores. Mrs. Percy W. Andrews and daugh- ter, Nancy, and son, Barrett, wiIl re- turn soon to their home in Bronxville, N. Y., after a seven weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. M. J. P. Barrett, 533 Forest avenue. -o0 Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Johnson and son, Gardn'er, of 1215 Trwenty-thirdl street, are .spendi#g their two weeks' vacation in' Manistee, Mich.. They inotored. from Wilmette on Sunday.. Mrs. Aaron T. Pyfer and son, Harý- lohave returned to. their borne at 524 Fif teenth street,. f rom their vaca- tion at Dixon and Polo, IliI home, 1118 Greenleaf avenue, Wil- mette, and burial took place at Me- morial Park cemetery. The Russeils were weIl known in Wilmette-, hav- ing lived here for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gutfleisch, hai>e returneèd to their: home in Lancaster, Pa., after a visit at.the home.,of Mr. and 2Mrs., Richard* W. Hickman, Jr. oif,1458 Lake avrenue.. Mrs. Gutfleisch, wbo was, a classmate of -Mrs. H4cik- man in Lancaster, and ber husband motored .tô Wilmette and took the boat trip borne. Dolla',r Days proved-o such a tremendous success thaf -we * are.- confinuing opur $ -Day Special For A ppoi nmenf W;Im.tte 3154 EVERY MONDAY-TtJESDAY-WEDNESDAY Shampo$ an Wavie.....$10 Long Halr $1.25 Ey.brow, Arch and' $1000, VA N :ID U ER MS Beauty Salon Ask Our Ad~vice on C Have you tried. the $1. 00 size Shari Face Powder? If you -have, there's no neèd of nientioning it f ur- ther; you're still using it. But if you haven't, you'I1 find it well worth. your while to put it to a test soon. frai Avenue :ica and Powder Blending FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS for Wilmetteand KenilworthPeopie FRESH SHELLED LIMA BEA NS, box.......... FRESH GREEN TELEPHONE PEAS, 1lb. 23e. Sunday morning, August Zà. On August 30 the Rev. James E. Webber, pastor of the First Presby- terian churcb of Jamestown, N. D., will occupy the pulpit. On Sepleniber .6 the Rev. Robe rt Inglis, pastor of the First Presbyte- nian church ýof Newark, N.- J.,,wil preach. Wilmette Children: Plan to RElore Linecoin Park The elevenith. "much-travel" trip for Wilmette -children will include adven- tures of exploration on Thursday, Au- gust 27, i incoin park. where the zoo, the aq uarium, the conservatory and the Academy of. Natural*Science will1 offer some of the day's 'inter- esting bighlights. Tables have been provided at. the park,,ami it is sug- gegted that the children bring picnic lunches. June E. Gilbert, 721 'Colfax street, E-vanston-ýtelephone University 0196 -wilI conduct this tour. Children who, wis'h ta .go wiiI- meet at the Wilmette Village hall on Thursday, August 27, at 9:15 a. mn. RET-URN,,F ROM 1CA NADA Mr. and, Mrs. Ç:onrad T. Fryknian,- 10 -*h45:Ashland avenue, hve returned. f rom: a twelve-Elay tour of Canada. After her return, Mrs. Frykman took the clildren,, Doris Jane and John Bruce to visit her mother, Mrs., Lii- lhan Erickson at hetr cottage, Florer!i, at Long Beach, bxd. She stayed there a week and the children wili remain for another week. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Denmnan of 1352 Elrnwood avenue hiad as their guests last week Frank E. WVoodruff ofý Clevelan.d, Ohio, ~Mrs. A., O. Evans ,of MineaoisXinni,. .and, -Mrs. F. M. Christiansen- of 'Northbrook, Min i. Mrs. Christiansen is the wife, of. the conductôr of St. Olaf's choir. -o- Helen'and Anthony Herme s, 1928 Schiller street, returrned to their. home in Wilmette recently after a vacation of a week's duration. T*hec former spent the tinie with, friends in Wism- consin, the latter. visiting in Blue -o0 H. Fletclher and sons, Robert, 910 Oakwocd -cAapig .l. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . inds of Fruits and Vegetabies <if the lowest prices. ýCOUPlAtS DROS. 5 I Free 1143 Wilmette Avenue 5Fq i N elivriesDehiveries ~ aiyWilmoette 2693-2694 Daily' n i t m !_ui Vegletable, We.Have Ns!tz Miss Mary Krammen and Frank. Krammen ot Senuville,ý Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scha fer of Kalanaý- zoo, Mich., spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kramnien, .1229 Washington avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Robent S., Smith of 324 Cumnôîr nad, ,Kenilworth, have been entertaining for t.wo weeks their daughten, Mrs*. Leslie Tayloir, and her son, f romn Wheatofi. -a Ail PLa isýWlm.tS aBma m MOND

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