Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Aug 1931, p. 16

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Lrk commissioner there. Lrty similar to the one iiglt about a month ago r for a group of bis FUS. Bu sines stenography - Bokkeeping Secretarial Training9 - AU the Commercial Branches Day an4dEvedmg 'New School Yar Begi Tuesdlay, Sept. 1 EVANSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE Studio Building Evanston 1718 Sherman Ave. WIEBOLDT'S BASEMENT EVANSTON De"Vis Stret Wilm.#.f 1100 OAK IALF-.SOLES. Speciaàl ferTh'is Wklk w-i Air Wheels at Uurtiss William Hudson, special demonstra- tor for the. Goodlyear company's air wheel, for planes, gave a number of démonstrations at Curtiss airport near sGlenview làst week. Hudson made al sts of supposedly- impossible land- ings in which unusual stress was pla ced on. the- wheels of bis plane, a Curtiss Robin. In ý nine. thousand demonstrations given thus far, by Hudson the air. Wheels of bis pflane have witbstood, ground. looping and, maniy other, types Of shocks and, strains without ,daffag- ing the -plane. The plane is the saine, type as the one in. which Dale Jack-' son and. eorest O'Br ine. made their record-breaking endurance flight at St. Louis. Hudson, will, give demonstrations of the air wheel at the National Air races'.at Cleveland., After the races-hie will take the, place of Chiarles E. Brannigan, pi lot of tbe Goodyear blimp Mayflower, which visited Curtiss airport its sùmmer and which was later destroyed when it struck higli tension wires at Kansas- City. Pilot Brannigan died of burns and injuries received when the blimp was demol-, ished. Flying Missionary Stops at Curtiss for Repairs G.J. Feltes, the flying missionary, -dropped in at Ctrtiss airport near Glen- view recently ini bis Bellanca mono- plane which is powered with a Pack- ard Diesel engine.- felt es is fanious for his missionary work in Alaska.' Using bis Bellanca plane, lie flies froni one.igloo to an- oôther converting the Eskçimos. While .flying over Indiana Feltes en- countered diffculty with bis landing gear. With one wheel broken, hesuc- ceeded in bringing bis plane down at South Bend without damaging it. After. temporary repairs at SouthBend .he, flew on to Curtiss airport, wbere the plane was overhauled. tFroni Curtiss airport Feltes planned1 t- go to Kansas City and then west to f Dunces at Sky Harbor Sky Harbor airport. west -of Glencoe is planning a series of Saturday night dances under the spousorship of Fred Waidner of Wilmette and his, Gold Coast orchestra. The first dance will be held. August 29, according té pres- ent plans. FredWaidner and the. mèmbers of-- his orchestra are well known on the north shore, %vhere they have been playing for, social events of various kinds for many months. It is plantned te makethe Sky Harbor dances invita- tional affairs, and the -orchestra will do the promotional work. - The dances will be held on. the sec:-. ond floor. of the Sky Harbor club- lieuse in the roon f ormerly occupied by the Petrushka club., The sanie mod- ernistic suerroundinigs: will ,bé, theré, minus. the excessive, charges, it is -an- nounced. -Dner wtt! be erved for the daiicers who enjoy eating as well as dancing. There will be no cover charge. Each couple atteftdin4i the dances will pay a nominal admission "fee. Fred Waidner, leader of the- Gold Coast orchestra, which is to Play for- the dances, was formerly associated with Mai. R. W. Schroeder and George F. Fisher of Sky Harbor when they were at Curtiss airport. 31 Make Solo FIights in One Day at Sky Harbor Thursday, August 13, was a big day at Sky Harbor airport west of Glen- coe. Three students, including a mysterious girl who doesn't want ber name divulged, made solo fliglits. The. two men inaking solo flights, both of theni after only aïfew hours of instruc- tion,ý were. Charles DeRoule of Chi,- cago, and, Chauincey _Eaton. of. Evanùs- ton. DeRoule owns a Curtiss-Junior sold te , hiýn by Apelt and'- Colvin, Curtiss-Wright distributors withý head- quarters at Sky Harbor. Both De- Roule and Eaton were taught te fly 5v Vincent Taylor, instructor at Sky Harbor. WorIe Don. Whil. You Wait or D.linerd Fra. to Yosar Home! Shoe Repair Shop-Wieboldts Basemnt-EvanstOn 1.4c ..uw . wmea w ueic tore iuni n te maagement of the comipgny, Lockheed-Sirius plane with Arthur was on a our o jfrn iiso aperton, public ervice company pilot.* business. liH. lu a -former student ' of aptan Neill pas expected back f rom Maj.. W. Schroeder of Sky' Har- eest this wrdL. bor,whotaught hîm to Ry.

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