son for somte time. H-e was 68 years old. Besides the son, hc is survived by bis widow, Mrs. Millie Clohisy. The funeralI services were held Tues- day morning at St. Francis Xavier cburch in' Wilmette, with the Rev. James E. Shevlin, assistant pastor of ýtbe churcli, officiating: I83,urial, took- place at East- Troy, Wis., Mr. Clobisy's former home. VISIT RELATIVES Mr. and Mrs.- R. Matthieson cf Lînden,, spent last week-end witb. Mrs. 'Matthieson's brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs.. Edwin B. Knudt- soni,'1141 Cbestnut avenue, on their way borne f rom Oklahoma. Teir son], Don, whobas been visiting Knudtsons for six wëeks.returned with then., Eugene Hildebrand, Jr., Clark, Gap- cil, Jr., Robert Shahîno, and John Chapman, .aIl of Wilmeëtte, are spend- iiig the last of their vacation at Hilde'$ Roost on McKinley lake, Wis. They .ail were graduated in June f rom New Trier 111gh scbooi and will return af-. ter L.abor day to go to different col- leges. Mrs. William IlLeary of 40, Tenth street and Mrs. William F.. Krippes of 1 112 Sheridan road were expected, born.e Tuesday witb their sons, Bill Leàry, Jr,, and Bill Krippes, Jr. The boys liad heen in camp at Pine River, Minn., al summer,~ and Mrs., Leary and Mrs. "KriPPes left last Friday to drive north f or them. Benitley G. McCloud, Edgar A. Stevens, and Walter N. Gillette were guests of Robert O. Berger of 30() Kenilworth ýaveniie, Kenilwortb, this last week-end at bis summer borne in Wisconsin. Tbey played in the mvi. tation Golf tournamrent at the Lake Geneva Country club. Mr. and Mrs. :David Nelsonf, 821, Elmnwood. avenhue, ba. ve been'spending a month on Chamber s island, in Greenx Bay, Wis. Mr. Nelson returned Mon- day but Mrs. Nelson will stay on for some time. Mrs. J. W. Nelson, for- mnerly of Wilmette, now of Glencoe. will join ber there. 0o Mr,. and Mrs. Oscar W. Schmidt P'a. Mrs. Pi-hlips~ was fatally injured in lant automobile accident Wednesday night, August 12. M'rs. Philips bad a wide circle of friends in Wilnîette where she re- sided during ber girlhood days. Besides ber,busband, she is,sur-, vived by two small sous, Allen D., 1an1id David; ber father, DavidÉE Allen *of Wilmette; three.brothers, D., E. Allen, jr., of Wimte R .Alen of 'Pitts- burgh, and Rodney Allen of Wime'e and a sister, Mrs, Dorotby A. Kiliani of Los Angeles. e Cas o Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Bersie and daugbter, Marilyn, 1619 Greeriwood bvne ave, returned from New AbrWis., 'wbere tbey spent a fortnight. Miss VirkiniiaBixby returned Wed- nesday from Toledo, Ohio* .where she visited Mrs. James West for more thar. a.week. "N f bL NEWS for Tr;avelers, sf i y,1 ,4M> voodlawn avenue, Uleli- coe. --- Prof. and Mrs. A. L. Wedell and their daugbter,' 1721 Wih»ette avenue," bave just returned from a thrée- thousand mile, automùobile tnipto the New England states and1 Canada. They were away ifteen days and saw many points of historic interest.' -e too but you dont have to.' Maurice. L Ro.thgchîldl.. n