Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Aug 1931, p. 22

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... ... . ..Sm. S Ail communications muet b. accompanied by the. «Men and addrea of the wrlter. Articles for Pub- llotion muet reach the editor by Tuesday noon to lare appearance ln ourrent issue. Jtesolutioxit of condQlence, cards oethtanlcs. obitu-_ AMiee, notices of entertainnments or other affaire Wbere ant admittance charge la publlshed, will be cbarged, at regular adveprtislng jrates.. Grade, Separation Will. Save Lif e Let'Ps Hasten the Day! At thé very outset, be fore any embJarrass- ing mlisunfderstanding arise s, we .desire to make it perf ectly clear thiat when. we -say "Free Bb Clinics" we d10 fot mean. that the babies are f ree.-'b Free clinics are f rée. This pos- Baby Cinicsililitv of misunderstand- ing reminds us of one we ran acrossý in a recent letter. "The two-year- old boy stuck close to his f athier, a plumip, darling littie rasc al,. with nothing 'on but 'a shirt." 0Of course the l)lunil) scantily clad rascal was flot the father. But our pres ent object is îiottogive aniusing exa,àmples.of, misplaced miodifiers but to poinit out ýt he alniost irumeasurable 'value of f ree clinics at which nmothers cap )e.sowf how to secure and miaintain the ýhealthi of ,their babies. E 'ery week such clinies are held in the village. hall in Wininetka, under the gen- eral charge of Dr. George F. M1utns. It is flot at ail difficult to give reasons for believing that these clinics are' of tremendous value. Diseases developed and- flot adequately cared for in the-earlvy years of a child's.hf e often handicap that child throughoôut his eni- tire lf e. Vital 'organs and funictions may at, thÏe'beginning'of a child'.s hf e be so1 weakefled. bv improper care that he simply çannfot .reach v1gorous manhood. The chlren of a nation are its future rulers. If their bodies are flot sound, their. minds will flot be sound. And if their-minds of a near-by cottager. After putting up our. own littie summer bouse we made a trip three or more times a day to' bis well wbere we gçt a pailful of clear cold water for drinkingand, cooking purposes. But alter akfing for several, years tbese round trIps, each one, at least a quarter of a Wnîch ne. could raise and let tail a heavy drill. With wbhit feverish interest we *watched the progress of bis operations.! At intervals he woullf t the drill out of the hole and. examine the sand, gravel, aîîd-day-that liad acctimùulate(l in the drill. Ve scarcely dared hope that he wotild strike a spring, that we shouki become the proud possessors of a flowing well, a gusher. Such, a well had been struck on a neighbor's property, and ýa stream of pure, cold1 spring water flowed right into bis kitchen sink.. If we could only have such a weIl we'(l fot only, have a springbox but' also a beautif ul, ittie. brook!1 But that good fortune was flot to be ours. Xater was struck at a depth of about 60 feet, water wbich rose almost to the surface. A very ittie, pumping now brings it to. the- top. Though flot a' flowing well, it is neverthe- less a real well., a f riend on whom we cali many tines .every day. XMTe note that eight states, including Minnesota an-d Wisconsin but flot Illinois, have passedJ laws prohibiting hitch-hikers f rom soliciting rides f rom motorists. The 'nit ý h motive behind such a law is the ich desire to protect motorists f rom Hikers damage and injury such as basý beeri inflicted upon over-kind 'motorists who have taken into their cars knights of the road of varying kirids. The practice of giving a 'ride to a strange hiker, usually a youth of ab out 20, is a dan- gerous one. Cases are on record of bikers who after bavirig been'taken into a car as, passengers have. turned. on their benefactors and stolen f romý them flot only such, personal property as money an-d luggage but also the automobile itsel f.' it is unplèasant to be oibliged to admit that it is flot uncommon f or those who have been .helped in one .way or another to show gross ingratitude., What one intelligently expects does flot alwa'ys hape. Sometirnes we . nay If he care f or bis reputation a man ougbt to puit bis best foot f orward. A home-owner ought to keep bis f ront yard good-looking. If be must neglect one or. the other it ought to be bis ba'ck-yard. A communfity's front-, yard, namely the grounds around its rail-: road station, ought to be: especially present- able. I note with alarin mingled with pride that you are "thinking seriously" of publishing my catididacy for Congressman f rom the new 13th district. We have no doubts regarding. our ability, to do well the work required of. a Conigressm.an,, but we do, have d(oubts regarding our popularity. To be sure, many ladies have spoken of Our pleasing personality,: but this isflot conclusive evidence "of, our popularity. Little children hike us, but they can't vote. So you had better cease to think seriously of nominating us. Thanks just the same. Yours, Fil OssiferÉ The select f amily of S hore, Linie readers ivill, 110 dout, recal oùr sggestion, appearing afe issues back, that Fil 'Ossifer toss bis f aded f edora into thé Congressional:ring,, hoping.thc vhi1e that he could be persuaded to step aside ini the interests of improved government. Sinice Mr. Smith dlaims to have' received attrac- tive ind ucements to refrain f rom seeking. the seiia- tonial toga back in 1926, we were determined to hold forth to our hero the prize of several bushels of peaches: (at 10, cents per) i exchange. for bis happy decision to f oregko famne and fortune. Trhe first Congressmian f rom the 13th W'ill, of course, hasten the day when each north shore town will have an imposing f ederal, building (nee. post, oôffice) ail its own, n -ot to mention an expansive, barbon or two. We're a bit new at this 'constittuetcy" business, but eager to learn. HAVYEN Conie! Anchor here, in titis, our haven honte, Thou hast sailed the' stormy .sefs, 0f busy rush, and weary, jtraikting toi, And seckest iiouwf or- peace. l'il. hold. thy hand, the gentie. dark falies fbt, Alid soothes -a fevcred brain, Toiqht brings ret, <adihAeart the 'other finds,, Utit da tho0ltsail.agaiin. -Littul Wün., In, the midst of. our boasting at having recrui ted two rccalcitrant gentlemen to the ranks of opera patrons, one of our neophytes pops up *with the John Baab tells of the Scotchman who was finally convinced of bard times when lie f ailed to find a job to fill in his vacation period. Shore Liftes will continue its earnest search 'for a Congressman f rom, the 13th., None but the super-. stitious ueed apply. -MIQUE.

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