WILME!ITE21 CAB SERVICE HERBON GARAGE, 7e2-12th ST,. Our rives ar alwy& glad ýto, give specia attenion.t h children and ýeldeirly folks, Rate& by Meter, Hour or Trp j 24-HOUR 1e snîpped was 1996o units. Thi is nurnDer, Peters said, would have 'been largely exceeded had it been possib:le for the conipany to have given its distributors a fulllline of body types. "August shipments" Peters said, 'will con tinue on the> same basis witb retail demnand, for the. new model building up1 steadily, each, week. Fac tory schedules for August and September have been 'increased over theý prelininarv estimates ini ordei to takeé care of distributo rs'. requests. "Expectations are that August busi- ness. will. exceed Jufly. and that of Septemnber'w'ilI witness the beginniig of a good fali selling season." I 1W THIS YEAR GOODYEAR MEANS EVEN GREATER VALUE t îmLOWER, COST! clacu t ai s. ci in ..l . .J s miles of Chicago, car owners planining to drive in that area are urged by the Chicago Motor club to check their route carefullv before starting. .While the cletours are. gênerally weil marked, the quality of -the' road surfaces and the length of them varies greatly, the motoi club pointed, out. Somne of thern. are. narrow, and con- gestion may resuit, it was added. The. state highwaàys on which de-, tours will be foundare 111.-4 (Joliet road), 111.-5 (Lake* street), .I111-6 (,Roosevelt road), IIl.-18 (Ogden. ave- nue),.Ill1-19 -(Northwest highway) ,111.-20 (Belvidere road), Ill.-21 (Mil- Iwaukee avenue), IlI.-22, (1n on.ih Iway), ll.-46, (Mannheim road), 1ILI- 154 (North avenue), and 111-58 (Evans- ton-Elgîn highway).ý Mlain highways in northern Indianaý are practicall1y free from detours, the motor club declared. Racing PFans Await Speedway Tourney 'rhe 100 mrile A. A. A. race at the. Rooy Uilcago speedway Swiday, Au- gust 3iO, is expected to attract the Iarg- cst fn.umber o1 championislip drivers thlatlias ever- ente reci a race 'in, this, district vil1 be-on hand, many of thein will .hecdrivers whose rnaies.are na- tionaîl househoîdl words. Sitîce high classed competitive- rac- iig lhas beenl brought back to the Roby track more interest 'bas. been slhovi ini the speed gaine than at any time since the days of the old Chicago board speedway; anid the century grind is sure of attracting a crowd that wilI doubtless set a nlew attendance< record. Wilbur Shaw, Bill Cuninings, Cant- Ion, Meyer ana other great stars are eçpected amnong those to, 'atternpt to quaiify; that there will be more than 25 entries. is also assured;.this Meanls, thousands w Ill-corne to the track early Stynday'for the elimiînation trials wvhicli start at 10 o'cl)ck; the niorning ad- mission is to -beýgood- for, the whole day, this wvil please the miaîy . rail- birds who believe the qualifying rounds arc as interesting as tlie big race. Colorado Lax With, Its Road Markings While niost sections of the west arc WJLMETTE ISATTERY ê~ELECTRJIC SERVICE 740 Twelftth Street Wilmette 691-696 "Colorado perhaps is the Most lax state in the union so far as road mark- ers are concerned. It should realize that if it is to, attract tourists, as it is~ striving to do, it should mark its routes for the convenience of the visi- tors. One veteran driver, just returned- f romi that :state, declared that. it ,was far ahead of Ite times in propagand- izingits attractions and far bebind in Is highway markers and road facil- ities in geiteral."1 e