Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Aug 1931, p. 36

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wo wll be charged mily et from Evanaton to one' dlrectôry, or who> WINNETKA. TALEC RateS-15 Cents lalin. on. ap.25 contsa a.lino ln anY two papora. cens lna n ilthreo Papers., gNJIIUIM CHARGE ONE DOLLAL Average of five wordg to 'the lino. No black face typé uaed. 10% digteout o« ail. cas h wltlu order -&dveriêmenta, when brougt teo pur Msceat M2inatri Ave,9 Wllîaettel, or 5411lincolà Ave.1, Winmetka., Deadinetor nséClassified advortlaements wili b. ae- Dealie or Iserio s-epedup té Tueaday 9 o'cloek for the WILI«ETTE L IFE or ail thre e papera; Wedneaday 9 oeclock for the. WINNETKA TALK and Tliursday à o'eloéck for, the -GLENCOIC NEWS. Tlephones: Wîlmette 4300, Wlnnetka 200, Greenlef 30 rliida e7 ILOUT AND, FOUND 22 MUSICAL INSTRUMEqNTB POUND WIREHAIRED. FOX TER- rier, black and white male, also brown Chow male. Kenllworth Police Depart- mnent. 2LTNtI6-1ltc Sa aUILDING ^ND coNrAmCTINe CARL BENGSTON- CARPENTErR AND BUXLDER. - REMODELING AND REPAIRINO PHONE WINNETKA 2480 SLIrt4 4-ttc D Us mus mmm VICE PATENTS Bell. your patent or invention by exhib- ing your model dr drawlng at thie Second and Greater INTERNATION- AL PATENT EXPOSITION, CHICA- GO. Thousanda of manufacturera a'nd patent buyers wIll Inspéet new de- vices and patents for marketing.ý Ver low rates. If you have no mode, drawlngs and description will do, Send for free pamphlet . .. amilton Edison, Managing Director, Interna- tional Patent Exposition. Merchîan- dise Mart, CHIICAGO. 9LTNI5-3tc AiU Ktnde of Carpenter Work Doue JOHN SOESCE Ph. Wilxnette 2165 ___________9LTN36-tfe E XP E RIE N'C ED DRESSMAKER wanits position as resident seamotress, or willl work by the day. Ph. Wilmétte 2718. 'IILTN16-tfe WANTITDI....' UPRTEIZUnU'D T AON 'dens ln ej re for ,dA PIANO BARGAIN FOR SALE-UPRIGHT PIANO-ONLY used a short time. On account of pur- chaser being unable to, complete pay- ments, w. wlll transter the account to a responsible party tfor balance due $83.65, and arrange easy terms If de- sired. This Piano originally sold for $395.00 and la guaranteed the same as ne;a genuine bargain for 'someone, For particulara address P. A. Starck Pianio Co., 228 S. Wabash Aveniue,' Chicago, Ill. 22LTN16-ltc 30 PETS BOSTON BULL l1/ YEARS OLD, thoroughbred, ,'wel) tralned. -WIII> sacérifice., Ph. Wilmette 2709. 26LTN16-lte TWO HEÀLT HY HOME-RAISED, calrni terrier puppies, pedigreed. Best Possible breedîng. Tel.,Winnetka 449. 26LTN1-lte 33 WEARINQ APPAREI. TRANSP~ERRED TO THE TROPICS. Dlsposlng of Mlnk coat,- cost $1,200. Velvet, Marten trlmmed ôpera coat. Green velvet coat fuir trlmmed, Hud- son SeaI. Fitch trlmmed. - Tan coat Beaver trîmmed. Sizes 36 and 38. Shown by appointment. Address B-150 Box 40, Wilmette. 33ÉTN16-ltp 38 LOANB LOANS TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Make and buy lot'and 2nol mortgages. ,VANSTON -BOND & MTG. CO. 618 Grove St. Greenleaf 5600 41SITUATION wANTrED-FIEMALE EFFICIENT - ELP ~e. *VV exa EIZ~Aa mvaifton *ilfl Pk. 41LTN9-tfe WOMAN WITH BOY 10 YEARS wishes position as housekeepèr, either in motherless- home or home wlth grown children. Ph. Wilmette 4866. 41LTNL6-lnc REFINED WOMAN DESIRES ,POSI- tIon,ý as trained practicai nurse, com- panlon to elderly, woman or Infant case. Ph. Longbeach 5723 Apt. -610. 41LTN116-11t EXP. MIDDCLE AGED 1HOUSEKEEPER. Good 'cook. excellent local refs. de- sires position In respectable mother- l1ess home.. $10. Write B-1136. Box 40 Wihinette. 4O1LTN16-lnc AN4 EXPERIENCED WOMAN, PER- manent work by week.. Will go south or West wlth- party. A good, cook.,'Ref. Ph. Unive'rsirty 8679. 41LT16-Itpi A COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS piart tlfie*011< Cor by the weelt, or any kind of work. Ph. Davis 1271. 41LTN16-ltp) YOUNG GERMAN GIRL WANTS7 position as second mald or general housework.. Good ref, Ph. Wilmette. 1311. 41LTN16-lnc EXPERIENCE AS WAITRESS, SEC-1 ond maid, or for upstairs work, child's nurse, or care of eldely lady. Ref. Phone Winnetka 689.' 4eLTN16-lnç WOMAN, 15 YRS., WANPJS IIOUSE- work. Good plain cook. Flnnish. 2508 Thornwood Ave. Ph. Wilmette 4405. 41LTN16-lnc EXERINCED WHITE GIRL WANTS Iaundry or cleaning fer' Monday and Wednesday. Ritaerences. Cal Win- netka 2022. 41LTM16-ltp WANTED - WASHING, IRONING. cleaning hy the day, by experienced Swedlsh woman. Ph. Wilmette 481. 41LTN16-lnc EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANTS laundry. work oV- cleaning. Can' give references. Ph. Wllmette 1987.- 41LTN16-lnc, 811T. WANTED. FIRST CLASS COOK. Experienced in serving..Culored. Good Ref. Bertha MeCalllster Wentworth 4904.I 'TT3 C1~ Filipino 32 yr. .A-1 'Butler . Valet'- Driver, .6 yr. references. German 30 yr. Butler- Drive and Gar- den, 1%h yr. wlli present employer. Ainerican 35 yir. Flrst class chauffeur. Il yr.' Wlnnetka reference. German,28 yr. A-i Gardener and green-, hougse man, 7 yr. wlth 'present em- ployer. Tel. Wlnnetka 2662 PAULINE-S Ag~ENCIES 4 North Shore'Offices 42L1'N16-ltc GARDENER WITH 151 YEARS- Ex- perlence wants. steady poition witb private famlily. Can give beet of ret. Wou ld like to get. place vilth living quarters., Phone Glencoe 142. 42LTN16-ltp INTELLIGENT WHITE YOUNG MAN 21 years old electriclan, by trade wants work as chauffeur, truck driver, Electiric work or what' have you. Ph. Wllmette 3228. 42LTN!l16-lnc WANTED.- POSITION ON PRIVATE estate,. as gardener,ý by mlddle aged American. fully'capable to, take *full charge, mnarrled, no children. Write' B-95. Bozt 40. Wllmlette. 42LTN11-ttp NORWEGIAN YOUJNG MAN WANT8 gardenwork, genexýal hôusework or any odd jobs. Good references. Ph. Win- netka 2477. 42LTN16-Ine YOUNG HUNGARIAN MAN WISHES position as gardener and houseman. can drive car. Ph. Wllmette 2567. 42LTN16-lne EXPERIENCED GARDENER' WANTS work. N. S. referencès. Caîl Wllmette. 3073. 42LTN'ý16-lnc EXPERIENCED MAN, WASH WIN- dows, care of lawns, garden worlç, etc., Winnetka 1552. 4LT1-t 43 SIT. WTD.-MALE AND FEMALE . EXPERIENCED COUPLES Excellent No.. Shore references. 'GermanWHITE Gemncouple 35, and 40 yr.. Mr.. A-i driver-Bu tler and yardman. Mrs. ex- cellent cook. 1 yr. wlthipresent, em- ployer. Dutch couple, each ' 42 :yr. Mt. good ail- 'round man. Mrs. good cook or up- stairs work. 4 .yr.* No. Shore ret. Scotch couple, 40 yr. houseman-drive, yard.. Wife excellent coiok,4 yr. No. Shore ref. COLORED Colored, 48 yr., 9 yrs. wlth 'present em- ployer and the best of referencea. Colored, 34' yr. a very neat, lndustroua couple-11/ yr. Winnetka references. We Place experienced help only. "w;* a genulm For particy ck Piano C, que, Chicgo, e to complete pa r--uns ri year eaeX. uiie WiflhIOtj<B -. .'Z"e"LJjNIt>-iI1 mtrteacut 2564. 4IT16lcNXRSEMAID, WHITE, EXPER~I- nae teacoan 4LNî.t HANDY DEPENDABIE MAN WI~S onced, car. of 3 vear old girl 'and up- le foea em CMEdN WMN A WRC position as houseman Cannot drive stairs' work. $10. per week. Ref. 988 ig aytreif O TN OA A Wl-- cal'. Is wIlling to staï't for $50 a mont. Lake St. Winne'tkai Phone Winn. 2837. originally .aold for taklng eare of chlldren' or hlai days. Rets. Caîl Highland Par 3369.'-t oranteed the, samne Caîl Glencoe 639. 41LIU6-lue 42LT164t P.'4LN1- bargain for somne- .r addreaa P. A. YOUNG GIRLSEEIS EMPLOYMENT FkPERIENCED GA&RDENER WSHES WATED - YOUe ngenADY FORwdlk 228 S. Wabashographlc and general orosecond makd 228S. abah gnerl huswo~k, r scon mad. work by hour or day. Ph. Wilmette Apply làn wrItlng, B-165, ]Box 40, WUl- SeLTN1Itc Rot, Ph. Univeralty 2882. 41LTNi6-ltp 1691. u2TN6-lnc mette, 111 44LTN1-lte 1 ý.

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