Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Aug 1931, p. 38

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6 T»5. 1H. W. Il. 2 c. g. wmneitte .. 7 rnis. 11. W. H. 2 c. g. Willmette .S85 6 rnis. Il. W. H. eec. ref. Wlmette . $90 7 ~m.IWH(u)le ref. .2cg WiI. $125 Furnfished bouses. 6-11 rw)ms. Short or long terni periods. $1,M)-$350. B. H. BARNEIT Rooni 4 526. Center St. Phone Winnetka 965 60LTN16-lte BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH HOME ON large lot, 5' ,bedrme., 3 baths, liv., sun mon, -ou .heat, att. 2 cûar gar. $250 a month. Attractive, 7- rooni home, 4 bedrooms, *il heat. 2 càr.garage, $110 a month. Fra.nces J,.Winscott 302 Spruce St., Winnotka 1267 60LTN16-lt(, QCTOBER 1ST. FURNISHED. OR UN- >furnlshed. 6 Room ikroçlern residence 3 blockg frmi Ravînia station, bath, wth shoWer. Lavatory' lst floor. Large li11ving rooni. Screened pomc. 2-car garage. Reasonable.. For appoint- ment phone owner,,. Deerfield 122. 60L16-1 tp BE;AUTIFUL, HOME IN GLENCOE. 4; bedroonis, 2 bathýý, 2 car garage- 111 adres landscvaped grounds. $350 per niqnth. Owner, 810 <i.reenleaf Ave. Glencoe. Phone Glencrie 49. 601,T16-1 tp 7, RM. HO9VICE$90, H. -W. HEAT, 01J, garage, near sçhiool and transp)orta- tion. A1so 7 rm. furnilbed $135. See agent 877 Eim St., Pb. WNinnetka 1689. 601LTN16-1tc- FOR RENT ATTRACTIVE 6 111%. residence, 2 baýtbs, il beat, heated 2- car garage. Ph. Ilighiand Park 3012. 6OLT16-1 tpy FOR RENT-6 RI. HOUSE AND GA- rage 506 Oaltdale Ave., Glencoe, $55 per month. Ph.' Glencoe 522. 6OLT6-tp OCT, 1. 9 RMS. ALL MODERN CON-' venlences. Large, Yard. Reasonable., Gar. 2131 Schiller, Wilmette. Tel. Glen- coe 228. 60LT16-ltp FOR RENT - .5 ROOM BUNGALOW witb' sun pnrcb $65. Occî'pancy, Sept, lst.. Tel Wnnetka 1953. 6016-tn si wàANTE TO -oRENT-I4OUSES WANTED TO RENT 5R1M. ýBUYNGA- low wltb garage, must be reasonable witb fairly adequate transportation. Write stating fulli particulars-. Write B-156, Box 40, .WilmetteIlil. New English brick. 4 master bedrms., 3 ba. Wooded grounds - Riparlan. privileges. 89 Deet'e Pk. Drive, S»pth. Highland Pk. Unusual brick-and stone home. 8, rns. 3 master bèdrimk Ravine lot- wooded - Riparian, privileges. 2432 N. Deere, Pk. 'Drive, Hiigbland Pk. Brand-new brick Colonial. 8 rins., 3 ba. Just off Sheridan Rd. 2 car garage. Wooded loi. 1887 Lymoj et.,. Ravin- la, Highland Pk.. Engllsb brick home. 4 bedmms., 3. ha.; sun poreh. Wooded lot. 248 Oak Sand Ave.,"Ravinia, Highland Pk. Baird& 1071 Skokle B,'largate 1855 Warner Rldgze Drive. (l»enco)e 1M4 721,TN16-'lte COLORS IN PROFUSION YE'tTH-1E ARRAN(HEMENT -0F THS flo-wers borderlng the lawn and stone terraved open poroh. gives a dignified anld artistic setting for this Dee're Park. Englsh type brick bouse. Living rooni bas south bay wlth full view of' thegarden. Windows in dinlng monin arec well placed, kitihen .tiled.; sun room and terracé. also have full view of garden. There are 3 farnilyý bed- rooms' and 2 tile batbs; also maids moirns with rear stairs on the second floor. Third can be finlshed wit.2 bedroomns and a bath; vapor heat; g«ls fired bolier; e4ate roof; 2-car at- taehed garage. Owner ineans business;!. QUINLAN & ' YSON, hic. 714 Fli St, Wlnnetka . Winnetka 2198 72LTN16-ltc. French Normani Houise .9 RMS., 3 BATTIS, BEAUTTIFIUL porches, one acre of wooded property, .oil beat, 2 car attacbed garage. Ex- , clu,4ive section of Winnetka. price has been .reduced from $65,.000 to $ 45,000. Godternis tr responsible purciaser, Swh by. appont.ment only. MRS. FL4RHOMS 1418 Chicago Ave.(.ireeèneat 7220, Evanstoin 721,TN16-ltc 74 FOR EJLE-VACANT FOR SALFI 10,500 LOT IN INDIAN Hill estate, for $5,300. Write B-149, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 74L1-ltp SI' ACREASEANo ESTATES MOR. 1SALE-BARRINGTON 40-ACRE Tract. A desirable homnesite, close to Barrington Huis Country Club and In a section of- other esta-tes. Tlhis is hlgh* land, fine soil and with 15 or, 20 acres of woodland. Cani be divided. If desired. Owner, wants Iimediate cash' QUINLAN & TYSON. biic. Fountain Sq. University 2600 81LTN16-ltC es EXCHANGE-REAL ESTATE Wat6room home about 1 '5,000 wvherc owner wjll take $4,000 lot. in Ravinia in trade. Want home*of,8 rooins, 2 haith S, about e25,000 wbere owner will take 6 rooni resideîîee ln, Wllmette. Owner of modern 9 room r-esidence, 3i batbs, will trade bis $16,000 4,qity for -filn residentii lot on north xhoiée. Want $20.000 n)rth shore homore ffui bIusil- * ns. lt in Los Angeles. 541 Lincoin Ave. Witnnetka .1492] 85LTN16-1-lt 86 FOR UALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS, LATEST AIODEL 4 BURNER O'AS Jewei ange, liisulated, with Loraine' regulator for sale. 60 yd. best grade Pea green velvet carpet, -5 cubic feet Frigidaire, perfect conditioii. . Thor Mangle, Federal 'wasbing machine, Baby grand' piano. For sale cheap Ph. Highland Park 2122..,. 86LTN16-Ilp ANTIQUE SOFA, COMMJODE. BABY .grand piano. Living roomi chairs. Fumed oak dining set. Oriental ugs. Frigidaire. Kitcen utensils. 1432 'As- bury Ave. . Hubbard Woods. Te, IVin- netka 1596. 86LTN 16-1lte FOR SAL-7 CUBIC FEET-2, DOOR al white- porcelain. Frigidaire twin cyliinder cnmp. A-i Condition, flargaini, Immediate saie-tferms.. Ph. W lunette 5038. 86LTN16-ltc UPRIGHT PIANO IN GOOD CONDI-ý tion. If sold this week, $35 our best offer. Must be seen to be atpl$recýiat-ed. P.Davis 8057. 86LTN16-lte always glad to Point out soIurces o i in- f 6?Tatioii. relatiig' toany phase of liv- ing costs. One such source is the Consumner's Research, hIc., at 340 West 2.3rd' street, New- York City. Stewart C hase, presi- dent of Abis organization, is an econoni- ist and author of."Your Money's Worth"~ anti'the "Tragedy of Waste." Consuni- er's'Rescarch is "organi'zed on à non- ýommercial basis- to provide 'uibiased information and counsel on. goods bought by the ijîtimate consumer." 'Its information is- given in w meekly bulletins and a. yearly handbook listing recomi- mended and flot recommended brand names. for evemy kind of commodity, including easons for ýrating given. It- answers such, questions as:- What are the depexîdable and -eco- nomical low, -medium,. and high-rpriccd automobiles? *Wbat are good miakes of cameras, watches, portable. typewriters, vacuum cleaners ? What brands of cotfee are good and' ii>t toC> expcnsive? Do 1 need a ýsunlight lanrip, or :"UlItra- vio)let' wilndow glass?' .What. comimon f ood sustpply ail the vitamîins necessamy.to health? Subscription. is open to any individ- uial conîsurner. Mr. and I Mrs.,PliiIlip D.:1Davis- (if 17-33 WVashington avenuie -and *their cihildrein, Bil 'iNk.ani(I Butddv, r.turned last week froîn a fortnight's s tay li Iliolland, Mich. Mtiss Marion Htisting of 1020 Washingto'n aveniue le fi Sundày for 'a stay of' tWo weeks .in nothern. Wi1S- cousin. Gene Husting -is at Crystal 'lake, 'Micb., until Sep)tembier Carl Rennùckar. (of the Ridge Ave- nu ,e pbarmmcy, vhosc home is at 1627 Eiimwood avenue, and Mrs. Renneckar lef t Wednesday ou a' four-ýday motor tnrp througb northerni WisconIsin1.' Mrs.,.BeniHens returuied b ber'borne at 746 Locust moadi-'Monday evening f roin the St. Francis hospital * where sbe underwent an ýoperat ion f or -the retnoval of ber 'tonsils. strlwe Cn vas wails. uwiner wuîl 144x lg bs. Se tod QUNLAN.& rY$ON, Imc. 714% Elm st., Wlinnetka. Wlnnietka,2198 -. . TBLTN16-4te &MEDI- Lakes. bak .in '-o0 , This coming week Mr. and Mrs. ad wt rs.. Walter Williamns and -ber two Herbert A. Lucas of 173 Fuller lane. id Ave-, sons, Chuirchill and Cbarles, 'bave re- Winnetka, tkill enltertaini as . their N16-ltp turnçd to their home at 1306 Gregory guests Mm. and Mrs. Walter Mead of tCIIASE avenue from a six weeks' visit in-De- Wisconsin' Rapids, Wis. i n S. troit and .Cl1veln1.Lieut. W. H. Christensen, 301 lOh o Miss Vera Dangerfield, 1232 Maple Eighteenth street, r etumned home avenue, bas leftfor Kns I. ora' Sâturday 'from Camp Grant at Rock- 'NiG-ite stay with her father aànd mother. ford, Ill., where he spent two weeks. r I 1~ I *L.

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