Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Aug 1931, p. 39

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to the attention ef adimîrers of INa- poleon a inmber of biographies of tbe great war leader which may be borrowed at the library. .,The Napoleon comnplex bias long been a source of miirth," Miss Whit- mack says, "but ini spite of it Na- oleon continues te cp trîe theim nagination. His wili to achieve appe als to.al Of us."e H.* G. Wells says of hini: 'And.now we comie tüoee of the most iiiuminating figures in miodemn histe.ry, the figure of an àdventurer and a wrecker, whose story seemns te diplay ibextraordinary. vi id- *ness the universai subtie conflict of egotismn, vanity., and l)ersoflality with the .Weaker, wider cains -of comîniion good. . . . In the long perspective of history the cuit of Napoicon, and his Peculiar effect upon certain typ)es of mmnd, is of farn more interest and, far iiiore,-iiiportallce than bis actuai ad- venitures. The worlidlbas largely ne- covered fromi the, mischief hé didl But. that bis îpeculiar personality should dominate the imiaginations of *great numbers of people, tbrows a, ight.upon factors of euiduringsig- iiiceaiice in our humnanIt robleni." . The Wvilnxette Public iiirary bias the followinig biographies of Napo- leon: Faure-Napoieoui. ,An .i terpretation, of Napoleon from tbe viewpoint of. an art bistoriait Fisher - Napol eon. Aý, concise and Iucid accoutit of his life %with eni- phasis on châracter rather titan' campaigns. Fourniier '- Napoleon, the First. Val- uable for Napoleon as a statesmnan. Headley- Napoleon and His ('en- erals. Roseberry- Napoleon. A book for- le ail. The author bas buinor as iveli as, tborouighnless, picturesicieess as, well as fluency. Lùdwig -Napoleoin. An -extraordi- narily .vivid account. Wilmette Pioneers 'Go to Haif Day on Sunday * The Wiliimette Pioneers will oppose H-aIf Dnar at the latter's dignmond ini -e- L MMm.-C. E. Blondeli of Les Angeles arniveti Saturdav to spend several weeks witb Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Koza, 627 Mapie avenue.. Owen, Hiidretb. 2006 Beecbwood .avenue, is convalescing from an at- S. tâck o f wbooping èougb. nouncementfit in Charles %.uirI, president of the North Shore Ama- teur basketball and baseball circuits. Witbout trying to rush the season, *Mr. Quirk this week issued prelimi- nary plans for the formation of the leagueIý. The organràzat*1 s~tili in ýan un!- decided state 4and willb ffce definiteiy only \f sufficien t interest is aroused> among amateurý players of. ,vnso, towns to the nortan the 'northside in Chicago. -I l1. Request -ismade for ail teams. or In- -dividuals interested ini the league to comimunicate with Mr. Quirk. He may be addressed at- 1716 Touhy ave- nue or, reacbed at Rogers Park 9279. Other information wiil be availabie at the bureau of recreation office in Evanston througb Charles T. Byrnes, superintendent, who is.also secretary of the North Shore Amateur circuits. After the successful scasons in basebal sponsored the i ast two year s and iast winter's basketball league, the samne sponsors believe that inter- cornmupty - football. on the north shore wouid be weicomed both by players and spectators, according te Mr. Quirk. Plans are to forM a league of middleweiglbt class elevens to play Sundays o1n tbe playfields of the various towns represented. Possibiiity of the league's winner, engaging in comnpetition for the Sweitzer cup in the finals of the Mid- west league tournmnent is being dis- cussed. Inspets Lands Proposed for Forest Regions Lewis B. Spriinger of Wilmette, su- perintendent of the Illinois State.Divi- sion of Forestryý made an inspection trip tbrough southern Illinois last week with officiais f rom the United States, Foety 7service. The f ederal government, bas. under censideration. the establisbnit'of two national. f fonest units ini that section of the state, one of 291,392 acres and thé other of 307,840 acres, according to Mr. Springer. t. report you resreDuI LV#LSA m'.allui ceive credit toward your certificates, or toward additional red seals. Of, the two bhundred boys, and girls. wbo began tbe dasb wben the treaure. hunt opened ini Juue, Q-r wbo bave joined later,, over seventy-five %viIl corne te a triumpbant finish, and will receive meobersbip certificates,'tbe -award be. ing made te al cf those club members wbe have f ound ten or more treasures. No credit. for discovered treasures will be given for books drawn f rom the library after'Monday, August 31;' the books-drawn previeus,,te that tune ma, bereported On when tbey are re- tu ned, although, it may be 'af ter Sep- tember 1L Because this Summer Vacation Rea d- ing. club bas been a different sort, of' club f rom the .ordinary one, Witb ne regular1 meetings and .ne. way for the members te become acquainted, it bas been decidecl te make tbe awarding of the certificates a gallant occasion, when all the treasure seekers will gather at tbe same time and see just whom tbeir f ellow members are. The exact date for this affair bas net, been. set; suffice it te say that it Will be some tinte .in Septeniber, and that it wiil be a festive .f unction, at wbich yeu may wear your best bib and tucker In the ineantime, tbose wbo are with- in twe or tbree treasures of their goal. had better put on a new burst of spéed. Alniost ariy boy andi girl cati reacl tbree on four books in ten days, and it, would be toe bad te miss tbe fun and. sat-. isfaction of a certificate just for the lack of a few bocks. SThe Children's departnient at the li- brary is open every day (Sunday excep- ted) f rom ten -te six. Books fer the treasurè hunt may be obtaineci, and. treasures reported on, witbin those heurs. Otto E.: Gepperts Home From 10,00 Mile Trour Mr. andi Mrs, Otto E. Geppent. bave ïict réturned Irom a nine we.eks motur Miss Katherine -Hoffmeyer cf 1, Wilmette avenue, with Miss Marj( Paterson Ieft Sunday te spend a w, or teit days at New London, Wis. er of Clevelanpd, 1Mn, andi Mrs. 1721 Lake ave- -o->- nue. Frank W. Renwick, Jr.cf Geneva,, .0c 111. spent iast wreek-end witb Mr. 'and Mn. and Mrs. Louis Buck ant Vin- Mrs. James W.. Aider', 931 Greenwood ginia,ý 601 Ridige read, Kenilworth, avenue, are motering -te Quebec, Canada. Cole, a. resident ofthme nortn shore for miany years and a sturdy worker for govermment reform in Chicago and Cook cemity, bas gone into. tbe second edition and is being received, Witb enthusiasm by leaders through- ont the Cbicago .area. Grabam Traylor inbis column in tbe Chicago Dai4y-News 1r ecently .com- mented upon, Mr'. King's book as foilows:. "'Hoyt King's 'Citizen Cole of Cbi- cago'9 bas aiready gone to a second edition'.- because its vivid sketches are, ike snapsbot, pictures of George Cole in >action, like tbe' movies, and sbow, bis feliow citizens bow te de- fend their citv from its spoilers and' take their part in its government. 'So valuabie as an aid in, tbe developmfent of citizensbip.' Superintendent Bogan tbinks it to be that be asks at. ieast one copy foreach of tbe junior and senior bigb scboois. One oc*f Chicagos most Public-spirited citizens bas ord-, ered 1,000 copies for bis own distri- bution., Two Intersectional Games. for Wildcats Two intersectional games, Neb- raska and University of California at Los Angeles, mark Northwesterni university's football teain's schedule tbis fail. Neither of tbese teamns bave ever been. on the Wildcat's schiedule before.. Tbe Cornhuskers open tbe season' 0ctober 3 and U. C. L. A. is slated for October 17. Coacb Dick Han iey wbo bas a penchant for tough scbedules ap- pears to have a masterpiece for 1931. The so-called practice games Wbicb usually occupy tbe first two dates> on tbe scbeduie bave been discarded by the Wildcat mentor in favor of tougher competition. ;Nebraskas busky gridders -from. the ornelt illprovide tbe curt ain raiseir at. Dycbe stadiumn and, will be. foliowé-d a week later by Nôtre Dame's national cbamnpions' in' a game to be staged at Soldier Field in Cbicago. IPIaying tearns of this cailber in one-two order at the open- Mrs. inez Tom o f Chenea, .~ is spending a week ith Mr,.-anti Mma Eugène Hildebrand, 530 Maple avenue.

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