Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Aug 1931, p. 3

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* The By Ruth .Pretm.I wil withi "Peter Ibbetson," making the sixtb timie the opera bias been sclied- uiled. sitice its premiere on August 3. "Peter Ibbetson" will also be bea.rd on the final Saturday, August.29. - The last week at Ravinia brings a first' performance of "Thais,": and a world premniere,;of a three act bal- let, "Cinderiella," written l)y Marcel, De)lainnoy and dedicated to Ruth Page;, preniiere danseuse of the Ra- 'vinia,'Opera company. The 'rest o theweek is filled with old stand-bys. This week Closes with "Lucia di Lammnermoor". on Thursdav nigbt, sung by Florence Macb)eth..Frederick jagel, 1'fario Basiola, Virgilio Laz- zari. Philine. Falco and L.odovico Oliviero. Gcnnare o Pp ilio- duct. "Ibbetson" Fridey "Peter Ihetso,î" isý scleduled. for Friday niight of this week, with, the saine cast 'as hiefore. "La . .juiire4" will have its secon~d M performance of the season on1 Satur- day night, Auiguýst 22, %vith 1Eisabeth Rethberg, Giovanni Martinelli, Le>n, R othiie*r. Florence Macbeth, Giuiseppe Cavadore, George Cehaniovskv. atid Paolo Anlanian.i Ruth Page, Blake. Scott and the Iballet Will (lance. Louis Has seinians Will conduct. "Marouif" Witt bc sung 0o1 Stndav iîighit, Auigust 23, h)v Y'vonnc Gail and Mario Clhailc e ard ini the lead-~ ing roles. Othiers ini the cast wiil bc Julia Claussen, Leon Rothier, Vit- torio Trevisan, Loulis *D'Aiigelo, NMarek Windheiin. George Cehianov- skv. Lodovico Oliviero and ,Paolo Ananian: Ruth Page,, Blake Scott and the ballet wilî dlance. The Sundav% afierncion concert i>yN the Chicago Svmnphony orchestra will W. featurne Juhia, Clausýsen as soloist, and itt be dedicated to the Swedish people, of Chicago and vicinity. The tenth and last week opens Mon- day night, August 24, with aà double bifl,, " The Secret of Suizanine," and "La Vida Breve." Lucrezia Bor ilitthave, * the leading noIes in hloth operas. Mario Chiamîce will be hcard ini the first as the suspicious husband, and Manek Wind- * heim will play thie role of tbe: dumb Monday oft îms weeic wnen a plane ownled and piloted by Monf ont and in, wbich H-ess and Miss Hess were pas- sengers, crashied in a forcéd laindinig at Oak Park avenue andl l6th street, Ber- wyn. Moif ort and -Miss, Hess received but sligbt injuries but: Hess sufféred a fiactured elbowv and lacerations about the face. He toôk'the full brunt of the imîpact in bis ,effortý to. protect Miss Hess., The trio were. retuining. to- Curtiss. field, îvbere Monfont's, plane is housed, f romt Detroit where they had fiown earlièr. in the day.. They took gasoline. there whicb should. have been ,isuficient for a five. houn flight on 'their return, and had been ini the air only tbrcee lours when the supply nan mit, Mon fort said. 1He first attempted to land in a field at l6tlî street and Euclid . avenue iii, Berwvyn,- butsaw a large crowd (Itlere watclîiug a twilight basebaîl gaine and glided a hlock farthen to aniother field. [ie wvold. have landedsafely had a %vinig of the plane flot struck'a steel Post. Calis Board's Attention to Markers on Oakwood 'l'lie tîtatter of chianging street miarkers oii-Oakwood- ,avenue to coi- ply witli the official Village plait was brouglit to the attention of the Vil- lage l)ar<l Tucsday inighit IlwVillage MNaniager C. Ml. Osborui. Thie streect, accor(ling to official plant of the Vil- lage, is uiot Oakwood avenue but Mla- pIe avenue, Mr. Os-born stated. The inatter- ias neferred. tÔ the Xilnettv Plait comnmssio. Police Official Goes North for Vacation Sergt. Josephi Steffenis and Patrol- man Peter Sclhaefer of the Wihuiette Police depa)rtiient are on)i..racationt. Steffens -plannied a trip to Minniesota, while Schaefer, expected, k>' go toý- KenitieKyN. ITheir vacati owtis beganII Satunday and thleS' will be' off dutY for two weeks. Chief of Police Henry Brautigain iiad Sengt. Johin Schiaef - geni, whlî aa een oit vacation, re- ires to separatt ns ot -nie The questionnaires' were inailed Iast week. 'ie purpose of .seniding them out is to obtain information as to how success fi oinmiiunity lbouses Were started and hiov tbey are 'oper- ated. 'The wilnict te Commnunity Hbuse assoCiation lo1)s n this way to profit: froi the experienvce of othens. The, association expects to- hold anothier gei.eral mneeting ini Septemi- ber. Replies-tW the (questionnaires will be (iscusýsed at that time, and the varions conniittees of the asio- ciation will resumie ork in earnest on,,plans for the erection of a com- niunity bouse in W~ilnîette.' Pire Chief Is. Honored for 25 Years'.,Service Fire ChIief Walter.1,Zibble -lias c<)miplcte(l twenty-five years o)f service as a mernber of tlue Wiliettc Fire dle- k Iartmient, anid iii recognitiont of this service the Village board at its regu- lar mneetinig Tues- ilay inighit prcsenited bili'wîthi a gold1 badge.'lic preseni- Sationiv as miade by' rfrustee Carl Rei- -. eckan, chiairmanl of thie police ali(l ire comînittee o-f tbe l)oard. -Cliie f * Z li a s beecu i thea (1of thie lire (le- Walter H. Zibblp cpartument for the. flpast twelve and a., haîf N ears, à trva ainenîber of the- departiiient- for twelveatid aliai f years prior to that. BENNETT PRESIDES Trustee $ta y C. Belnt ctda president pro teîîî of the , Village board at its re-gular mieetinig Tuesday nîiglt in tthe absenice of Village Pres- idlent C. P. Dubbs wlho was out (if Village Manager C. M. Osborn pre- sented a condensed report on the ac- tivities of the varions departments of the Village. duning the month of july Tuesd ay nighit at tbe regular meeting of tbe Village board. 1Follow.ing are some of the "bigh lights", of thé ,mntbly departmental reports, as summanrized by- Mr. os- boi: >Police department-Ten more acci- dents were reported in the montb of July, tlîan in the nionth of June. Sixty- &ie more calîs camne to the departmüenl in July than in June. Four less bùr-; glaneés wene reported. Two [ess autoà mobiles wene stolen. The general con-,. dition -f rom the' police point of view during the montb of July bas been good. Fire department-The total number of, fines in July was 'the, saine as in, June. However, for the tbree montbs of this year the iotal number of fires exceeds same period .of last year by- three. 1-lealtli departnment-m-Contagion was usually light during the nonth of" July. General bealth conditions were goodl. Tests show that tbe water at the bath ing beach is good. Building department-Tbe total v;ïl- ue of perinits for the thnee montbs of this year is $283,350. For the samne period last yean it was $399,670. The buildings completed during the month of July pnovided for five additional iainilics. The buildinigs completed for the tlîree n'Ionths of this yean provide f or týwelve additional families. to Ilinois road, ancd fon the opening, of Tiweuty-third- street f rom L--àke ave- nue to Illino~is road. This matter is now ini the bauds of the Village board for further action. Tlle Building department bas- aIsô, completed surveys and bave reports prepaned on sanitary sewer .conditioiw on Bincbwood place, :we st of' Illinois road. The depantment bas alsQ spent sorne tinie on gathering essential data and information on hunes anid'erades, in order to establishi the necessary rec- ords ini the joffice -for- future nef ertnce. on Thiunsciay night, August 27, with * Also, you cari sen-d any and every- Yvonne Gall in the title role, and this thing to sell there at vcrv little time Manjo Cbamlee as Cavanadossi. trouble, for we -will scnd for your OR Others ini the cast anrt-Mn. Danise, Mn. donation. Gaudolfi, Mn. Trevisan, Mn. Oliviero -Mns. Benry Cutier, chairman. and Mn. Ananian. Mr. Papi willI con- -Nt:Eooylo atÔdce duct. "Th Mskd ail i t .be ead ,the Woman'a, club of Wlmette. (Continued on next page)predagtohrly- wilI quickly converf fhem ;-'intocurrency. CaliIWiImette 4300, kept up.-to-ciate.-The Iast sunvey and record made of these connections wau - in 1916. -- The departmeut repaireci six leaks in the water system. It is estimated that- 340,000 .gallons, of Waten were waste tbrough these, leaks. befone they .were discovered and repairecl.

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