Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Aug 1931, p. 6

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Buy1 her, for iess BUTTER, brick 'or roll1.....35e lb .. . . . . . . . . . ..........y ea,.......3» C LEGS of SPRING LAMB9 lb . .. . . ... . . .. . . . RIR ROAST off BEEF, 5 lb .: . . .. . . . . .. . . FRESHl DRESSED SPRIN G 39e CHICKENS. lb. BEEF POT. ROAST. 2 VEAL SHOULDER ROAST, 2 25e lb ....... . . . . . . . . . HILLS BROS. COFFEE, 42 FRESHLY GROUNO 25 HAMBfURGER, lb.. 2 POTATO SALAD, 30 lb ' 0 f I 'J/z AUl Kinds of ColdIMeat When it cornesf rom "Pearson's" it's the. b.t W. Deliver to Kenilworthp Winnetka, Hubbard Woods, Clencoe TOILET NEcSISI.TIES 1* that save you, money.. Here is an opportunity to buy nationally-known producta at. prices that please. the pocketbook. Thrif ty buyers will talc. full advajitage of these bau'gains offered at Winbergs. secPhillipa' Milk of 39C 60Cosila39C tionai snop atre~rai iLa"e.-Pvli special sewing meetings have, been held for the purpose of sewing car- pet rags, which are greatly needeci for the rugs and mats the men have constantly on their looms. Such a meeting is being beëld.this afternoon, at the home of Mrs. F. J. Dowd." Memibers and friends of thé unit qre invit.ed to bring thimbles and, enjoy the»sociabilitv such a meeting offers, as well as fi11 this very great, need at the hospital. The unit is also interested in the disposai of the^ finishéd articles. Mrs. T. L. D. Hall lias disposed, of about, twd dozen piecqes througli the sum- mer, and .wfill take orders for the rugs or other articles nIade ini the sblop. Mrs. Hall, bas made weekly trips to'thle hospital to keep iii Coli-, tact with, this featur.e of the hospital' Work. Mirs, Russeli Johnson bias béee] appointed 7th'.district parade Chair-, manl for the state convention at- ?Peorjý. Represtntatives f rom each of the nine units in the district will mneet at hier home to hear bier plans and offer suggestions for making the dis- trict section of the parade a more attractive bit of pageantry than ever before. Mrs. Johnson, who is the in- coming vice-president of hier unit, lias served the auxiliary ini many capacities. Monday evening, August ate for the 'bi-monthly year, wi again lnave cnari unit's share of, thé' party. 24,' is the party at egion and y. Mrs. ged these ,hout the ge of the The Rev. and Mrs. J. G. Hindley, 1035 Lake'avenue, entertained Mrs.- Hindley's niother, Mrs. George Mc- Leod -and their nephew, Edward Baker,, of MontreaL, Ontario, Canada, as their ýguests for tWvoIweéeks. Walter Oliphant of Oak Park spent teîi days with bis sister and her bus- band, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Crooks, 609 'i ~1 WN1AU .WIBERGJI&ZPHomE. SVERYSOI PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY 191 G R quttion for O<ood >~Di] GOES 417 LkJne Aw. Wiutete, 11-1 Juicy 4 t Oranges 9 ... . . . . . . . .. . .1. . . . . . 9 Bout Duchlest C.oking Apple* 5 Ibo . .........................9.... Extra Large Bartlett Pesrs _ Baskcet,................... Many Other Items à# L. Price, june and called at ten différent ports before, their return to New Yorkç on August 10. After some time in Eng- land they spent a week in Paris, visited in Ostend, Belgium, and Hol- land, and then went to Switzerland where they stayed for 'the niost part in Territel-Montrieux. Miss Dorothy. Duncan> conducted a. group of twenty-five, many of whom were residents of Evanston and the north shore. Mrs. A. Sta nley Lucas and ber daughter, Louise, of Evans- ton accompanied Miss Duncan, as did M iss, Mildred Lautz,. Miss Betty Morse, and Miss Florence Hale, of Evanston. Miss Barbara Muggleton, a recent graduate of National college. and Mrs. Charles D. Duncan and her daugblter,.Wilini, of Hlinsdaie.- Miss Duncan returned. just iii, time to serve as maid of honor inithe wd ding of ber sister, jean, August« 22. HOLD, FESTIVAL- The annual summer festival of Our Lady of Perpetual Heip church. Glen-, viewn, will be heki Saturdav and Sun- day, August r- and 23, on the church grounds, Cbhurch and Grove streets, Glenview.' Miss Joe Skidmore and Miss AinIlne. Brownlee of Wilmette and 'Miss, Martha Mann of Evanston left Tues- day for a vacation outing on the C Lazy S Ranch near Big Timuber, Mont., and a short trip to Yellowstone Park Mr. and Mrs. John Hess of 1449 Wihnette avenue. with a group of friends f rom - Chicago, motored to Ypsilanti, Mich. over the past week- énd to join their daughter, Rosanna, Who had been there for about two weeks, and bring her home with thénm. Mrs. S. Brownlee and daugbte r. Sarah, 1624 Spencer avenue,1 returned Sunday fromý a six weeks' trip to Enigland and Scotland. They crossed on the new steamer. Empress of Britain, and visited Mrs. Brownleee's sister in Dundee, Scotiand: 0o- Mr. and Mrs. John W. Powers, 307 Cunmberland road, Kenilworth, re- tuTpied Saturday frotn a week at Mi nocqua, Wis., near Dr. Sprague 's camp where William Powers is spend- Wilnm.tte,

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