Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Aug 1931, p. 12

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PATRÛNIZE OU)R AD VERTISERS Tek. advantag. of tho... moàth.nd f od ýsavinga aýd StockUp youV pei. tty, nowl 1lh... low prices are meda pssible becai., w. peuOn cmt10Yeu 'ImM.d.tely th. bentfits of ,lowiu market prices sid nowly Iound econ- I oel..r.mulilngFbon Our .conomlcal j mthmo. b.d dlslibution. Hazelfiu Ali-Purpo s. 24~-b EssIIy Preprd Campbell s (Assot.d Verleties) You'il And *the tîstness and eçonomy Of tii... 'oupsaà reai heIp for your menus. 5cahs 39é 4 4 . 2Sc. Bt'-EaPorated MilIc E:--i Pet, CarnationJ oorradn's *The golden text mwas, ."Thou wilt keep him ini perfect peace, whose n mmd is stayed on thee: 'hecanse lie trusteth in thee" (Isaiah 26:3). Among the citations which com- *prised the lesson-sernion was the following from the Bible: "'0 the dePth, of the. riches bath of, the, wis-. dom , and knowledge of ,God !ý how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! Tor Who hatb known the mindof the Lord? or' who hath been his counisellor For -of him, and through him, and to him, arie ail things: to whonî be'glory forever", (Romans il :33, 34, 36). Týhelesson-sermon. also inicluided, the following passages 1f ro«m 'he Christian Science tIextbook,, "Sciônce *and. Health witb Key.to the Scrip- tUrcs," by Mary Baker Eddy: "In- finite Mnd 1is'the creator, and cre- ation is the image or idea emanating from this Mind.- If Mind is within and without aIl things, then ail1 is Mmid:i and this. definition ,is scieni-, tific." (P.,26 J. C. Matinerud Given 1933 World Fai.r Post J. C. Mannerud- of Evanston, -for- merly of -Wihette. lias 'beén, ap- pointed director of the department Cf gene1ýal service for the Century of. Progiess exposition in 1933. 1Mr. Mannerud was director of th% en -l eral service departmient. of Carson. Pirie, Scott and compiianv% of Chli- çago for many -,,ars, having retircd a f ew vears ago.,, 1 You'11 Approve the store in Evanstoni for , many years have founid with thleir growing busi- ness in women's apparel that greatly enlgrged space has become necessary. The building formerly occupied by thé MacFarland store, corner. of -Church street and Sherman av 1enue, was secuired and completed re-, modcled into 'this new shop. It is decorated throughout in, an artistic combination of ca>nary.yellow. silver grey. and black.. Ift boasts bIuilt-ini-featuresý, huge. divans, and other, attractive, objccts, of coim foi t and beauty.1 The.ceniter of the floor has four triple mirrors e-ombined ,iii one. unit. The rooni .s airy, and sp acions, measuri.ng5.0 feet., The latest style indirect lighting effects enhance the beauty'of the enscml>le. A room *mrg of- black and silver in moderne -design completes the pic- turce. Six fitting. rooms built ini a circleform a 12x12 foot foyer.ý -The stoicks are completely hiddcnl behind, paneled .ý,àlls and thc open front windows effect a Perman.entlv displayed showroom. A fail opening of women's -fashionable winter coats. and sport dresses marksthie, open- ing occasion of the ncW store CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES "Christ Jesus" will be the subiect at the services in the First Church of Christ. Scientist, in- Wilmette. 'Sun.dav miorning. * August 30. at Il o>'Clock. Sunday school convenes at- 9:45 .o'clock. Swagger of conse Evaporaed MiIk Gelaine essert ECO PieapleAmeoa:Hm Arot. Amed;*I Home Quaker Oats QR'" Rzl I 'nm - A~il Flavors miaou to sre, S. c * e 3Noîi21/2 0 * 3Ns2# 55C : ~~ reg.a17 Skctched - .4 distinctive ver- sion of the Eugeliie Bouler,. achièz'ed in s o f t, r ic h f iir feit'...... ............ 85 Millincry Salont-Second Floor WIEBQLDT'S- EVANSTONý 4- A il wilmeffn:1 loo

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