and paj amas. The setting was attractive-the beach walk. Paul Whitenîan and his orchestra furnishcd the music, and Ted Healy. found lolling on-the beach, was brought up in his red bathing suit and red flannel robe and, sang, by rcquest, "The. F'iveand Ten Cn Store."y Black for morning, black for after-' noôon, and black for evening, the cthic designer decrees. But the black must, be relieved by white fur,. white satin,. .White point Venice lace or sorne touch. of white. Paris is experimenting with a 'new shade of green-blue, 'too, which will probably become more popular asý the season advaiices. The,. Empress Eugenie hats and the derbies are shown with stili quili. feath- ers for Street or 'With white or black ostrich trimniming for afternoon wear.. Ail the colors of the rainbowv in al conceivable three-color combinatioins are attractively designed for hostes s, lc ung- ing, cocktail, and s1éeeing pai amas.' Mrs, H.. L.' Winters of Flintrock,' Cal., and h'er daughter, -Mrs.' W. Stnit- ter of Eagle Rock, Cal., visited Mrs. Winters' sister, -Mrs.. C. N. Hurîbut, 715 Greeleaf avenue, for several days recently, on their ,way to New York. 0.- Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Thalmann and sons, Arthur, Raymond, and Ernest, 2311 Lake avenue, and daughtçr and son-in-Iaw, M1r. and Mrs. Clarence' E[ senhauer of Wilrnette,%,returned. Satur- daY f rom a. week at Delavan lake,: Wis. -o- *Miss Carolyri Haugan, Mr. and, Mrs. Charles M, .Crescernt place, gave a'1 Monday aiternoon .ini hoi Helen DePewv of Rogers1 to be married Seturday. whlo Mr. anld.Mrs. George E. Leal. .and daughter, ' Beatr .ice, of '1719 Walnut avenue, returne-d Iast Saturday from an extended motor trïp through thie east, -spending a .week with Mrs. Leal's sister in WTstfield,..N. J SOMETHING YOTT GOLFERS SHOITLJJSEE mqj u u .VU £ NortnL -JtboUÏII ste We rnlust have something out of th ordJnary. * fYxi forget the address our phon number là on-the back cover page o the telephone1 diréctory. Adv. who wilt spend another month th ere. Mr. and Mrs. James Hoffnian, 1510 Washington avenue, are spending two weeks at Tomahawk lake, Wis. DAVIS [a16 Wi LM ETTE 464-. A Iso Carlsoni Building Pèharmacy, 636 Church St., Evanstos, Gre. 3316 o,... fi if-, ~iIL -z. Sweaters Gloves Skirts Jackets I Establi.shed 1921 Orro F. PisHiER, President 1150 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 3710 or 704 Main, Off ice and Plant-Waukegan and Webster Aveu., Highwood, 111, Phone Highland Park 3710 1 MeV, M M M