A-classroom froclc of Lýenora wool crepe for éarly Fail days when you go coatless. Smart bow of, Barandui, leather iet and 'unusual button1 trim-. ming. Blac, Spanish tile and skipper blue, in. sizes 14 to 20. The Talleur of Moussa' diagonal wool whose skirt. fts smoothly under. the trim jacket wth its oné-, *button diagonal closinq and new.Wion'net seeves. Tripoli combined with rust, brown witli green, *or black with green. Sizes 14 ta. 20. 1The'smple lines of this anlle 'length 'Five O'clock" gown of transparent velvet, are relieved by the draped back. and. the square coller of Alencon lace. In bleck or brown-sizes 14 ta 20. LORIY S--Campus ,hop $16.50 LORD'S--Campu# Shop $16-50, L.ORD'S-Carmpus $hop a copy of requin. Nipped in waisttîne, andd in- teresting sleeve detail. Flatterng shades of green, brown and black. Sizes. 14 to 20. $69.50-ý ir barre lined tl LORD'S-~Campus Shop Deep storm p( brown and bi 11 800 -sîzes h ta ~J. leORDS--Compug Sbop in navy blue, $9.75 I. t on. ~d III. . 'Redui $19.75