Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Aug 1931, p. 30

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Canoe and Swim Meet Marked by Exhibition Races Cami-p Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan .had its f ourtb Canoe and, Swimming meet of* the 1931 season,, on Sunday. Some. loe anoe races resulted. There was'no wind as, ini previous meets to make the handlingt of the canoe: bazardous.. The swimming races, were faster than tbey have been this season due to the f act that sev-: eral of the boys had haît previous ex- perience witb swimming teams. Cal. Gartley and Feu Hopkins. did great work on their cèanoe exhibition and stunts.ý Cal, %with the aid- of Ho'wie Know, strutt'ed his stuiffon-anl aq ua- paeHowiedi rnarkably well, it being bis first try at such stunits. Amiong other events was the trad i-, * tional Hay relay %vhicb xvas von by Lee O'Brien and. Art Henning., The race is as follovs :' Two fellows in 'a came, paddle it across~ the ,lake., race 11P the road to Skidmnore's barn, get' * some bay, run back and paddle back to the raft " wherethe canoe is turned over anid theê fellow wit h the hay switns * in, to land while bis l)artner. turusover * the canoe and paddles it, haif, full of * water, in to lanid. Rats Rout Housers as Crowd Watches A large gallery saw the ever-vic- torious Rats rout the Housers to the tune of 22-2-lu a basebaîl gamne re-, cently. Errors for the Rats wvere .few and far between but for the Hotisers they were mnany and close togetler. Gritzbaugh started ou the mnound for the Rats but allowed two runs t(?o cross the plate. He wasý relieved by Swabacker in the. second but was neyer. in a really tougb, hole. SwaL backerheld thé Housers in check for,t thé. remainder of the conifict. Vic Joyce burled tbe entire game for th e Housers but lie was toi4ched 'for so many bits that no other '.Pitctîer could be substituteci in tume to. the game. Hopkins caugrht for the Rats. and I Camp Chatter News of Sehior Oficers Wé hear that. Dick Wichman and Hank Crawford are going to take a canoe trip 'next summer., Their route is to be fromthe north -shore through the Chicago river% and downi the Mississippi river. . Fromý there we suppose tbey will, settie down, and get rnarried.. Bob Mlebren, last year's -camp bug- ler, is back again in position of: co- worker witb Mr. Leach. Bob took the Cheyentie village in -charge for the first Week of this period, and- isi workIing out a, progràm for the'sec- ond. week with Mr., Leach. We. miss Bob.'s bugling this year. Vic Joycie. left Wednesday for p)arts iinknown but from the sniile., of bis face it is soinet'hing very nmce and pleasing to bimi. Who is she. Xic? I. wonder how it 'feels to.be dead and Istili be able to ýwalk "arounid. How about it. Cuff ey? Malc-"2Do you* -want to bl)e miarrtêrI to a one-eyed inani Mrs. Mac-"No, wy? .Mac-"Thiei let mie carry thiat um- brella." Wherever thiere is a lbumnan Ibeing-l there is an, opportunity' for kindness. George .Bersch is. "doing biis stuif as head of the kitchen staff. We. enjoy the mneals and if you don',t believe us lIisten to those fellowvs sing aftertbehy have done -with, putting ýon. the feed bag. M.-"John Fowler is the idol of bis f arilY.» ba T.ý-'Yeslie bs been idie for the last ineteen years." *Kleep Scouting, fellows and keep smniling. I C. A. Ste ele Lauds Camp Ma-Ka-Ja.Wan- Chiarles A. Steele, chairnian of the Region Seven Camping conimitteeý completed b is 'tour of inspiection of many Scout camps in Indiana, Michi- gan, Illinois and Wisconsin, by in- specting Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wau, the North Shore Area camjp, on Sunday, August 16. On leaviug in the evening, .Mr. Steete'declared ' "I've seen a lot Fo f .them . but .Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan . bas theni al beaten.",M.r. Steelewitb his wife, arrived- in ýtume.Suniday.to in- spect thorougbly the. entire camp- sîie, al the -buildings, grôunds,, village camfp-sites and:equipmeunt., Mr. Steele until a year ago wa's chairman of the North Shore Area Council Camp- ing commnittee ,vheii be was promoted 'to tht Regional . Camp .cbairmauship. One of the found'ers of Camp, Ma-Ka- Ja-XVan, Mr. Steele- expressed'pleas- ure at tbe nmarked improvemieut and added equipment of this year. The Steeles live ini Gle ncQe and have a son, Richard, who is 25 years old and an Eagle Scout. Six.Eagle.Badges, ,Givenat Banquet The main lodge and the counlcil -ring were the scene- of closii camp activity Friday nigbit, August 21. The final banquet of the*1931 season was held at that tume. Awards were made in the cduncil ring imniediatejy after the dinner. George Bersch and. his staff prepared another of those feasts wbich the Scouts have been enjov.. iug for the camp's - last . two weeks.. The six Scouts who ýreceived their Eagle badges at tb 'e banquet are Pa:ul Urion, Bill Mehren, BilI Fisher, Mar- tin Weisuer, Bill Chichester and j 1ud- son Wells Every -camper received someý award includinig the Ma-Kýa-Ja- Wan, "M,"' camp numerals, and ad- va.ncement awards. It.was the objec- tive to make tbis banquet tbe best ue thc camp lias ever had iift"s three years of existence. c" Fi nalCeremony of Arrow Order The I. Held. at Camp Th fourth and final. calling out cere- moyof the Order of the Arrow for the year 1931, was held on Tuesday îiight, August,18. The f bllowing Scouts wvere called, out after heing nomiriated* by thleir f el-, lowv Scouts: Wîiliam Berscb, Paul Ur-, ion, Robert 'ribbettis, William ýCraw- f ord, H. Piepenbrok, Dan Wolterding, Jarvis Brown'. James Suter, Robert- Greenbalgh, Fred Kriebel, -Edward Bristol, Dewitt Joues,.ErnestBersch, Frank Perkins, Artbur Brooks, Johin McPherson, James Rnaceand Louis SchulItzi, The Order of tbe Arrow, known also as the Wimaichtendienk W. W., is aiu bonor, intended for Scouts, .wbo by thei r living, and doping bave exemplified' to. the uitmôst-, the principles and theory of Scouting. Tljey must. have lived. up to the Oath .and Law to the f ullest ex- tent. Tbe very f.act that they were aoniinated by, their f ellows was i- tended to show that no partiality enters inito the. honor and it is boped that' everv Scout -puts the. Order as bisý g oal, tbe leaders declare "To alI Scoutsj, wvho f or one reason or another, did not achieve ,membership in. the Order, .we wish tbe best of luck for a succegsful year with their troops ad we hope to see them next year more determined than ever to receive the bighest. camp hionor," say the camp authorities. Swimming Expert Gives, Lessons to Boy Scouts D. C. Leçach, Sc6utmiaster1 of- Troop 4 of Wilmette, ýarrived at Camp Ma- Ka-Ja-Wan on Sunday. Mr. 'Leacçh's' exPerience bas qualified. hirn as a great leader* in -the Cheyenne village,'thé, Scout leaders> declareý Mr. Leacbi planned to'spend mucb of bis time in *orking with the Waterfronît staff. It was cons idered a real opportunity for the campers and officers to get some .of tbe fine points of the art .of swim- ming. He is a national examiner for r. ., * ior uneL &8eary '.vuperain n ers say. Tie tower is on the highest keeping this camp the healtbiest and !ilII arouind camp 'and is Ibuilt on Blackfeet village took an overruiglit happiést camp this side of the equa.- 5-foot tinuber. The country for 'miles bike Mo nday. Tbe.y also took a star, tor. I don't know about the other around can be seen from the tower. study hike on Thursday. side. It has been a great pleasure to* __________- work witb the Ma-Ka-ja-ýWan Scouts THAT MAGIC WORD I em htta iteepeso and I hQpe that I imay- have the "Ciemne a' sentence usiug the word "two bits,"'lbas gotten to be the pass- * pleaure of beiug witb youi again. bewitcîîes." - -od I-sbmebrdthti a Wishing every one of you thé' best- "Go ahead -l'Il bewitches in a ueqiefruelynD.Rbolt's, f *of lucki and godsPeed." Minute." medicine show. DRESSEI> UP LADS You can dress a lad as Cowboy, as a Tommy or a jack, You cati drill hlm tililihe looks as smart as paint, But i. does not always follow when you come to scratch his back, TFhat's h0's really either hero. or a saint. Baden-Powellî

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