MUoving at the rate'of .186,000 miles a second this liglit lias traveled f romn the giant star Arcturus since 1893, the year of the World's Columbianl Expoitin -Chicago's first word's At 9 p.,ini. of June 1, 193.3 this.liglit :%Vill fail throughi the po>werful leùses of' the fortyý-inch telescope of the Yýerkes observatory at Williams Bay. \Vis., and be focused. on a tiuly photo-. electrie ceil. * The ight's.1 impact xvlll cause an eleç,1triec effect, on the«photo-electric ceil. This arnplified, will send an in- p)ulse' over mires to the exposition, grudwhicli will throw the nieces-. sary switches to open, the scienc ex- * hibits, turn on brilliant illumination and start pond erous machinery wvirl- ing.. The plan to, use lighit energy f rom1 :Arcturus rather than. the. push of sonie dignitary's hand'has been de- veloped by exposition scientists Ini co- operati on with Prof. EdNvii B. Frost, the blind director of the Yerkes ob- serva tory. It .wiIl be the first time t'at nman lias reachied into the void be-yonid our solar system itQhariiess the. energy 'of a. heavenly body toý so muindanie a task. The harneýsing of, Arcturus . will symbolize the victory o mankind over'nature through the. application of science-a victory W ichifornith *genieral theine of the exposition 'it-, selIf. Selection of Arcturus for the role ofthrovving the switchi is partîcularly appropriate, The forty years since the light t whïch will qct on the photo- electric celi ]eft Arcturus marks Chii- cago's spectacular rise to rank among the yvorld cities. In theforty years. since this liglit *.started earthward, Chicago lias iii- creased in population three- fold, ýit *.lias. developed its great park' and1 boulevard systemi, .it's schools and Uni verýîties, its centers of art. and. music. lil those forty years niankind lias made mnost of the scientific advance recorde.d( in an ainaziflg Centuryý of Progress. suit fler have. been lnvite(1 toe, al uP the school office for an appointment, Jack Wiedlin, son. of Mir. and Mrs. John F. Wiedlin, 120 Park avenue, is spendi ng thrée weeks at Clami lake, Wis., as the guest ofý the George L, Logans at their summer hom-e. \frs. Herbert Biach of 1241 Gree i-, wood avenue, returnied f rom lier sum- H R SAHY R XA E C ,mer home în :McH!enrv, for. a three-dýay E RY RH M stav, wvhen ý'fariIyn underwent an op- eration f or the remnoval of her tonsils. -C) 2 N4ew York botween \ two 1arnor Raspberry !ce Cveam- XTRA caregpards, the superior A. goodness and flavor:of Bowman Milk at every step from farm to you.- Soon after milking, Bowman farmers bring' their day's quota to immaculate country. last weeck-end iniRacine, Wis., given Dy. 'Mrs. Charles Cushman. 0o Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wiedlin and daughter and son,, Dorothy and jack, 120 Park avenue, returned.Saturday f rom a twio weeks' niotor trip through, the ýeast and, Canada. g#W- \ extr MILK i nspýection insures 000>Iwo TRZ MILK 0F S7JPBRIOR FL4 T' O R Hýere careful,