Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Aug 1931, p. 32

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netka, Uiencoe and xKenulwort' w'" hold a six-day sale at Aladdin's Lamp, 572 Lincoln avenue, \Vinnetka, for the care of neey famnilies. The sale will begin Monday, September 21, and will continue throughi Saturday, Septeumber This is a departuref rom their usual method, *as they realize that a. large sum m iust be raised f or the families cared f or by this organization. Dur- ing -the week the Sale will be* super- vised by groups of.ý the womnen of the board, who also wvil aid in shig n a percentage,.of ail sales wl be given to the f und. Mrs. Warren Shoemaker of Hubbard Wouods is president -ut the board;. Mrs. Donald Dallas iÈ vice-president; Mrs. t~verett .1. Graif, treasurer, and Mrs. Peirce 'C. '«ard, secretary. '[The lastM three live iW innetka. Other board mnbers are: Mrs Harry Welils, Mrs. Olivcr Knode, and Miss b.,dithi Kohlsaat, oi Hubbard Woods; Mrs. Bruce Mac- Leisîx, Mrs. Oliver, Pichier, Mrs. Franjk Payne, and Mrs. Harry Stout, of Glen- coe -1 Mrs. 1t' A. Brassert and Mrs. Hughi Foresnman of l<enilworth, and, i rom W\innetkà, the Mesdames : Richard Aishton, GodfreN, Atkin, Frank Bers- Photo by NWilhite bacâu, Harve . Badgerowv, Harold 0. Miss Jean Duncan, daughter of Barnes , Ballard Bradley, Rush C. But- i jwi cadDiiica>is of 225 ler, Herbert Butz, Robert Butz, Robert Biddle,' George B Caîkins, Edward S. WVood court, Wiliitette, became the, Clark,' Leslie L. Cookec, Arthur M. Cox, bride of Johit Frapikliis Arnold, son Mark Cresap, Arthur Cushman, Donald of Air. and iM-rs. -harry -Bcrtram Defrees, Donald Dallas, W. W. Dar- .rôdof b;vanston, forinerly of row, Francis Hardy, John P. Hooker, Wilniette, Saturday, Auyust 22,,at Robert S. Laird, Wàarren Lainson; Mar- -Il )'clock j itthec morntng. tin Lindsay, William Lyon, Norman MacLcish, j osephi E. Matgnus, Clifford The chapel of the First Methodist Off, James S. Pole, Charles E. Pyn- church in Evanston, i, vh its altar chon, Edwin P. Price, Chester Sargent, . graced with white Madonna liles, was Douglas Snmith, Charles Stronig, Wal- the sceiie of the wedding ceremony, ter Strong, Arthur Sullivan, William, and the Georgian hotel the locale of the Truesdale, Ernst von Ammon, Towner . wedding,- breakfast xvhich was served K. Webster, Carl Kelly, Harold Wilder, tzo members of the imniediate f amulies Allen Withers. af ter, the service. Trie bride, who was given in ma r-m C th 'neri h M, rage b> her 'f ather, wore gardenias ounlier gWn of Balkan blue velvet Selects Bridai Part y trnimmed with. ernnne,' and lier velvet, MÀiss Catherine Bickham, daugliter bat matching lier gown*,was_ trimmed of Dr. and Mrs. M. H. Bickham of with an ostrich plume. Wilmette, 'will become the bride of Miss Dorothy Duncan, who attended j James Çorey Bean of Fort Wayne, lier sister as mnaid of~ honôr, wore a ý 1 - 117- * - ---- é_ o._dress of wood rose chiffon trimnied ers, plants, fruit, vegetawbes, and jeilies, anion- the poor and sick iu Chicago. The gardcn clubs have acted as agents in collecting the flowers and donations of other kiuds that have been made along the north shore for the Flower guild. MNrs. Frank Kingsley of Evanis- ton is chairman of the Milwvaukee di-' vision of the North Western railroad: for.the Flower guild. Her.,thre'Vice- chairmen are Mrs. Edwin Shermüan-o'f Evaniston,, chair.man of theý South dis- trict; Mrs. Stephen A. Foster of Win-, netka, chairman of the Central, district'- Mrs. Lee C. GateNwood of Highland Park, chairman of the- North district. lu each district are sub-chairmen wvork- iug underthese chairmen,, ho arrange which menîbers in' their .clubs shall be responsible for collecting, flowers, f rom their neighborhoods ou the.days allotted themn. In Wilmiette Mrs. Dan. Greene is chairman of the Flover guild for the Wilmette Garden club and Mrs. C. D. Ewer is in charge for the -Evening Car- den club of' Wiltnette.' 1 Tuesday is Wilmette's day. The booth at the North Western depot in Chi- cago is open f rom f:30 to 10:30 on Tuesday, Wednesda .Y, Thursday, and Friday. "If you have neot yet. given flowers .or other donation to this good philan-. thropy." the guild aunounces,- "you still have time to do so. Caîl up a niember of a garden club in your vicinity and. she will see that your flowers. jellies, or fruits are called for and delivered at the booth." DaegIing-Craig Wedding E vent of Sept embe r 3 Another early September bride is Miss Mary Daegling, daughter of Mr. and. Mre. Frank Daegling of 2000 Beechwood avenue, whose marriage to, John J. Craig, Jr., son of the John J. Craigs of Chicaýgo, and MecConigle, Ws.will take place:,at. 5 o'cloek, in the ,afternoon of Thursday, Septeinber; .3, at the St. Francis Xavier. church. The reception and wedding supper will. folloý& at. the Georgian hotel. The bride's mother and the, brideý.' groom's .f ather will be the only attend-' and committee- chairrren who wii aid the board of directors ini managing the clubs affairs. Mary. Alice Shiaùghiiessy heiads the art departuxent; Vivyeunie Morin the mnusic dcpartmént; Juall Rangecroft of Evanstun, Literature; 'Mrs.. Daniel Cuiininghani (Dorothea Phihips), t'le. philatnthropy departmcent, with Estelle LEnigelhardt secretary and treasuùrer, andI with Clara.Meter, Catherine Leary, Marion, Husting, andI Betty, Spillane uù lier commiittee. I)orotlîy Pettinüer is chairnian of the Park ige Schoo)l for. Girls. Ilhle standing conimittees liav e as their chairmen Cecelia Beuz, chiild,%vel- fare; Heleni O'Doîînell, courtes>'; Mary Daegling, house and, social, with its members Loraine Moore of Winnietka,, Betty Jane Keck, ,l4elen Lynchi of Kenilworth,' Patricia McCarthy,, Betty Kirwan, and Antoinette NVIiite ; Grace Ludwvig of Evanston, membership. The chaàitliflanof the programi committee, wvhose members are" Mary Catherinie 1Gleason, Gertrude MicA,'dam, Virginki2 Seng, Marjorie ?Koenig, Mar-v Bell, and Marjorie Stauton of Wxnetka, wvill be appointed at the January. meet- ing. Mrs. Thomas J. Kullmani of :Wil- mette is. chairnian of -;publicity. 1Dorothea: Brooks heads' the %*ays and means committee with its mremibers con- sisting of Pats>' Boylston, Katherine Séhmidt, Kathleen Harvey, Estelle Pahîman of Evanston, Mrs.ý Marshall Corns of Winnetka, Anita Pericli, and Gertrude Hammes. Meetings of the auxiliar>' are held the first Tuesday of ever>' month at 7:30 o'clock ini the evening at the Wil- mette Woman's club 'building. T'he events for this new year are to com- mence later in the season. .Kildeer to Be Scene of Women.Voters' Luncheon The- Wilmette' League of Women Voters is giv.ing, a luncheon and bridge, at Kildeer Country1 club Wednesday, September 2.' Luncheon will be served at 1 andI play is' to be commence at 2. The affair, one of the big social events <if the leatgue's new season,. is having. After the wedding, the bride and grooim will depart immediatel>' b> motor for their cottage~ in northern IMichigan niear Ironwood, the bride- Igroomn's former home. The>' will b2 -I b omné at 909 W, Wayne street, , Fort Wayne" ii.after the first of IOctober. 1Fndày, Septemiber 10, at the Wom- an 's club. The proceeds f romn the party wilI be used for ., charitable work. Mrs. jean R. Joyce is chah- man of the philanthropy departmeént- and Mrs. Pauxl Sieb.erg,.qf. the ways and means comimittee. ing an- evening bridge at her home in Wilmette and on Saturda>', August 29, Miss Kraft will give a trousseau tea. H-er parets, Mr. andI Mrs. Charles Herbert Kraft, are to, have the, bridaI dinner at Shawnee Country club Fnî- day eveniug. September 4,. Garden Club Meeting The Horne and Garden club of Kenilworth will have its next mieet- ing Monday, August 31, at, the xres- idence of Mrs. T. E. Moritz, 226 ýWarwick road. The speaker, Arthur Paîgren, bas taken. '.New Shrubs" as. the s'ubject of his *talk. , iv

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