Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Aug 1931, p. 45

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- 4%il 1 ti1scm Sst., 17-ltc WANTED AT ONCE~ Cooks. Second maIds-general maids- Nurses. Ove.r 50 positions open. PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCIES 74& Elinî St. Winnetka 2662 44LTN17-ltc. WANTED WHITE GIRL, PROTEST- ant, fer generai housewoYtk. Smaii fàmuly. Must be good cook. Private raorm and. bath. Phone Wlnni. 1015. 44LTN17-îtp WHITE GIRL,.-GENnRAL HOUSE- work, an cre ofchild' srnali home, near l6th and Gregory, home nights. >Ph, Wilmette 5023_ 44Ll7-ltp, WANTED YOUNG GIRIL FOR HOUSE- work and cooking. 2 chlldren,. no laun- dry. Ph. Winnetka 840., 44LTN17-tc WAN E D - WHITE COMPETENT ma -id for general hswk. Ph. Kenrllworth 3554. 44LTN1.17-îtcý EFFICIENT WHITE GIRL FOR PART tume work $5 per week. Cali Wilmette 1921. 44LTN17-ltc 45 HtL.P VWANTED-MALE EXPERIENCED MAN TO HIEAD IN- su rane department of Evanston Reaiý Estate firm. Must be quaiified to han- dle alj branches of insuranpce now lIn force-,and have .wide acquatintance on North Shore that iii enabie him to ýbroduced additional business. This Isa per manent connection for the right* man. Give fulildetaiis of past exp)eri-. ence, etc, Ail communications wiii be held strlctly confideritiai. Address, B3-168-Wilmette Life, Wilmette, 111. 45LTIN17-lté 46 HELP WTD.-"-MALE AND FEMALE WANTED - COUPLE FOR COOKINOI anld general housework. Goodf home but mnoderate wages. Write B-162, Box 40, Wiimet te, 111 . 46LT17-ltp 48 . FOR SALE-AUTOS FRANKLIN COUPE, <1929> RUMBLE s eat. -Excellent condition throughout. . Sacriflçu for cash. Can be seen at 123C3 centrai Ave., Wilniteate 3.Mr. Forgu.e.. 48LTN17-ltp FORD, 1,929, D~E LUXE 4 D)OOR SEDAN. Perfect niechanical condition. Paint as good as new. Bargain $250. Ph. Glen- coe 240 after 6 p. mi. 4SLTN17-ltc 51 FoR,.rENTr-RooMU ATTRACTIVE ROOM, EAST SDE home, furnished or unfurnlshed. Llght, airy, large groirnds, porches. Bathroom facilities unusuai.ly good. Accessible al transp. Garage optional. By a.ppoint- -ment. Refere nces. Ph. Wilmette .204., 51L17-ltp FOR RENT LARGE NICELY 1 FUR- nished room, also smaiier rooni, near trans. East side, in home, of refine- ment. Board If. deslred , gentlemen. Ref. Ph. Wilmette 1091. fi1L17-ltp LGE. CLEAN ROOMS AT REAS. price. Runnlng-,wate'r In ail rns. Cen- trai Hotel, 628 Main "Ph. ý Wilmette 1080.. &1LTN13-;tfc, NICE. LARGE ROOM FOR' RENT, runnlng warxn water, near transpor- tation. 633 Park Ave. Wllnette, 111. - 51L17-ltp FOR RENT, 1 or 2 rms. In quiet, wel furnished h Iome, near transportation. References requlred. . Ph. Wilmette, 143. .511-ltpý FOR RENT- FURNISI{ED AND unfutnished rôoms. Near transor'ta- tion. Reasonabie rent. Phone Glencoe 331. 51L17-ltp 2 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. .1 double. l'single. Close to transporta- tion. Sast Winn.-.Ph. Winnetka 3690. 51LTN17-ltc FOR RENT-STUDJO ATTIC. UNFUR- nished. Nea'r schooi and transporta- tion. Telephone Wlnnetka 1815. 51LTM17-ltÊ FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE' family. Phone Wlnnetka 1686. 51LTNI4-tfc ONE OR TWO ROOMS. FOR LJGT housekeeping, near transportation. Phone Wilinette 1913. 51LTN-17-ltp LARGE NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. 1507 Washington Ave., Tel; Wilmette 4254. 51LTN17-ltp ROOM \lFOR RENT WIrpÇi PRIVAI'E bakth. 1611 Washington Ave., Ph. Wil- mIette 901-W. 51lLTN17-ltc SINGLE ROOM IN1- PRIVATE FAMILY; 1 block to transportation, Ph. Glen- coe 1492.', 51LTN17-ltc NICE COMFORTABLE ROOMS FOR rent. Near transportation. Phone Winn~. 478, &ILTN17-ltc 152 WANTED TO IRENT-ROOMm YOUNG MANe, MEMBER of Shawnee Country Club, d,,esires room, in extremely private home,- located pr.e- ferably on 'Sheridan or Michigan Ave., and south of Lake,,Ave. E4xcellent reference. Ph. Write B3- 153, Box 401 Winette. 52L17-ltp 53 BOARD AND ROON PLEASANT HOME FOR ELDERLY person or- convalescent, resident nurse, 1414 Hinnian, Evanston. Ph. Uiver- slty 2104. 53LT117-4tp GRAD., NIJRSE TAKES ELDERLY and conv. people in her pleasant home, exc. care. Ph. Wilmette 4299. 53LTNX7-lte Ise FO R RENT-APARTMENTS DON'T WAIT TOO LONG IF' YOU WANT TO LIVE IN THE best kept-up apartments on north shore see "LINDEN MANCPR" today., 1095-1101 MERRILL ST. HUBBARD WOODS 3, 4 and 5 rooms with coiored tile bath roonis. H. W. CLAftIS Wlnnetka 3380 .980 Linden Aye. 56LTN17-ltc INDIAN IIILL APARTMENTS 1 and 2. rooni apartnients, large living' * rm., bedrm. and kitchenette, façing park, close to lake and transportation. Wili decorate to suit. àt reasonabie rentais. *E. E. Stuits 'Realty, Ine. 460 -W.innetka Ave. Winneétka 1800 56LTN17-ltc FOR RIENT - UNVURNISHED GA- rage alyt. 011 heat. Aduits only. Win- netka 1368. 56LTN17-ltc 60 FOR RmN-Nuu~SE 5 rs ... 2 c.g. Wllmnette -.. 65 7 rnis.ý H.A.H., nr. trans. Wllmette $85 7 rnis. H.W.H. (011)2 bs.,Str.mýod .81Z5 6 rms. H.W.H..(Heat Furn. > c.g.Wn.$90 1 risý. Slp. pciI., 2 c.g., Winnetàa. .$90 6 rins. H.W.I1.Coll>1 c.g. Wlnnetkaffl0 7 rnfis. 1.W.H.(oll) 1 c.g. E. Wlfln. $110 7 rnis. sIp. pch. H.W.. 1 c.g. Wlnn.$12S 7 rnis. St.rnod.,,2, bs.oil ht.,2c,g.Wlnn.$140 7 rnis. Str.mod.H.WH. (oil)WInn. -.$160, 8 rnis., New H.W.H.(oll)2c.g.Wlnn.. $225 6 rnis H.A.H.att.gar.Glence....$80 8 rnis. H.W.H.(oll)2 bs. Glencoe . . .150r 8 rnis. H.W.H.(oil)3 bs.'iencoe ..8175 il rmis. S*:tr. mod. 4 be. Glencoe ... . $300 Furnished 4 rnis. near tr 'ans. Wlnnetka ...$50 7 rnis. H.A.H. East Wlnnetka . .. $125 7 rms.. H., W. H. (011) Wlnnetka . . $150 See our comnpiete list of ft!rnished and unfurnlshed. rentaIs. B. H. BARN ETT Room 4 526 Center. St. Phone Wlnnetka 965 OOLTN1.7-ltc TO RENT NEW RESIDENCE IN FINEST PRO- tected and hlghly restricted loca.tion in Glencoe, beautlful living rooni and llbrary, dinlng.rooni, butier's pantry, breakfast roomh, kitchen, 4 .fam11y be4roonis with 3 tlled bathrooms, 2 maid's roonis and bath, screened opent porch overlooklng iawn and gardon, .2-car attâched garage, large lot, an ideal safe place for chlldren. Gramn- mar schooi 2 blocks., An unusual value-at $300 per mùonth. Mc~iliwe & ~Dirir 316 Park Ave., 60LTN17-lto Attractive Rentais. IN ROTH FURNISHED AND UNFUR- nishéd homes. Also many excellent Frances J.Winscott 902 Spruce St. Winnetka 1267 6OLTN17-1tc COMPLETE LISTINGS 0F LARGEý and smali homes furnlshed- and un- furnished variousiy, pricd in. Win- netka, lencoe, and_ Highl and. Park. DOROTH7Y K. ROSS 663 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 309, eOLTN17-Itp J III - M I I iLIFE I mal à

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