Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Aug 1931, p. 46

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Whhte brick; 4 bedmuis., 2 baths oi1 beat.................... 150.00 Engllsm brick; 'splendid location; 3 bailis, oil heat ........225.00 Shingle Colonial; wocded lot; 4 bedrmis., 3 baths . . ..... 150.00 HIfGELAND PARK 6-roorn new Colonial; 2 baths;. 2 .porcheq . ..........;........150.00 VIew of ýLake; modern brick;-'I 9 oorns; 3 batIsý ......200.00 ýAlso furnished biouses . $150.00, and up QUINI4AN & '1YS-ON,..lue. 714 Elinî Sreet, WVinneika ýWlnn. 2198 60LTN17-lte CHOIE, HOVSE RENTALS Soutbeast Winn. Beautifully, furnished borne, 5 bedrins.,. 3 baihs., sunrmn., oil heat, 2 car garake, large grounids. Hubbard WooŽds furnished or unfur- hlsbed. nieik' 7 rui. brick Colonial. 4 bedrrns., 2 batbhs -il hteat, 2 car ga- age. The «above homes are located. 4 blocéks to transportation and offer the finest living quarters that can be had, at very reasonable reitais. EE.Stulits Realtr, hic. 40Winnetka Ave, %Vînetka, 1800 601LTN1 7-lic 6 rm. Brk. Riung. 2 car gar. .$75) 7 ris. Slp. Pcb. 1 car gar......... $80 6 rnis. H-. W. h t. 1 car gar......$9)0 5 rms. Brk. Bung-A beauty . fý00 8 rms. 2 baths, lj.W.IHt. oil i.. . .$125 Several othersi $130 and up. EDDINGTON &:AILE N 410 Liniden . Wlliette 407-408 Wlnn., nr. lake. 8 rins. furnhehd $135 Wetside 7-111s. 1unfurnishied .$9 Both, bot %v.ter heat, oil. See agent. 877 Èlmn St. Pli. Winnetka .168,q 6OLTN17-ltc 7 ROOM 11OUSIE. 4 BED1ROOMS, $110. 6 roorn bouse, garage, oil heat. East Wlnnetka. $70. Ph. Winnetka 3690. 60LTN17-te FOR RENT - 5R001% BUNGALOW wlth ;uii porch $65. Occupancy 'Sept. lst. Tel. Wlnnetka 1953. 60L17ltp S1 FOR RENT-FURN. HOUSES FOR RENT IN FAIRHOPE, ALA- bania,. the homne of Marletta John- ston's intemnationally famous Organic, Sebool, a cbarming modern cottage (Cape Cod type) attractively furnished, suiable for- four occupants. Electric- ity, Iwo firepflaces, large roonis, porche$. Faces Mobîile Bay and the! sunsets. Price, $450.00 for school year ef ni ne nîonths, payable $50.00 niontb- * ly. Mrs. Ira J9nes, Fairbope Alabamna. nigniI4HU Id Esiglish brick: 4 master bet Riparlan priv. 89 Deere1 Brick and stone:. 8 rms., Riparian prlv. 2432 N. De Engllsh brick: 4' bedrms., 3 lot. 248 Oakland Dr., Ra Baird & \Var 1071 Skokie Rldge P'-iargate 1855 Greenleaf 1855 I 1K ,drms., 3 ba. Park Dr. N. . 3 bedrm. )eere Pk. Dr. h a. Wooded Lavinia. mIer Dr. Glencoe.1554 72LTN17-itc HUBBARD WOODS, NEW ENGLAND, ColoQnial.. 3 Bedrmsý., bot water heat, oil burner, 2 car garage. 66.4t. lo4t ecut to $15.000 for quick sale. FRANK A. REID« 954 Linden Phi. Winnetka 1300 Winnetka 1689 72LTN17-ltc Brick Colonial--Equity$5000 7 .2 TiLE BATHS, BUILT 1928. B3rkfst.rrm.,; ex. -lav.; 2 car gar. ; elec., refrig. ; ol hcai. Wooded lot, .5x170. An ida nred.m. Phone Miss Cronk, Greenleaf 1855, Hollycourt BAIRD & WARNER 72LPN17-ltc ,MODEiRN 11R00M HOUSE IN WIN- netka - 4. bedrooms, and. bath on 2nd floor, extra Iav. on lest floor; 2 car garage. Convenleî:tly located near scbools and tran.sportation. Also large vacant corner. WiII sell or trade. Ad- dresa B-166, *Box 40, Wilmiette, 111. 72LTNI17-lip), OPEN TODAY NEW.BEAUTIFUL FRENCH HOMIE., q37' ELMo% RIDGE DRIVE. OWNER W -ILL SACRIFICE Olt LEASE. 9 rs, 3 tile batbs. Garage for 2 mo- tor-s: Lot app. 100x150. Call Mr. Hatrt', wIeenleaf 1&55, H-ollycourt 1855, or 1071 Skokie Rl4ge Dr, rriargate 1855, Glencoe 1554. BAIRD & WARNER East KeilwNNor-th CIIOICE LOCATION, 4NEAR transportation and school. 10 roonis, 6bedroonis, 3 baths, ou bheat; can- -wed~alls; 2-car garage; lot.l10x 175. Sacrifice at $37,500. QUINL.AN & TYSON, Inc, 71 lnStreet; Winnetka Win. 2198 72LTNZ17-1 te> Ideal. 7 m., STI± for C BAIRD & WAER FULL COMMISSIO.N TO 86 FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD 000D9 GOLD VERNIS MARTIN CURIO cabinet. Pr. solld imahg. 4 post twin beds. Hair rnattress' and 'sprlngs. Like new. É2 anique oriental rugs 7x8* and 9x10. Reas. Ph. .Wilmiette 3023. 86Ll7-Itp FOR SALE -1BABY GRAND <BRAM- bach) Lyon & Healy 5 yrs. old. Cost $700 niew,, wi1l self for $280; also com- plete, dlnlng roomr and, living room. set; moving. Call Wilmette, 347. 86LT17-ltp BEAUTIFUL 3 PC. MOHAIR SET, IN Yery good cond. Large library tablý.ý sers er. wardrobe and collapsible baby buggy. 'Phone Wimette 445. 86LTN17-ltc es FOR SALI-MlSC*ELLAN mOUS FOR SALE GIRL'S BICYCLE, IN EX- cellent. condition. Ph. WiI. 1482. 89,LTN17-ltc VERYCHÉAP - 2 TUX. 36-38.. 2 nien'a8 sweaters, 38; rubber plant; break. dr-op leaf table and 4 ch.; kit. table; rock.er; oak din. table' & 6 leather ch.; 2 oak china cab.; Ige. * nah. lib. table; malt. ciiif.; rd. xnah. ccc. table; rug 9x12; Circassian wal. dresser; bed w!th sp., miat.; pch. chair; bicycle; babybed; hd. pted. china dresser set,,ced. chesi; stair carpet; ice box; mah. Morris ch.; Ph. Winnetka'1045. 88LTN17-ltc VILLAGE 0F WILM3ETTE Notice is bereby given that a petition bas been flled wlith the President and Board of Trustees of the Village cf Wil- mette praying that the- ordinances of said Village of Wiimette, commcflly called 'Zontng Ordinances, flow in. ef- fect creating districts of different class- es, and regulating and restrlcting the uses to which 'uildings and structures witbl'n Cuch districts may be devoted, be amended se as to provide that ail'. of the lots, pieces and parcels of land hav- ing ýa frontage on Central Avenue In, sald Village, cf Wilmette and lylnq be- .tween Tentb and Eleventh> Streets, be Included in the District in sald, prdi- nance termed "B" Commercial District: That sald petitionwas referred by order. of the President and Board of Trustees of the Villae 0of Wllmette to the un- dersigned inembers of the Zoninig Com- mission of Wllmette for hearlng, con- sideration and a .report themeon; Thit apublic bearlng on said petitien willl 'he.held by said 'Zoning Commission on manfact~Vur[e or !transpV*'o. fi**, *i-a*iSg or unloadlng of articles or. materlals prodiuced elsewhere than at the site of. the improvement. SaId prevallng rates of wages have been ascertalned by the Board of, Trustees, and are as follows, to-wit: P REVAILINàO LABOR RATES, PER HOUR IN THE VILLAGE 0FP WIL-' 1-ýýMETTE, AUGUST 25, 1931. Laàborers at a rate'of . .$0.70 per boum Trencbing. Ma 'chine. Opeators at a rate of .--............ 1.75,per bour *Backfiller Operators at a rate of.... ........ 1.75 per boum Dragline Operafors ai a rate of........... 1.92.per hour Crâne Operators at a rate-of............ 1.75 per hour Conîpressor E ngineers ai'* a rate of ......... 1.62% per boum Bottomi men at a rate of . 1.35 per, hour Caulkers and Yamners- at a rate of ........... 1:35 per hour Bricklayers at a rate of.. 1.70 per houx Tractor Drivers at a rate of.........10 per hour Teanîsters (Teain and Driver $15.00) at a rate of MO. .5 per day Truck Drivers at a rate of .... $8.00 per 9 hour day Wratchnîen ai: a rate of '.. 4.00 per day, SAs. an evidene of good faitb, each bld $hall b accomntied by cash or a caish!er's check draw.p on a esponsi- bie bank, made'paS'able to' the order of the Presideni of the Village of WIl- mette for an arnount equal to 10% of the respective bid, which check shall be given te secure. said Village againsi ,any loss occasioned lby the fallur-eof the bidder to abidle by and comply wlth the ternis of his bld. The Board cf Trustees eserves the rigbt to rejeet any and ail bidsý.' C. M., OSBORN, Village Manager. PUBISEDAUGUST 27,-SEPTEbl- BECR 3rd, 1931. L17-2tc VILLAGE 0F WILMIETTIE Publie notice is hereby given that the Pre.sident and Board of Trustees of the Village of Wilmiette, Cook Coianty, Illi-. nois, bas directed thbe Plan Commission of said. Village to hold a pi' ,lic bearlng for the purpose of ascertaini'ng tbe terms,, conditions,, and anîoun.t of com - pensation, if any, and by Whom such, compensation, should. be paid. if, as anid wbhen said' President and' Board cof Trustees may by ordinance vacate the public alley ln said Village lying, be- twee'n Sevenieenth Street and Eigb- teehth Street and extending north from Isabella Street to the firs.tintiersectlng alley soutit of Wilmette Avenue, and that said Plan Cbomrnisslon- will hold said hearing at the Council Chaniber irà the Village Hall, of the Village of 'WiI- mette on Prliigv< the lith d ofSen z car attacnea g rof. Corner s $19,760. Liberal tE 1071 SKOKIE RI GA'IE 155,GLIR -Baird.& raJmr 72LTN17-ltc 86 FOR SAL.E-HOUUEHOLD GOODU "mains i tfl Street andi l3th kStreet She wil motor 1home 'with 1Mrs. from Greenwocd Avenue tc 'Chestnut.Wiksfrasotvst HAND CARVED 2 PIECE LIVING Avenue, I the -Village. of Wllmette, to- iksfrahotvi. rooni set, 7 piece walnut bed room gether with the. neeessary valves and 0 set, Duncan Phyfe dinette set Phone specials, etc. Wlnn. 3173. 86LTN17-Itc Sald lrnprovement shall be constructed Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wild and Miss In accordance wlth the pilans and speci- Julia WiId of 628 Greenleaf avenue, MUST GIVE, UP' HOUSEKEEPING. fications therefor,. copies oet which are have returned to their home after aý Selllng complete furniture for 6 roofils on! file and n'uty be obtalned at the office lncludlng. Frigidaire. Like new. P1h. c f, the Village Manager. cruise cf the Great Lakes on -the. wilrnette 963. - 6LTNI7-itp Bide' Must be'- made. on blanks fu.- Steamer South Ameiica. I

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