Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Aug 1931, p. 47

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serve conimissioflers, indicates early comoDletion of the first unit in the $3,- 000,000 development program nôwv being speeded to aid the ernergency brought aboutby unemployment. Thre flrst unit in. the Forest. Pre- serve. programn comprises . eleven *major projects liu addition to' the reý- forestation of more than 5,000 acres of the. 35,000 acres included iu the preserves. Tt repres ents an approxi-, mate expenditure of $1.000.000. Onie outstanding project already bas heen cômole ted. Tt is the large shelter and pavillon in Thatcher Woods, together *with landscaping and parking area-;. 'The new Q»eneral beadquarters build- i ngr on Harlem avenue near 'Lake street is rapidlyv nearing completion, and., accordingto Mr. Sauers' report, will be ready' for occupancy Septem- ber 15. Plan S*imnmùing Beach. Another important proje-ct nearing * complpetion is the Clav Hole swimming plant and development at, 159th street and Torrence avenue. Reiûred en- gineering and construction innova- tions will make it one of the most uni- * que. swimming beaches ln the court- * try. Work also 15 well ýunderw%.ay on tbe $250,000 swimming Pool at Milwaukee' and Devoný avenues. Tt will be somne- what similar in design to Cermak pool at Lyons in.the Forest Preserves Augmnenting the latter* the district will advertise for bids on August 31 for the construction of a wading pool for children. Tt will be just beyond the site of Cermak pool. This de- velopment wjil include a parking area and landscaping. * Plans have,~ been started on the bath bouse at Maple Lake in the Palos section, which will complete the beach development there. Work on the picnic and recreation develop- ment at Camp Bemis will begin in a feW days. -This project eventually will include: an 18-hole golf >course, as *well as- modeth comnfort.stations,ànd a shelter house. Improvements contemplated for .Elk Grove and Deer Grov-e are ex- pected to be started in a f ew weeks. New Golf Courses Construction of an 18-hole golf for them a pair of first step shoes as a gif t f rom Schneider's I3ootery at 1133 Central avenue. 1 The Serntember Lucky Baby will start out in tif e witb a gift of six Pyrex botties from the Millen Hlardware 'store at 1219 Wilmette avenue.. The llucky Babr club will, continue through the months. Doni't fait to read thé announicemhents in this issue and the last issue in each succéeding motb!h Forest Preserve Advisorv committee a, groun) of public spirited Chicaigo.- ans headed by Gen. Abel. Davi.s. .UnderMr Sauers' Eidance the teforesçtation work has been proceed- ing.with notable and increasing'effi- cienicv., the current flrogreçs repirt revealing the fact that the Spring planting season alone in 1931 eclipsed anv. previous combined: spring and À al planting. The ultimiate goal is,5,0.000O new trees in five years. 1 hie Forest Preserve developmert program is hein g flna<ieed throtigh $2,- ,00,000 improvement bonds voted at the election in Novemiber of. Iast vear. and a surplus in exce ss of $500i,000 representing 'money. saved from the corporate fund by economical man- agement, and. from money earned by. the golf. courses. The efitire $3,000,- 000 p)rogramn, conîprising 121 separat e projects, is 'to hé completed intw vears. COnî,lete Club Houa. Maniv projects outside of those' specifled ini the general prozram bave beenl completed ln the six montb" from February 16 to August .16, Mr. Sauers' report reveals. Northwestern golf club house, built of logs, which emphasizes the type of construction fitting with the nia- tural surroundings, w-as_ coinplctedl August 6. A new frame field he...dquarters,, consisting of office, storage and't Oolý room and truck. space lias heen, huilt at 87th 'Street aud Vestern avenuie in the Beverly'Hills section of the For est Preserves. An old roofed dance platform in the Palos district of the PI-escrves' overlooking Archer avenue j;13t S',uth- of 95th street, has been remodeled, porches added -and a massive stone. Illustrated above is "The Old HIat,"' the u'ork of Edwzin I3arle, wcell kîowzn NewQ England artist zcho has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Y. Mani erre, 606, Ma pie avenue, W' nnetka, this nonth. Mr. I$arle is a. versatile artist, since he Works iii wacr color, pastel, and charcoal, as welI as in vol. He has, been cxhibiting in Lake ,Forest. ýMr., Earle l as had. a sjtudio in NwYork forthe Pest four years. He has exhibited zith the New York Water Color society, the Bos- ton Art .club, ,the. Philadelphia, ing Forest Preserve property.sadmoepplthser hner bond issue by a vote of 100 to 59 at Mr. and Mrs. W. Symons and fam- Rush Reforestation before." ** a special election Monday, june 15.,illY, 1631 Washington avenue, have, Despite thé extensive building pro-. ** ontracts for the proposed new six- just returned f rom a two weeks' MO- gram i nrojected or proposed, *Mr. The Rev. and Mrs. George D. AI- room classrooin addition were let at tpr trip to Sherbrook, Québec, Can,. Sauers'- report shows the. principal lisôn and ýsons, Tom and David, 1028 a meeting of the board of education ada, where they were the guests of part of the F~orest Preserve.program Forest. avenue, spent their Vacation in June, and lu ev ery case~ the con- Mr. Symons' uncle and aunt, Mr.,and is reforestation,1 in keeping with the' at Camp McKinleY, Boulder Junc-' tracts were awarded to the low bid- Mrs. T. Symons. 'rbey visited Nia-. general Plan mapped out by. the. tion, Wis. ders. * gars4 Falls on the way -back.

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