Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Aug 1931, p. 4

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give us their orders by phone ina, mi~nute's time each day and that tiresome hour of marketilng is us.d for the more important and- profit- able tbings in 1f.. CORNED BEEF. Fancy boneles srump. . LAMB PATTIES. Fresh made to order.. SEPT.. 3 L. SIRLOIN STEAK. Our usuai excellent cuts . ..1b. HA.M SHANKS. OR BUTTS. 3 to 4 lbs,...... 32e 28c 48C 1 5C RICE FLAKES. Kellogg's ,I 5c cartons....2 for, 23c- OLIVE QI.L. Antonini. The finest imported. q+.$ 4 CHEESE. Swîss Gruyere in 6,,portionsý.... ý .box'35el COFEE. Sn 's fresh g round, excellent. 2 Ibs. 49c IVOPY SOAI' FLAKES. ~Regular 25c cartons .2 for 39c SWEET PICKLES. Fancy Midget Gherkins. lO-oz. jar ..................ea. 19c MAYONNAISE, Heiimann s Blue,,ibbon., 45c size .................Pt. 37c TOMATO JUICE. Shaver's fresh *pack Florida. No., 1 tins .............6 for 43c COCOA. Opler's rich cooking or beverage cocoa. 1/2 lb. l ic. ..................I1 lb. 19c SYRUP. Aunt Norma's absoiutely pure mapie in glass jars .. . . . . . . . .Pt. 53c TOILET PAPER.Sn W White crepe, 1,000 sheet rôlîs, in s'anitary wrapper.........6 .for 43c PINEAPPLE" FINGERS. Richeiieu's fanciest. in fuit quart glass jars,, Reguliariy 85c'..q. 69c TUNA FISH. Pliol'uth.,Rock, I lb. 'fiat tins.'of choice ýlight meat. Regularly 45c:.. .ea. 39c. FIIDAY and5ATIIRfAV ONI Y ton as Republican an emocratic candidates, respectively. Following a customi of the Illinois League of Wonien. Voters to make an analysis of the requirements of the office to, be fllled Mrs. Guy Tawney, assiistant chairman of the departmeit of efficiency in government, answered several questions submitted to her: "A judge in theý Suprenie- court Iserves a terni of nine years. No pèr- Ison is: eligible unless 'he is thirty years -old and shail have resided five years in the state next preceding the electiôn, and ýshall be a resident in the district froiniwbere he is elected.'1 "The ternis of the ,court are hield in Springfield. in -the. Suprenie Court building. The côistitution states that the court 'shalbave original juris- diction incases relating to the reven- ue, iii mandamusand habeas, cor-pus proceedings, and appe llat'e. jrisdic- tion in alf other cases.'" In the August National Municipal Review is a timelv statenient: 'Be- cause of a great lack of arithentic~ facts on the best.way to select judges. the Amierican Judicative society, hia.1 asked the National Municipal league to undertake a study on "Selection of Ju!diciary." .The commnitte eing fornied, with -Dean Justin *Miller of Duke University Scliool of Law, as chairman;> and for secretarýy, Edward W.'Martin, of the public affairs coni- niittee of the Union League club of Chicago. LOWEST SUMMER PFR PERMANEN1 Many wise women have discovered tlLe joy of one of these -permanenits- natural looking, big, loose, and lasting waves that as;ý sures you a lovely -coiffu re at al times. Frederic Vita Tonic. Eugene, LeMur, or Commerce, schéduled for Monday evening, September 14. -The meeting will be held in the Wilrnette Masonic temple at 1010 Central avenue. Major Schroeder is 'expected to be a big drawing card. He bas beei, giving a nuiber, of talks before chambers of commerce and. luncheon. club organizations on the north,'shore this summer. He. was chief test pi-. lot for the. government at' McCook field, -Dayton., O., during the. Word .war. Hi-s talk..will' include an ac- count of his1 ex periences there and of his fligbit to a: heigbt of more, than 38,000 feet, when he. penet'rated the. stratosphere for the, first time and nearly lost his life. in, the, attempt. HOLD, CLEAR ANCE SALE, A clearance sale- is1 now bei.ng. con- duicted at the" Terminal Hardware store, 411 Lindefi avenue, by the staff of 'clerks at the store. Harry Domn- bos,. owne r of the store, and, Mrs. Dornbos. are away on a brief -vaca- tion. The Harold Nelsons, wbo bave been niaking their home iin1 Evanston, have mnove. into the bouse formnerly occupiecl l)y thej. Walter Nelsons, at 815 ýElm- woo.d avenue. Miss Ruth Reeder of Milwaukee,. Ais., spent Iast week as the guest' of Mirs. F. F. Birr, 504 Mlaple avenue.' Mrs. Birr spent the precedin1g week with Miss Reeder in Milwaukee. wAVI CENTRAL AND, GROCERY PHONE 51Q H -WILMETTE MARKET PHONE 514, L2 L

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