Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Sep 1931, p. 12

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ni K - - fer onIy Your.'pantry àhelf wiIl wel- corne several quart» of thesej deliejous Star Brah'd Diii ]Pickles at this very low price.. Special this week only., SWANSDOWN'1 Coake Flour **C Encore Queen Oli'v'es JAR 27e ANN PAGE Grape Jelly è.16-0z. 15e NI B. C. Snc-wpeak CookieS. Lb. 19e ]Budweiser MaltFLVOEDCAN 43e FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. JONATHAN APPLES, 3 LBS. HEAD LETTUCE, SIZE .602 FOR 17c EACH tOc LB. 5 * SPECIAL FRIDA Y AND SA TURDA Y 1RESI DE .Marshmnallows 2 PKS 25c A& P Peanut Butter JA 1j~I7c M A S That are urate M ýEATý s'Every*piece of medtwe sdi ,must be good. Thdat's our promise dnd we live.up to it. repuatïton for scniolarsnîp, Pr theuirs timne, on September 17, day scholars *vill be accepted and wvi1l share ail the, exceptiQnal advantages of the schooi. The bunilding is surrounded by f orty- five acres of ground and the day schol- ars are to' have ail the privileges of the playgrouid,, tennis couirt,, aiid, gym-. nasium, including, directed play after school hours. The course of' study. is complete f rom the first grade. through the high sehool. North, Shore trains stop at a station on the, grounds where, pupils will be met. Mrs. Kart Pape, 804 Ridge*avenue, entertained lier bridge club \Wed- nesday evening, August 26. Beauty Ws Women. ýKnow Thi*s*, Many womèn believe that the purpose of face pow- der is to cover the skin. But women who are wise in the ways of beautyý know that the correct: function of face powder is to bring out the warm tones of the skin. That is why they use Cara Nome always - because the extra fineness of this smooth-spreading powder brings out the delicate skin tints, rather than masking theni beneath a thiek powder layer. Cara Nome lb. 23c ib 5 Iltïiiïu 1 I\r. and Mrs. Hierbert Dalinéke and aughIter, Fran ces,%-f 506 Park avenue, id Mr. and M.\rs. lien Hlens and daugh- r, Bettv, of MIS5 Maple avenue ate pending 1 se'véral weeks at Minong, Vis., as the 'guests of -Mr. alid Mrs. *bert Ottone, former residepits of Virinetka. Rates by Meter, Hour 24-HOUR SERkVICE il u SIZE 48 BANANAS. 931 GENUINE SPRING FodS.ie or Trip u e don this summer wlhere shie received a gold miedal for niaking the higbest rec- ord in the violin departmnent 'of the' fain- 'us Britishi school. MVrs. Brever early this sutrmer> conâ- pîleted a.year's course at Guildhall, hav- ing. taken -a leave 'of absence f rom her (Vork.iii Louisiana.. Prior to oigSouth, M'rs. Brewer achieved distinction. as a recitalist. She appeared f requently Ice- M fore niorth shore churcli and club groups. Com.mrentiingupon the latust distinction c¶nerred upon 'Mrs. Brewer, The En- terprise of, Natchitoches, La., says: "Not only the f riends of the recjp- ient, but the patrons ini general, who. like to knowv the ýrecognized, standing of their instructor, -%,ll1 be interes.ted, ini learning of a. g reat' honor that came' in the nature of a surprise. to Mrs. Valoma Brewer, head of the Vio- in department of L. S. N., C. (Lou isi- ana, State Normal college) ýmusical f ac- ulty. "This talented 'musician, dluring ber ycar's leave of* absence, ,spent. it l Europe studying under.ithe bes't mas- ters, afnd toôk a spédial course at the' Guildhall School of. Music in Lond".j. "Mrs. Brewer returned in time to resuime ber duties' at beginning of. sum- mer terni wholly unaware whenl pre- sented, ber certificate. before she left Ftngland that she wvas 'in fine for one, of the greatest honors that the school bestows, and the othegr day -was verý mucli surprised to receive a handsonie grold medal w~ith the statemnent that it' had been awarded lier for making- the highest record ini the Violin departmeuit of this well kno-wn 'school. "The Enterprise flot only coni ratu- lates Mfrs. Brewer, but . S: N. C'. for the hoiior woni bv this taleinted and splendid instructor whose ahility bas long been recognized in Natchitoches.- CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. H-erbert R. Dahliickte of 506 Park avenue, were guests of . honol- at. a suirprise partv Tuesdav cenig August .25. .The occasioin celebrated *their twventieth -wedding anniversary..

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