Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Sep 1931, p. 48

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Rates-l'n:ts a lInone pale. 26centaalUne Iay twopape E4ILLAL Aveg of lOve wordi, to the lige. No black face type used. 16% di.oeunt on ail «sb wltb oMier a.lvertlueuema swbem browght to> our nt .aS IN Central Ave., WfUmette, or $1 i nmel Ave., Wmetka. f0,ýInSrtioj; lasuified advertluemeiita will b. ne- Deadhnte fr nerins0eptedl up to Tuesday 9 o'clock for the wiL.mErTT LIFE oir ail three paperu; Wednesday 9 o'clock for the WINNETKCA TALIX and Thursday 5 oclock for the, GLàMNOI *NEwS Twiephones: Wilmette 4300, Winnnetka,200#, Oreenleaf 4300,or Sheidrake 5887. à LOST AND FOUND LOST GREEN SHAEFFERe PEN IN Wilmnette Po-st office Thursday. Nanfie Laura D. Henple engraved.,on bar- rml A .ýgift, reward. Ph. Winnetka. 3433. 2LTNIS-lItp LOST - BLACK SILK SUIT JACKET, white trim, f rom car. not far from Episcopal Church Sunday Aug. 9Crd. Cal Long beach 3169.' 2LTN18-1ltp LOST-WHITE GOL.) AND PLATI- num arv pin. Cali Wilmette 1030 on fflday or late%?. 2ÉL8-1tc S UILDINQ AND CONTWACTING CARI, BENGSTOIi CARPENTER AND BUJLDER RUMODELING AND REPAIRING PHONE WINNETKA 2480 S9T444-tfc 9 BUSINESS SERVICE PATENTS Bell your patent or Invention by exhib- Ritng your model or drawlng at the. Second and Greater INTERNATION- AL PATENT EXPOSITION, <CHICA- GO. TIhousands of manufacturera and patenit buyers WillI inspe>ct new de- vic~1es and patents for; marketing.. Vr low rates. If you have no mode, * drawings and descrIption will do. Send for free pamphlet. B. Hamilton Edison, Managing Dfrector, Interna- tional Patent Exposition. Merehan- dise Mart, CHICAGO. 9L18-ltp LADIES GARMENTS EXPERTL'Y RE- ,nodeled and repaired. 32il 1 Mapie Ave., Wlmette. 'Tel..IVilmette 3127.. 9LTN18-ltc AU Kinds of Carpenter Work Dune JOHN BOBSCII Ph. Wilinette 2165 9LTN$6-tfe ]EXPERT .DRESSMAKEIt AND X4 PAINTrinS AND SECOBAi§NS P A IN T ING, DZCORATINO AND paper hanging. Calcimnining'2 cents per sq. It. Eloor waxing and -white washing basemen.L Call Wilmette 4497. 24L18-ltpl iCOACII ,(DALMATION) DOGSî AND wire haired fox terriers, fNr- sale chea p. Exceptiorially fIne. Univeraity 8396. 26LTNIS-lte 31-A TRANSPORTATION COLLEGE SE~NIOR WANTS AUTO. trans. East about Sept. 'IS. Will share exp nses. Phone Winnetka 918. 31-ALTNIS-Iti) 38 TYPE WUITERS WILL PAY $15 CASH FOR MODERN portable typewriter, in, A-i condition. Ph. Wilniette 2040., 32LTN18-ltp 33 WEARING APPAREL BOYS DARK B3LUE SUIT WITH 2 PR. long trousers. Size 17. Tel. Wilmette 4643. 33LTN"18-1tQc FOR ;SALE GIRL'S RACOON COAT at reaesonable price; good conditionl. Cail Wllmette 610. 33LTN18-Ilp LOANS TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Make and buy lst and 2nd mortgages. EVANSTON BOND & MTG. CO. 018 Grove st. Greenloaf 5600 41i SITUATION WANTED-FEMAL9 EXPE] A better > e North Shi IReferences 'ED HELP it service for th, 4 No. Shore t>U1L15 41LTN18-1tc WANTED - WASHINOS l'o DO AT home or washing, ironling or cleaning by the day. Experienced white womafl. Best refer. Ph. Wilmette 1987. WANTED )WAÉHING IRONING-AND cleani ng ,by *the -day. Expeenced Scandînavian woman., Ph. Wilmette 481. 41LTN18-îflc DAY WOtK-CLE,&NING- COOKING and laundry by fast worker. Best reference. Ph . University 2945. * 4iLTN18-ltp, COMPETENT WOMAN WOU'LD, LIKE Monday for. laundry. Also has Friday and, Sat. vacant. Very good clea ner. Ph. Kenlwoôrth ý2246. 41LTN18-înc WOMAN 'TN BLAUND RY WORK washinlg, cleaning or ironlng Tuesday and Wednesday. Good reference. Ph. Wilimette, 2220. 41LTN18-lnc EFýXPERIFÊNCED WOMAN 'WANTS laundry 'or cleaning, Mondayg 'and ,Thursdayvs., Cali, Wilmette 4288 after 5:30.41LTNI8-lnc CARE -0F HIIDRE DYH1101R, DAV or evenilng. Extper. ièrsôn. Phone Winnetka 1440 mornings. 41LTN18-lti) EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS general housework. good cook. N. S. reference. Ph. University 8679. 41LTN18-ltp EXPERIENCED WHITE WO'MAN, wants day wo rk, also laundry work to take home. Will. call for and de- liver. Ph.. Wilmette .4288. 41LTN1-ltp CAPABLE WOMeAN WANTS WORIK. Laundry or cooklng .by the day. Rea- sonabfr, Ref.' Write B-172, Box 4(l COLORED. GIRL. EXPER. COOK AND general work, Neat worker. 7 years. N. S. ref. Phone University 9261. 41LTL'X1-Itp GERMAN GIRL WANTS NURSE-- maid position speaks French. Excel- lent ref. Pauline's, Winnetka 2662. * *41LTN18-ltc ALL KINDS 0F DAY WR X celuding laundry and cooking by' ex- perienced person. Ph. Winnetka~ 2645 or 910. 4ILTN18-lte SIT. WTD.-OCENZERAL HOUSEWORK or care for children. N. S. ref. Cal. Wllmette 8fi8. 4IlLTNI8-liie IXP. WHITE (GIRL VVANTS GEN- seri vng aa Kw - -è;tusr enced young man. Will work steady. Ph. Winfletka 1397. 42tTN18-1ne YOU.NG HUNGARIAN MIAN WISHES position as gardener and houseman., By dayo'r week; can drive car. Ask for Weinhart, Ph. Wilmette 2567. 42LTN18-lne MAN WANTS"POSITION AS HOUSE- mnan, gardener, can drive. References. Write B-171, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 42L18-ltp. WANTED HA17LING OR ANYTHING in Une of Freigbt, ]Expressior,,Bag- gage. Jacks Express. Ph, Wilmette 5069.42LTN8-1nc RELIABLE WIIITE MAN WANTS cleaning, window washing, gardening or any odJobs.. Ph, Wdlmette 3254. 42LTN18-liif YOUNG FILIPINO WUITH 2 YEARS' exper. butter, driver, houseman. Good N. -S. ref. Phone Lakeview 1511. 42LTN18-ltIp COLORED MAN. WISHES POSITION as butter, housemnan or chauffeur; can do cooking. N. S. referenes. Ph. lKen- lworth 4778. 42LTN184tp YOUNG NORWEGIAN WA-NTS GAR- den work, house, work or any, odd. jobs. Cood refeirnce. .Ph. Wirjnietka 2477. 42LTN1-lnc FIRST CLASS BTLPR-CHAUIF- feur wants position. Geimran 32. Cali Helnz, Dlversey 10491. 42LTNlý-1tIi EXPERIENCED GARDENER WANTS. work., North Shore Reference. CaIl> wilrnette 3073. 42LTN1-lnc EXPERIENCED MAN, WASH WIN- dows. care of lawns, garden work, etc., Winnetka 1552. 42LTN1.8-ltiî YOUNG PILIPINO, 3 YEARS'. EXPEP. butler, cook and housenian. Good ref. Phone Lake View 1511. 42LTN18-Itip EXPERIENCED GARDENER WISHES .work by hour or day.. Ph. Wilniette 1691. 42LTN19-lncý 43 SIT. WTrD.-MALE AND FEÉMALE COUiPLES Swedish-neat reflned ftniehed couple Mi. A41 Butlerý-Houseman-Chauffeur-Wýi fe excellent Cook. First class No. Shore ref. 4 other excellent couples Mith, goodç Paulines Emrp. Agenciesq 748 Elft St.* -Winhetka -2662 4 No. Shore Office . NS.S.- [URSE ISHES Wilmette Ion or care ut COOK AN Cook. Best, refer- work t 1146. Pauline's, -EXPERIENCEU )IULD LIKE WASE-- work; washing ie or day work. Ph. Ref. Ph, Wl! 790. 41LTN18-flnc - 4;9 SITUATE< 'OND) MAID WANT >.Excellent ref. EXPER. GElI tka 2662. ,' .ý,houseman, ai 41LTN18-ltc Phone, Winn. WANTED - WHITE PROTESTANT WISIIES HUtE- mald for general hoizse work. -Mus" ndry by day. Ph. WiI- ho good cook. B.efer. Ph. Wlnnetka 4.lLTN1S-1nc 1523. 44LTN18-lte WOMAN WANTS GERMAlN, GENERAL HOUSE WORK, t roning and cleanlng. good cook, washing and ironing ln- nette 480. 41L'N'18-lne cluded. $15. ref. Phone Glencoe 684. W WANTUD--MALE * 4LN8lt WOMAN FOR HOUSE WORK. AFT- - MA-&N CHAUFFEUR, embcone 1-6 and one evening each, Igardener. N. S. ref. week. Call nnetka 3676. 2737., 42L T1-ltp *44LTN18-ltp -1 m Rla ,EDUCA' on -asc ypersn. Ph. Keni ý, 1 -

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