'Three Sc7ore a':d l'en," Mhis portrait of Williami A. Dyche, business manager of Northcstcii i uivcrsity,, won t te aboz'e bronze nmedal as' ole of thefinist photograplis showni at t/w recent interntational photographe rs' exhibit at Cedtar P'oint, O, It is the. work of J. D. Tolo f, photographer, at Davis Strect, 1,vanstoni. Teo- other.T olofif entries zwere awvarded honorable mention. Annourice Price Cuts on Frigidaire Units Climaxing a two montbs' celebra-. tion of its fteenth anniversary jubilee, Frigidaire corporation an- nounced. general price cuts on its * household and commercial refrigerat- ing equiprnent, at a. meeting held at tbe Hotcl' Knickerbocker, Cbicago, Septemiber 1. A liighly satisfactory volume of business plus lo%'er ~prices * of raw miate riail have mnade the re,-, ductions.possile, accor(lihg to 1-. E. ILevy, préýiàeîit of Stover comnpany, Chicago Frigidaire. distributors.. Prices of ciglît,. porcelain tfinislickd bousehold iodels, 10 . apartinent bouse «cabinets, 26 licavy duty coiun mercial conipressors, 83 cooling couls, 12 ice creain cabinet uniits anud two types of rooin coolers are affected. Charlie Ruggles Frolies to Stardom in Movies The exception'ally fine work wbich Charlie Ruggles bas. donc ini a number of Paramiount pictures bias won i hm the enviable rank 'of star Nitli that company. His fiust starring p'roductiôn Sis "The Girl Habit," which is shoNving at tbe Teatro del Lago on Fri- (kly and Saturday, Sep- tenîber .4 andl S. Ruggles miade his talkic debuit ini Ruglcs"Gentlemien of the Prc'ss." as the, iiiorablc repoirter wlio ùeyer, seetned to knoý\ wluat papér lie .was w orking for. Othcr filins in wvich lie turne(l in <odles of gigglcs and slathers of lauglis were "Her .Wedding Nigbt," dent nurses, it is reported by Mis Elizabeth Odeil, director. Included among the new students are sixteen who have already corn- pléted ',two years of. college work .and wil take the combifted .nuràing and. college course. :The class bas been drawn principally from Illinois and its neigbboring states b ut ba s en- rolled also one student fromn Califor-. nia and another from M4ontana.. Ini charge of instructioni of tbe nurses thére will, be virtually the same faculty as, last year. Miss Là-. verneè Thompson, wbo left in Feb- maàry to study at Columbia uni»ër- sity. and to %pend the summner 'in travel abroad, bas.returned and will again teach science subjects. Ivr. and Mrs. Hughston M. MeBain, 705- Rogers avenue,- Kenilworth. are leaving Saturday, September 5, to mo-- tôr to. Port. Arthur, Canada. Tbey wvil be gone a week. Miss Margaret Oison of Freeport was the guest of Miss Helen Ratb.bone ci 523 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth for ten days. She returned to ber borne last week. -0- *Mrs. I. K. Stover of 1044 Asbland avenue gave a luncbeon for eigbt friends at Skokie Country club last Tbursday in honor of ber mother, Mrs. Henry M. Allen of Troy, Ohio. 0o Mrs. Poster Branson and dauighter , Dorcas,. 817 Central avenue,, have re- turined f rm a ten days' vacation in. the Black, his in South Dakota. They stayed at Pierre lodge at Hisega. 0o Miss Florence Branson, daugbter of *Mr., and Mrs. Poster Branson, 817 Central avenue, retur,îcd last week f romi Boston, Mass., wherc she bas spent the summer. Merchandise Mart during September 14-27 when the second International Patent Exposition is in progreui. "Contrary to Raturai uine -of thougbt seems to be a f ad with mtany an inventive niid,',' Harry G. Green, sponsor of, the second international patent expositinsidtis week, "as many inventions. which will be dis- played at -the patent. exposition dis.- close that: some inventors, have acbieved surprising resuflts in fields f ar removed froin their.vocations., "Among .,thée xtraordinary, itemis wbich will be shown at tbe M erchan- lock whosesponsor is a convict now der puif invented by a general, a batik- lock whose .sponsor is a convict niow serving in a state penitentiary, and a reversible hat for womnen which, bas been invented.,by a retired cattieman. "Stili other 'contrary' oddities Wbich .will be exhibited at the second inter- national patent exposition include a basebail gaine for parlor amusement which has heen' perfected by a bed- ridden wolnan w.elI up in lier sixties, Miss Frances Flentye, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Flentye, 729 Lake avenue, returned last week f rom Mid- dlebury, Vt., where she attended the' Spanish school. BOWLING Th icy il pns]o Annogncmnt. Later REAL ESTATE LOANS Have funds to loan on North Shore residential proj>erty at rea- sonable rates. See us on renewalm. Also znortgages for saie. E. GPau% g&C. 10 S. iLa Salle &L . PWSkU. 7749 Evau«st'on Business CoRegeN h * t Announce a change in then. operatiouis in, the Villages of Wim.tte and Kenilworth: they are now mainig mllivries from their platform in North Evanston with their own trucks twice daily. For packup servie cal-Wiluiette 4628. For your couvenîence, tie. oUlces at the C. &k N., W. Ny. stations yuil reééipt for outbound shipm.nts as heretofor.