Speaking with the earnestness of a' -mian 'who bas lon.g and faithfully stu- died a problem, Carbon P. Dubbs ' pres- ident .of the Village of Wilniette, re- Iinquishied bis many and varied official duties long enough to give a repre- *sentative of WiLmETTE LiPe a state- ment on- the. question, of. a municipal w'aterworks for the Village of Wil7- mette. ~For the ýpast, several -years, the Vil- lage of'Minmette has been purchasing ats water f rom E"anston., Here's wvhat President C. P. Dubbs of Wilmette had to say about the present situation.: Busy TFact-Finding *"lu regard to the water question, al *the time possible is being devoted to oltaining the facts. and this wvill take * qulite. sorne time.. Bear in mind that * Our greatest obligation i.s ýte be very sure andl accurate as tp the cos.t. etc..ý befor.e advising the people. 'T"I cap imagine ne greater humnilia-., tien te ourselves than to recomnmend te the people ail unwise expenditure. "At thiis lime 1 can (lefiitelv - state t bat- for the nione-v we pat Evatistôn for watcr,' we caîî huid and operate. Our own water works and have quit.e a bUbstantial suin i etoney left over. No Tax on PopI * This mneans that there will' be net (eecenit f tax levied on the people f Or thec wateÈ NNerks. ."Frui the figure:s1I gave in epenl in1eetinig sonie timie lack, which figures -Were furnishied nie by Eanstoti as te the co-st of operating the water works alid'amnortizing it, It is evident that in * the past ytears we hiave paid Evântn a profit on the -water, more than spffi-. 'dent te pay .f4rr their \wa.ter- works. * vanstoii'spresent proposalI means .thal 'v contin1e te pay tor their \waiý- ~~ekand ;t is 0ois that the ece- .nnial -thing te, do is to q(uiît pavinig for their, m-ater xvorkS and, te build on-e Of our own w-itl this nenev., 'Whiile there is a, great m nass. ef * (etail yet te be attended te. in this matter, just as seexn as Nve can coin- p lefe tt orpreliniiniarv studv. wewill. taike tlie'proper steps q'te get the qjues- * flui n> the hands ôf the people. Pay (roui Revenue * "I might --,a that it is propose(],te bifd the water. works -under the ne lan, which nrovidp's tT1 ha ,r -11c", na .ýIyu ruui, lizeguarus, who are stuçients in the School of Medi- cine, Northvestern university, made several rescues during the' season. Atte.ùdance at the beach wvas f ree to Keiiilworth residents antd their guests.. The beach cofinmittee1 of the Keni!- worth club consists of the -followi'ng meçmbers:-Stanley. Knight, ,chairman: Herbert Taylor, David Sanders and John Wilds. Community House Facts Are No' Being Pondered M embers of the. various cemmittees' ini the Wilmette Community Houise as- * sociation, Aider Tighe, chairm1an, are poring over answers to questionnaires .which they have sentto municipalities whichi have -con1nunity centers. The facts revealed in these replieswil' e elfered, the publié at.'an openi meeting to be liel in October.ý The best possible type et 'c ommunnty bouse for Wil'mette is tbe objective of the local association. Several of the coinmittee members hiave heen 1'lspecting commiunity hiou-ses int Wnwhiie taking vacation trips. Police, Pire Chièfs to 'Attend -Convenitions WIimette is- te be represented at theý national convention of police chiefs ini Orlandlo, FIa., and at the national mieet of fire chief s in Havana, Cuiba. The Village board at its regular mecet- ing- Tinesdav evening of tihis wveek vdted te appropriate $100 to send Henrv Brautigarn, Wihnette chief nof Dnn1re the me11etinlg in Havania. M.and 'Mfr s. W. K. Yates and .children. WT.N K., Jr., Naialie, ,ano Nyhlla Betli, 1131 Ashiland. avenue , returned Saturdavafter spe.nding 'a weel< at' Oxfiord *ndLake Tomia- hawvk, Wis. BOWLINGI The AlIeys wilI Open Soon A nounceme,,t Later MIALLO RY. HATS ew,&0helo>nq-wani.d &ottai:fima your lonq- a natloùally f amous Mallory i the puice of. "go-gel-at - repulalion" hais. A» UPWARD Sox Ties. Wool: Knikkrs Phone Wtt. 2655 W. Doliver Sweaters Woirthe'n 's Handkerchiefs First Naft'IIa.nk Building. Going AwaU 9 LABOR DAYI )on ' time! Tennirs Bal.s andi -Racquets OUR REGUI.AR $10 PERMANENT NQW ALBRIGHT BEAUTY SHOP -Serving North I 67Wimet.Avnu Wlmft 417Wilmette and Central1 Aves. ur more th<in 26 Years, Phonés:- Wil. 400401 overlook these essentials to a good- ýr Balis I- ~ .. 67,.Wilmëtfe.. Avenue Wilimeffe 4517