Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Sep 1931, p. 5

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Wilrette and Kenilworth to get school- niindecl once more, On Monday morning, September 14, at 9 o'clock, classes in the grades and kindergarten will open. Interesting pro- jects will be started at once so, that children 1May get the -most. out -of the comn g school ,year.,.Pupils Who miss *the first1day will be just that far be- hind the rest of the cass. *lu order that the teachers, too, may hecome school-minided as the occasion demands, favulty vmeetings bave, been scheduled. J. R. Harper, superintendent of the Wilîneite scboôls, will preside over' a meeting; of ail Wilmette school teachers 1 at tlhe Stolp school library on Saturdav afterinooi, Septeniber 12, at 2:-30. E. L.* Nygaard, superintendenit of the Keo1il%£-orth school systeni will meet al Keniiworth teachers at. the' Sears school Saturday afternoon, September. 12. lnf ormation with regard to- registra - tion of -new pupils may, be obtained :'f rom the, Wilrnete school office,. Tenth. aVenute, phn Wilmette, 1618,; or fro>m the Kenilworth school office, Joseph -Sar school, phone Kenlilworth 1306. 'P. T. A.1t0 Conduct Sale of .Used Books, Ant opportunity to obtain school bo(oks at a reduced cost is afforded by theli Central-Laurel Parenit-Teacher as- sociation which, on Friday- and 'Satur- daY mornings of thi1s. week, is conduct- iii-g a sale of used text books required in the \Wilmette schools..'The sale, will be held in the basernent of the Central. * school, it is announced. 'Books to bc soldhave beeit 1rovided 1w school children wlîo. léf t the books *with the P. T. A. at the close of school- * last June. Children having books thatý are in good condition are invited to place thein o n sale. * inform-ation înav be ohtainied by corn- ' iiicatinig With Mrs. J. Nye Macalis- ter. 918 Ashland avenue. Wilmette Residents RetrnFrom Abroad 11Mr. and Mirs. Louis Becker have iust The programs for the f ail and win- ter are to be discussed and airanged at tlîis, meeting, it is explained. The niembership of the club includes aIl property. owners. and residents in the, district nortb of Lake avenue and westÔofRidýt'f.ge road. The object of the club is- to promote, and develop coin- munity. wel f are. Residents in the above described area, not pet affiliated wîth the club, are extended :a . cordial invitation to theý meeting next. Friday evening, ità is an- nounced. Walton, Kegley A re Marshal'se Partners Benjamin, H. Mars hall of Wilmette, nationally known architect, ainnounced recently that Lewis. B. NNaltoli ian d Frank. T. Kegley, who have been asso-* ciated iwith hîrn for many years, h ave been made, partners with him in a new- 13' formed firm known as "The Ben- jamin H. Marshall comnpany. architects," whiclh -vll 'continue t6 practice archi- tecture, In the W'ilmiette studio -of Mr. Marshall. Mr. \Valtoni, 848 Ash street, Winniet- ka, who was graduated f romn the Uni- versityv of Pennsylvania ini 1911, lias been with Mr. Marshall ever silice that date. Mr.,.Kegley, who lives at 1631 Dato avenue, Highland Park, is a graduate of the -University of Illinois, class of '1908. He practjced. architecture inde- pendently for. ten years in Los Angeles and came with Mr. Marsl all in 1921. when the f amous studio was erected overlooktnâg Wilmette harbor. Recommend Preparation of Ordinance on Signs TheWilmette Village board reconi- irrnended oii Tuesiay that its- 'judiciary committee prepare a revised ordinance- to the eiffect that unsîghtly advertisinîg signis he removed and that'. the orwi- nance be written to place responsibility for the proper care of, ail signls. The ordinance regarding the - adver- tisîng signs was originally recommeîîded bv -the' Streets and Allevs cominiitiee, have a baby carniage 'and some clothing for children. Let us know what you hiave to 'give and we will send for theni. Mrs. Henry Cutler, chairmon. INote:Èecoinorny. Shop la by the. Womani's club of Proceedls go, to charlty. The1 46, the il conducted Legion Women, in. Plans..for Musical Show The American Legion auxiliary, Post No. 46, has.completed arrangements. for, the stàging of. "Rainbow of the Rio Grande," described as a local talent mu-_ sical cornedy, at the W-%onin's club au-. ditorium October 12 and 13.-* The production %vill'be presented, by a cast of many WVilmhette residents ýbefore a hackground ýof pretty girls, aîppearing in the gorgeous costutne array. As a special added attraction, one hundred Wilrnette chiidren- will take part in a miniature wedding preceding the regular performance, which will be called "The Wedding of, the Little Doll." In presenting this double attraction the Lýegion auxiliary plans to interest the entire conimunity in the project and il so doing, hopes to make it the out- standing theatrical event of hie season, it is explained.. Thieves Rob Birthday 'Bank at M. E. Church Thieves Iast Sunday night entered the Wilmette Parish Methodist churcb anîd filched a hirthday batik belonging to thec Junior department of the church school. titrance to the building was gained through. a basernent window and. the culprits j immnied several 'doors and broke .iuruiture ini the course of theïr maàraudinig. hIt as explainied at.the church offices, that. no considerable, anîounit of monev, is, ever. left. at the chturch since funds froun collections are invariahly deposited in ýthe bank im- M ediately nt the close of. church services. '>1 UineCU Iea. iC e meLIIIKwin DeUcaneaV to order, at 8 o'clock a t %t. Augustine's church ciubliouse, on, Winette avenue. The f eatureg of the meetipig will be the .annual. election of officers and an adress hy Capt., John W.- Gorby, o "A Century of Progress," the 1933. World's Fair. EIect00 rs The followivng o fficers have been pro- posed by the nominating committee: Commander ....... George E. Leal Vice-Commnander, David C, Leach or 0., G. Daily. Finance Officer Hl. L. .Fleàtye, Jr. Sergeant-atý-Arms .....Willam J. 'Bennee. Directôrs,' D. J. L. Walthîer and J.S. Barcus. Delegates to Cook Coulity council, Fred V. Lippenand H. O. Mohr. Nominations in addition to the above, may be made by any five members of the potand must be submitted to the post adjutant, in w'riting, before Sep- tember 8. Hear About Fair Following the election, the post wilI be addressed by Capt. Johîx W. Gorby, of "A Century of Progress."' Capt'. Gorby bas a long record of service in the legion, being past commander of Lake Forest post. He was actively en- gaged ini the Iegion's $5,000,000 endow- ment f und campaign several years ago, and was the legion's first National Director of Child Welfare, organizig this, work in every state ini the union. Since December 1,' 1930, he has been a member of the staff of "A Certtury of Progress," in charge of railroad and 'marine exhibits. Al, ex-service. men of WVilmette and vîrîntity, whether members of the post or not, are cordially invited to be the guests of Wilmette post: at this meet- ing. Win Fourth Place The Wilmettè Post Drum anîd Bugle Corps emerged with flying colors f rom the state convention, held at Peoria August 30 and 31. In the' competition, the corps took fourth place out 'of about pointment. HOME.FROM CANADA AT SHIAWNEE Hlerbert Coppel and Leonard Kraft Lunchecon was served and twenty ta- of 'Wilmette bave returned 'from theirI bIcs of progressive bridge were played five-week trip in Canada. They report Partner's day at Shawnee, countr-y club a delightful time can1oeing, camping Monday af ternoon. and. fishing. 1 BEGINS lU opened the régular ni Wilmette Village board on T1'usday Inight, Sep Wilmnette Village hall. , pastor of the- riodist church. teeting of the ,d with prayer ptember 1, at

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