Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Sep 1931, p. 8

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I ails i eneered inla ànbe Japanese woods, waxed. IIpand-pitinted lnsecenes or figures of your sectlofl. I LINH»ARDVàWNEFM N Phome WûMette 5131 P. 0. Box 153 mat Sitrieks INFANTS' FLANNELETTE KIMONOS and SLIPS of goiod quaàlty flannel in pink or blue t i t o................. 0.V RECEl VINO BLANK-. ETS in pink or blue plaid, at, pair "TUC IAiiïtàtractive assort- ment ýof ALL WOOL ISHAWLS at $1Ito$2*95 HAND MADE DRESSES White embroidered in pink or blue also solid pink and blue. $1 to $L19 5 COATS of Capitol silk, good quality very special at Hoffmnn-i Drothers Ridge mnd WiImetf venues Phon. wiIm.ftt.427:1 dren present, also the healtfl nurse Mrs. Bliss, and several members of the Health Center board who sup- plied transportation and stayed to enjoy the picnic luncb. Dio not forget that tbe Infant Wel,- fare ciinic, under the direction' of a wel ifome pediatrician, is con- ducted from, 2 to 4 o'clock Wedneb- day afternoons excepting the first Wednesday of tbe 'montb. -Tbe. oh- ject of tbis clinic is to kecep, babies well 'and wbeni necessary refer tbem to the attention of a private physician. On the first Wednesday afternoon' of the montb from 2 to 4 o'clock a pre-scbool clinic is' conducted for, cbildren over 2 and, under, 6 years of age. Tbe Dental cl inlic will be conducted from .9 to 12. Friday mornings. Date of opening clinic.,to be annouticed. George Ward Springer,. 724 Forest avenue, who with bis daugbters, Win- okfle and Jaine; spent the rnontb of Auzust on tbe I. X. L. ranch in WVvo- ming, has returned home. Jane is Ieaving next Monday for Columnbia, m o., wbere sbe will enter Stephens college as a junior. * -o-- A daughter, Suzanne Ruth, was born on Tbursday, September '3, to Mr. and Mrs. Bettîn Stalling of 240 Wood co,,rt. The baby was bori at St. Francis hos- Tital. Th e OK b oks 1iuWnslnip supervisor'3 and treasurer, Mirs. Gertrude M. Thurston, were audited and balanced. The expenditures f rom the township fund during the first six montbq of the year *were $2,94317, leaving a balance on hand of $,077.09. The six montbs' e xpeniditures froni the road and bridge fund* amounted to $5,646.02, in which there is a bal- ance of $17,013.31. Tbe bôardý of auditors comprises the supervisor, Mrs.. Gertrude M. Thurston, the township clerk, Mrs Mar garet S. Pierson, and the ive justices of tbe peace in the township., Mrs. Pierson, because of. illness, was unable to attend the meeting T1uesday evening. GUEST FROM N. D. Mrs. AIlfred P. LaRocque of Sanish, N. JE), is visiting ber mother, Mrs. Lil- liati D. Notham, 2247 Lakeý avenue, Wilmette. She w;ill spend% tbe winter mith- ber aunt in Libertyville. Mrs. Nortbam gave a dinner for ber daugh- ter last Thursday, and Mrs. Laeocque's sister, Mrs. L. B. Hainmond, 1427 Scott avenu~e, Winnetka, also entertained for lier. The Amierican Legion auxiliary,. Wilmette Post numpber 46, will bold. its-annual-i metinig Monday ev ening, September 14, at 8 o'clock, at St. Au- gustine's club bouse. Business will, include tbe annual reports of officers, and committee chairmen andreports of convention delegates.. "RON'S MARKET'. Ridge Avenue, Wilm.tte Phones - Wilni.tte 2280SE1-152 k I Bay it here for less BUTTER, Brick or RoDa. lb .... 5e, STRICTLY FIRESH, EGGS, dosý...... ... 32 e POItK LOIN ROAST. - 8 lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Z When t corne froui "P..r&s's jts the bet We Deliver t. Wihn.tte, Keilwortl,, Wilm.tka, Hubliard Woods, Glene.e I~I I 'I f i I t

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